aegypti sex chromosomes.Mitochondria are essential organelles that provide energy for mammalian cells and participate in multiple functions, such as signal transduction, cellular differentiation, and regulation of apoptosis. Compared with the mitochondria in somatic cells, oocyte mitochondria have an additional level of importance since they are required for germ cell maturation, dysfunction in which can lead to severe inherited disorders. Thus, a systematic proteomic profile of oocyte mitochondria is urgently needed to support the basic and clinical research, but the acquisition of such a profile has been hindered by the rarity of oocyte samples and technical challenges associated with capturing mitochondrial proteins from live oocytes. Here, in this work, using proximity labeling proteomics, we established a mitochondria-specific ascorbate peroxidase (APEX2) reaction in live GV-stage mouse oocytes and identified a total of 158 proteins in oocyte mitochondria. This proteome includes intrinsic mitochondrial structural and functional components involved in processes associated with "cellular respiration", "ATP metabolism", "mitochondrial transport", etc. In addition, mitochondrial proteome capture after oocyte exposure to the antitumor chemotherapeutic cisplatin revealed differential changes in the abundance of several oocyte-specific mitochondrial proteins. Our study provides the first description of a mammalian oocyte mitochondrial proteome of which we are aware, and further illustrates the dynamic shifts in protein abundance associated with chemotherapeutic agents.Targeting autophagy might be a promising anticancer strategy; however, the dual roles of autophagy in cancer development and malignancy remain unclear. NSCLC (non-small cell lung cancer) cells harbour high levels of SQSTM1 (sequestosome 1), the autophagy receptor that is critical for the dual roles of autophagy. Therefore, mechanistic insights into SQSTM1 modulation may point towards better approaches to treat NSCLC. Herein, we used multiple autophagy flux models and autophagy readouts to show that aldo-keto reductase family 1 member C1 (AKR1C1), which is highly expressed in NSCLC, promotes autophagy by directly binding to SQSTM1 in a catalytic-independent manner. This interaction may be strengthened by reactive oxygen species (ROS), important autophagy inducers. Further mechanistic research demonstrated that AKR1C1 interacts with SQSTM1 to augment SQSTM1 oligomerization, contributing to the SQSTM1 affinity for binding cargo. Collectively, our data reveal a catalytic-independent role of AKR1C1 for interacting with SQSTM1 and promoting autophagy. All these findings not only reveal a novel functional role of AKR1C1 in the autophagy process but also indicate that modulation of the AKR1C1-SQSTM1 interaction may be a new strategy for targeting autophagy.The classification of adenohypophysial neoplasms as "pituitary neuroendocrine tumors" (PitNETs) was proposed in 2017 to reflect their characteristics as epithelial neuroendocrine neoplasms with a spectrum of clinical behaviors ranging from small indolent lesions to large, locally invasive, unresectable tumors. Tumor growth and hormone hypersecretion cause significant morbidity and mortality in a subset of patients. The proposal was endorsed by a WHO working group that sought to provide a unified approach to neuroendocrine neoplasia in all body sites. We review the features that are characteristic of neuroendocrine cells, the epidemiology and prognosis of these tumors, as well as further refinements in terms used for other pituitary tumors to ensure consistency with the WHO framework. The intense study of PitNETs has provided information about the importance of cellular differentiation in tumor prognosis as a model for neuroendocrine tumors in different locations.Herein we evaluated a series of 21 embryonal rhabdomyosarcomas of the uterine corpus (ucERMS), a rare neoplasm, to characterize their morphology, genomics, and behavior. Patients ranged from 27 to 73 (median 52) years and tumors from 4 to 15 (median 9) cm, with extrauterine disease noted in two. Follow-up (median 16 months) was available for 14/21 patients; nine were alive and well, four died of disease, and one died from other causes. Most tumors (16/21) showed predominantly classic morphology, comprised of alternating hyper- and hypocellular areas of primitive small cells and differentiating rhabdomyoblasts in a loose myxoid/edematous stroma. A cambium layer was noted in all; seven had heterologous elements (six with fetal-type cartilage) and eight displayed focal anaplasia. The remaining five neoplasms showed only a minor component (≤20%) of classic morphology, with anaplasia noted in four and tumor cell necrosis in three. The most frequent mutations detected were in DICER1 (14/21), TP53 (7/20), PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway (7/20), and KRAS/NRAS (5/20). Copy-number alterations were present in 10/19 tumors. Overall, 8/14 DICER1-associated ucERMS showed concurrent loss of function and hotspot mutations in DICER1, which is a feature more likely to be seen in tumors associated with DICER1 syndrome. Germline data were available for two patients, both DICER1 wild type (one with concurrent loss of function and hotspot alterations). DICER1-associated ucERMS were more likely to show a classic histological appearance including heterologous elements than DICER1-independent tumors. No differences in survival were noted between the two groups, but both patients with extrauterine disease at diagnosis and two with recurrences died from disease. As no patients had a known personal or family history of DICER1 syndrome, we favor most DICER1-associated ucERMS to be sporadic.The use of immunohistochemistry in the reporting of prostate biopsies is an important adjunct when the diagnosis is not definite on haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) morphology alone. The process is however inherently inefficient with delays while waiting for pathologist review to make the request and duplicated effort reviewing a case more than once. In this study, we aimed to capture the workflow implications of immunohistochemistry requests and demonstrate a novel artificial intelligence tool to identify cases in which immunohistochemistry (IHC) is required and generate an automated request. We conducted audits of the workflow for prostate biopsies in order to understand the potential implications of automated immunohistochemistry requesting and collected prospective cases to train a deep neural network algorithm to detect tissue regions that presented ambiguous morphology on whole slide images. These ambiguous foci were selected on the basis of the pathologist requesting immunohistochemistry to aid diagnosis. A gradient boosted trees classifier was then used to make a slide-level prediction based on the outputs of the neural network prediction.