stralian National Health and Medical Research Council.Cyclic dinucleotide (cdN) second messengers are essential for bacteria to sense and adapt to their environment. These signals were first discovered with the identification of 3'-5', 3'-5' cyclic di-GMP (c-di-GMP) in 1987, a second messenger that is now known to be the linchpin signaling pathway modulating bacterial motility and biofilm formation. In the past 15 years, three more cdNs were uncovered 3'-5', 3'-5' cyclic di-AMP (c-di-AMP) and 3'-5', 3'-5' cyclic GMP-AMP (3',3' cGAMP) in bacteria and 2'-5', 3'-5' cyclic GMP-AMP (2',3' cGAMP) in eukaryotes. We now appreciate that bacteria can synthesize many varieties of cdNs from every ribonucleotide, and even cyclic trinucleotide (ctN) second messengers have been discovered. Here we highlight our current understanding of c-di-GMP and c-di-AMP in bacterial physiology and focus on recent advances in 3',3' cGAMP signaling effectors, its role in bacterial phage response, and the diversity of its synthase family.We present a case of undifferentiated embryonal sarcoma of the liver (UES), an uncommon malignant mesenchymal tumor that occurs predominately in children and is very rarely seen in adults. Our patient is a 32-year-old pregnant female without significant past medical history, who presented to the emergency department with worsening abdominal pain and a large palpable abdominal mass. Imaging identified a large, hemorrhagic right hepatic lobe mass that in retrospect had imaging characteristics most suggestive of UES. Though extremely rare in adults, it is still important to recognize the imaging features of UES as to avoid mistaking it for other more common benign and malignant hepatic masses.Malignant scalp masses deserve much attention as they have the potential to destroy local structures, recur and metastasize to distant organs. Moreover, malignant scalp lesions are known to be more aggressive in behavior than their counterparts elsewhere in the body. Multimodality imaging is essential in narrowing the differential diagnoses of scalp masses, as well as in differentiating benign from malignant masses. Furthermore, imaging is important in (1) evaluating the extent of tumor invasion in the scalp, (2) staging the disease, (3) guiding surgical biopsy and/or resection of the tumor, (4) preoperative planning and post-treatment surveillance of scalp tumors. An interdisciplinary treatment approach is crucial for the management of scalp malignancies given their complex and aggressive nature. This review seeks to describe the unique clinical and imaging characteristics of various types of malignant scalp masses, as well as to review their current treatment strategies.Bouveret's syndrome is a rare form of gallstone ileus occurring due to obstructing gallstone into the proximal duodenum through a cholecystoduodenal fistula. We report the case of a 72-year-old female presenting with abdominal pain secondary to a large gallstone in the region of the duodenal bulb, causing the upstream gastric obstruction. Here we discuss the clinical features, imaging technologies, and surgical management of Bouveret's syndrome. To investigate chest computed tomography (CT) findings in asymptomatic patients tested positive for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The chest CT images of 64 patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) who were RT-PCR test-positive but asymptomatic were retrospectively evaluated for the appearance and distribution of abnormal parenchymal findings. Of the 64 patients (mean age 59.4±12; range 23-85), 42 (65%) were female, and 22 (35%) were male, and 16 (25%) of the patients had no abnormal findings on chest CT. Of the remaining 48 patients, lung involvement was bilateral in 32 (67%). Right upper lobe in 26 (54%), right middle lobe in 20 (42%), right lower lobe in 38 (79%), left upper lobe in 27 (56%), and left lower lobe were affected in 34 (71%) patients. The mean number of opacities detected in patients was 7.5±5.7. The opacities were located only peripherally/subpleural in 22 (46%), only centrally/peribronchovascular in 5 (10%), and mixed in 21 (44%) patients. The frequency of pure ground glass opacities (GGO) was 63% GGO with a crazy-paving pattern or consolidation was 33%. Pure consolidation was detected in only two (4%) patients. Parenchymal opacities were only round in 27 (56%), only geographic demarcated in 3 (6%), only patchy in 2 (4%), and mixed in 16 (33%) patients. Chest CT was normal in only one-quarter of the asymptomatic patients. CT findings in asymptomatic COVID-19 patients were often peripherally located, mostly round-shaped GGO. Chest CT was normal in only one-quarter of the asymptomatic patients. CT findings in asymptomatic COVID-19 patients were often peripherally located, mostly round-shaped GGO.Siderophores are ferric ion-specific organic compounds that are used by bacteria and fungi to secure their iron supply when infecting target organisms. There are a few proteins in the human body, named siderocalins, which bind these important virulence factors and so starve microorganisms of iron. In this study, we analyzed in silico if serum α1-acid glycoprotein (AAG), the major acute phase lipocalin component of the human plasma, could functionally belong to this group. The real biological function of AAG is elusive and its concentration substantially increases in response to pathological stimuli, including bacterial infections. We computationally evaluated the potential binding of nine microbial siderophores into the β-barrel cavity of AAG and compared the results with the corresponding experimental data reported for siderophore-neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin complexes. According to the results, petrobactin and Fe-BisHaCam are putative candidates to be recognized by this protein. It is proposed that AAG may function as a siderophore capturing component of the innate immune system being able to neutralize bacterial iron chelators not recognized by other siderocalins.Voxel-based 3D convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been applied to predict protein-ligand binding affinity. However, the memory usage and computation cost of these voxel-based approaches increase cubically with respect to spatial resolution and sometimes make volumetric CNNs intractable at higher resolutions. Therefore, it is necessary to develop memory-efficient alternatives that can accelerate the convolutional operation on 3D volumetric representations of the protein-ligand interaction. In this study, we implement a novel volumetric representation, OctSurf, to characterize the 3D molecular surface of protein binding pockets and bound ligands. The OctSurf surface representation is built based on the octree data structure, which has been widely used in computer graphics to efficiently represent and store 3D object data. Vanilla 3D-CNN approaches often divide the 3D space of objects into equal-sized voxels. In contrast, OctSurf recursively partitions the 3D space containing the protein-ligand pocket into eight subspaces called octants.