Single domain antibodies have certain advantages including their small size, high stability and excellent tissue penetration, making them attractive drug candidates. Rabbit antibodies can recognize diverse epitopes, including those that are poorly immunogenic in mice and humans. In the present study, we established a method to isolate rabbit VH single domain antibodies for potential cancer therapy. We immunized rabbits with recombinant human B7-H3 (CD276) protein, made a phage-displayed rabbit VH single domain library with a diversity of 7 × 109, and isolated two binders (A1 and B1; also called RFA1 and RFB1) from phage panning. Both rabbit VH single domains exhibited antigen-dependent binding to B7-H3-positive tumor cell lines but not B7-H3 knockout tumor cell lines. Our study shows that protein immunization followed by phage display screening can be used to isolate rabbit single domain antibodies. The two single domain antibodies reported here may have potential applications in cancer immunotherapy. © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Antibody Therapeutics.In case of meningitis, intraventricular sediments showing diffusion restriction on brain magnetic resonance imaging are highly suggestive of pyogenic ventriculitis for which early diagnosis is crucial for appropriate treatment. Copyright © 2020 The Author(s).Glomus tumors are benign tumors typically located in the subcutis or deep dermis of the subungual region of the fingers. Histologically, glomus tumors are divided into three subtypes, in descending order of frequency solid glomus tumor, glomangioma and glomangiomyoma. We report a case of a symptomatic intracapsular juxtasynovial glomangiomyoma of the knee. To the best of our knowledge, this location of this uncommon histological subtype of glomus tumor has not been reported previously. Although the final diagnosis is made by histopathology, the radiologist should consider this rare lesion in the differential of highly vascularised synovial-based masses. Copyright © 2020 The Author(s).Site-specific recombinase enzymes function in heterologous cellular environments to initiate strand-switching reactions between unique DNA sequences termed recombinase binding sites. Depending on binding site position and orientation, reactions result in integrations, excisions, or inversions of targeted DNA sequences in a precise and predictable manner. Here, we established five different stable recombinase expression lines in maize through Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of T-DNA molecules that contain coding sequences for Cre, R, FLPe, phiC31 Integrase, and phiC31 excisionase. Through the bombardment of recombinase activated DsRed transient expression constructs, we have determined that all five recombinases are functional in maize plants. These recombinase expression lines could be utilized for a variety of genetic engineering applications, including selectable marker removal, targeted transgene integration into predetermined locations, and gene stacking. © 2020 The Authors. Plant Direct published by American Society of Plant Biologists, Society for Experimental Biology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.While the estrogenic properties of certain pesticides have been established, associations between pesticide exposure and risk of breast cancer have been inconsistently observed. We investigated the relation between pesticide exposure and breast cancer risk using methods capable of objectively assessing exposure to specific pesticides occurring decades before diagnosis. Methods A case-control study was conducted to evaluate the risk of postmenopausal breast cancer associated with historic pesticide exposure in California's Central Valley, the most agriculturally productive region in the United States where pesticide drift poses a major source of nonoccupational exposure. Residential and occupational histories were linked to commercial pesticide reports and land use data to determine exposure to specific chemicals. Cases (N = 155) were recruited from a population-based cancer registry, and controls (N = 150) were obtained from tax assessor and Medicare list mailings. Results There was no association between breast cancer and exposure to a selected group of organochlorine pesticides thought to have synergistic endocrine-disrupting potential; however, breast cancer was three times as likely to occur among women exposed to chlorpyrifos compared with those not exposed, after adjusting for exposure to other pesticides including organochlorines (OR = 3.22; 95% CI = 1.38, 7.53). Conclusions Organophosphate pesticides, such as chlorpyrifos, have rarely been evaluated in studies of breast cancer risk. Additional research is needed to confirm these findings and to better understand the underlying mechanisms given that chlorpyrifos has been detected in local air monitoring at levels of concern for residents living in the agricultural regions where it is used. Network science has begun to reveal the fundamental principles by which large-scale brain networks are organized, including geometric constraints, a balance between segregative and integrative features, and functionally flexible brain areas. However, it remains unknown whether whole-brain networks imaged at the cellular level are organized according to similar principles. Here, we analyze whole-brain functional networks reconstructed from calcium imaging data recorded in larval zebrafish. Our analyses reveal that functional connections are distance-dependent and that networks exhibit hierarchical modular structure and hubs that span module boundaries. We go on to show that spontaneous network structure places constraints on stimulus-evoked reconfigurations of connections and that networks are highly consistent across individuals. Our analyses reveal basic organizing principles of whole-brain functional brain networks at the mesoscale. Our overarching methodological framework provides a blueprint for studying correlated activity at the cellular level using a low-dimensional network representation. Our work forms a conceptual bridge between macro- and mesoscale network neuroscience and opens myriad paths for future studies to investigate network structure of nervous systems at the cellular level. © 2019 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.