The present paper offers a contribution to the research on social acceptance of interventions aimed at water ecosystem improvement and flood risk mitigation through renaturation measures. A CE study has been implemented to assess trade-offs between attributes of alternative projects, including social costs deriving from proposed actions of renaturation of river flows. The aim of our approach is to investigate the role of attitudinal factors in the valuation of costs and benefits generated by renaturation measures. A Hybrid Latent Class (HLC) model is applied to the data, revealing the existence of two distinct groups, characterised by different valuations of the attributes of the project. It is found that class membership depends on latent attitudes toward environmental protection and risk perception. Our study confirms the fruitfulness of the HLC modelling approach in stated preference studies regarding ecosystems valuation, as it provides a richer understanding of public preferences and allows more finely targeted policy indications.The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the role of emotion (dys)regulation in gambling disorder (GD). PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, MEDLINE, Scopus, Web of Science, and PubMed were systematically searched for articles published until November 3, 2020. Forty-nine studies were considered for the systematic review; of these, 38 comprising 5242 participants met the inclusion criteria for the meta-analysis. Associations were found between GD and specific emotion regulation (ER) deficits, namely (1) nonacceptance of negative emotional states, (2) difficulties in maintaining goal-directed behaviors when faced with intense emotional contexts, (3) lack of clarity about emotional states (poor emotional awareness), (4) low impulse control in reaction to negative emotional states, and (5) difficulties in accessing adaptive ER strategies. We furthermore found that GD is associated with a tendency for emotional suppression, which is known as a maladaptive ER strategy and linked with reduced mindfulness abilities. Additional moderator analyses were conducted regarding age, gender, type of instrument used to measure GD, clinical status of the samples, and quality of the studies. Overall, the data demonstrated consistent and significant associations between GD and ER. This systematic review and meta-analysis mostly supports the conceptualization of GD as an addictive disorder characterized by ER deficits and stresses the need to develop interventions in ER deficits that are tailored to the specificities of GD.Figure-ground, that is the segmentation of visual information into objects and their surrounding backgrounds, provides structure for visual attention. Recent evidence shows a novel role of vergence eye movements in visual attention. In the present work, vergence responses during figure-ground segregation tasks are psychophysically investigated. We show that during a figure-ground detection task, subjects convergence their eyes. Vergence eye movements are larger in figure trials than in ground trials. In detected figures trials, vergence are stronger than in trials where the figure went unnoticed. Moreover in figure trials, vergence responses are stronger to low-contrast figures than to high-contrast figures. We argue that these discriminative vergence responses have a role in figure-ground.Although dispositional shame and guilt have been distinguished by perceptions of the self and behavioral responses, the underlying information processing patterns remain unclear. We hypothesized that an ability to contemplate alternatives to perceptions of the current environment, i.e., flexibility in perspective shifting, may be essential to both dispositions. Dispositional shame may additionally relate to negative relational knowledge that involves a self-representation of being rejected. One hundred and six community participants rated the two dispositions, and had their flexibility in perspective shifting and internalized self-association with rejection assessed. Regression analysis indicated that a lower cost of perspective shifting was observed with dispositional guilt and shame. Yet, unlike a direct association with perspective shifting for dispositional guilt, it was an interaction between perspective shifting and negative relational knowledge that accounted for dispositional shame. The association of dispositional shame with perspective shifting was contingent upon the tendency to pair the self with rejection.Tip-of-the-tongue states (TOTs) are feelings of impending word retrieval success during a current failure to retrieve a target word. Though much is known and understood about TOT states from decades of research, research on potential psychophysiological correlates of the TOT state is still in its infancy, and existing studies point toward the involvement of neural processes that are associated with enhanced attention, motivation, and information-seeking. In the present study, we demonstrate that, during instances of target retrieval failure, TOT states are associated with greater pupillary dilation (i.e., autonomic arousal) in 91% of our sample. This is the first study to demonstrate a pupillometric correlate of the TOT experience, and this finding provides an important step toward understanding emotional attributes associated with TOT states. Mean pupil dilation also increased such that instances of target identification failure that were unaccompanied by TOT states less then instances in which TOTs occurred less then instances of target identification success. It is possible that TOTs reflect an intermediary state between complete target retrieval failure and full target retrieval.The short-term memory binding (STMB) test involves the ability to hold in memory the integration between surface features, such as shapes and colours. The STMB test has been used to detect Alzheimer's disease (AD) at different stages, from preclinical to dementia, showing promising results. The objective of the present study was to verify whether the STMB test could differentiate patients with distinct biomarker profiles in the AD continuum. The sample comprised 18 cognitively unimpaired (CU) participants, 30 mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and 23 AD patients. All participants underwent positron emission tomography (PET) with Pittsburgh compound-B labelled with carbon-11 ([11C]PIB) assessing amyloid beta (Aβ) aggregation (A) and 18fluorine-fluorodeoxyglucose ([18F]FDG)-PET assessing neurodegeneration (N) (A-N- [n = 35]); A+N- [n = 11]; A+ N+ [n = 19]). Participants who were negative and positive for amyloid deposition were compared in the absence (A-N- vs. A+N-) of neurodegeneration. When compared with the RAVLT and SKT memory tests, the STMB was the only cognitive task that differentiated these groups, predicting the group outcome in logistic regression analyses.