The concentrations of fibers were not reported, as fiber detection by FTIR imaging was not available at the time of analyses. Two- and three-dimensional simulations of particle transport trajectories suggest different pathways for certain polymer types. A positive correlation between MP size composition and particulate organic carbon indicates interactions with biological processes in the water column.Petroleum products and essential oils are complex mixtures of hydrophobic and volatile chemicals and are categorized as substances of unknown or variable composition, complex reaction products or biological materials (UVCBs). In aquatic testing and research of such mixtures it is challenging to establish initial concentrations without the addition of co-solvents, to maintain constant concentrations during the test and to keep a constant mixture composition in dilution series and throughout test duration. Passive dosing was here designed to meet these challenges by maximizing the surface area (Adonor/Vmedium=3.8 cm2/mL) and volume (Vdonor/Vmedium > 0.1 L/L) of the passive dosing donor in order to ensure rapid mass transfer and avoid donor depletion for all mixture constituents. Cracked gas oil, cedarwood Virginia oil and lavender oil served as model mixtures. This study advances the field by i) showing accelerated dosing kinetics for 68 cracked gas oil constituents with typical equilibration times of 5-10 minutes and for 21 cederwood Virginia oil constituents with typical equilibration times less then 1 h, ii) demonstrating how to control mixture concentration and composition in aquatic tests, and iii) discussing the fundamental differences between solvent spiking, water accommodated fractions and passive dosing.Underdominance systems can quickly spread through a population, but only when introduced in considerable numbers. This promises a gene drive mechanism that is less invasive than homing drives, potentially enabling new approaches in the fight against vector-borne diseases. If regional confinement can indeed be achieved, the decision-making process for a release would likely be much simpler compared to other, more invasive types of drives. The capacity of underdominance gene drive systems to spread in a target population without invading other populations is typically assessed via network models of panmictic demes linked by migration. However, it remains less clear how such systems would behave in more realistic population models where organisms move over a continuous landscape. Here, we use individual-based simulations to study the dynamics of several proposed underdominance systems in continuous-space. We find that all these systems can fail to persist in such environments, even after an initially successful establishment in the release area, confirming previous theoretical results from diffusion theory. At the same time, we find that a two-locus two-toxin-antidote system can invade connected demes through a narrow migration corridor. This suggests that the parameter space where underdominance systems can establish and persist in a release area while at the same time remaining confined to that area could be quite limited, depending on how a population is spatially structured. Overall, these results indicate that realistic spatial context must be considered when assessing strategies for the deployment of underdominance drives.With the development of new classes of high-speed vessels like LCAC, which are expected to ingest high amounts of salt particulates, it is of vital importance to develop a new class of filtration media which can meet this requirement. A microfibrous filter media embedded with nanofibers was thus developed using a nanofiber flocked suspension with a microfibrous support created using traditional wet-lay papermaking methods. While the pressure drop is normally used as the conventional parameter to predict service-life of the filter media, it does not give a proper indication of filter service life. Therefore, a novel thermal impedance technique was applied in this work to characterize the filtration media using thermal parameters via a heat pulse excitation signal. The transient response for the phase lag of temperature was observed because heat transfer occurs during the air flow across the filtration media. The related thermal parameters were obtained through a thermal equivalent circuit model and a nonlinear least-squares fitting algorithm. The thermal impedance method can be used as a filter media diagnostic tool to obtain useful parameters which can be utilized to regenerate filter media and assist to define the operational lifetime of the filter. This can help protect the power systems and reduce the maintenance, operation, and replacement costs. The improved air quality that can be obtained using this advanced filtration technology will enable enhanced protection of engine turbines and other onboard air-breathing systems.Ciguatoxins (CTXs), produced by toxic benthic dinoflagellates, can bioaccumulate in marine organisms at higher trophic levels. The current study evaluated the uptake and depuration kinetics of some of the most potent CTXs, Pacific CTX-1, -2, and -3 (P-CTX-1, -2, and -3), in orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) exposed to 1 ng P-CTXs g-1 fish daily. Over a 30 d exposure, P-CTX-1, -2, and -3 were consistently detected in various tissues of exposed fish, and the concentrations of the total P-CTXs in tissues generally ranked following the order of liver, intestine, gill, skin, brain, and muscle. Relatively higher uptake rates of P-CTX-1 in the groupers were observed compared with those of P-CTX-2 and -3. The depuration rate constants of P-CTX-1, -2, and -3 in different tissues were (0.996-16.5) × 10-2, (1.51-16.1) × 10-2, and (0.557-10.6) × 10-2 d-1, respectively. The accumulation efficiencies of P-CTX-1, -2, and -3 in whole groupers were 6.13%, 2.61%, and 1.15%, respectively. The increasing proportion of P-CTX-1 and the decreasing proportion of P-CTX-2 and -3 over the exposure phase suggest a likely biotransformation of P-CTX-2 and -3 to P-CTX-1, leading to higher levels of P-CTX-1 in fish and possibly a higher risk of CTXs in long-term exposed fish.