This regimen also induced highly polyfunctional antigen-specific T cell responses. Importantly, we show that diminished responses due to PIV5 pre-existing immunity can be overcome in part with VLP protein boosts. Overall, these results establish that PIV5-based HIV vaccine candidates are promising and warrant further investigation including moving on to primate challenge studies.Celiac disease (CD) is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by an immune-triggered enteropathy upon gluten intake. The only current treatment available is lifelong Gluten Free Diet (GFD). Several extraintestinal manifestations have been described in CD, some affecting the oral mucosa. Thus, we hypothesized that oral mucosa could potentially be a target for novel biomarkers and an administration route for CD treatment. Six de novo diagnosed and seven CD patients under GFD for at least 1 year were recruited. Non-celiac subjects (n = 8) were recruited as control group. Two biopsies of the cheek lining were taken from each subject for mRNA analysis and immunohistochemical characterization. We observed a significant decrease in the expression of epithelial junction proteins in all CD patients, indicating that oral mucosa barrier integrity is compromised. FoxP3+ population was greatly increased in CD patients, suggesting that Tregs are recruited to the damaged mucosa, even after avoidance of gluten. Amphiregulin mRNA levels from Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs) and epithelial damage in the oral mucosa correlated with Treg infiltration in all the experimental groups, suggesting that recruited Tregs might display a "repair" phenotype. Based on these results, we propose that oral mucosa is altered in CD and, as such, might have diagnostic potential. Furthermore, due to its tolerogenic nature, it could be an important target for oral immunotherapy.Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is a granulomatous systemic vasculitis of large- and medium-sized arteries that affects the elderly. In recent years, advances in diagnostic imaging have revealed a greater degree of large vessel involvement than previously recognized, distinguishing classical cranial- from large vessel (LV)- GCA. GCA often co-occurs with the poorly understood inflammatory arthritis/bursitis condition polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) and has overlapping features with other non-infectious granulomatous vasculitides that affect the aorta, namely Takayasu Arteritis (TAK) and the more recently described clinically isolated aortitis (CIA). Here, we review the literature focused on the immunopathology of GCA on the background of the three settings in which comparisons are informative LV and cranial variants of GCA; PMR and GCA; the three granulomatous vasculitides (GCA, TAK, and CIA). We discuss overlapping and unique features between these conditions across clinical presentation, epidemiology, imaging, and conventional histology. We propose a model of GCA where abnormally activated circulating cells, especially monocytes and CD4+ T cells, enter arteries after an unknown stimulus and cooperate to destroy it and review the evidence for how this mechanistically occurs in active disease and improves with treatment.In sepsis and trauma, pathogens and injured tissue provoke a systemic inflammatory reaction which can lead to overwhelming inflammation. Concurrent with the innate hyperinflammatory response is adaptive immune suppression that can become chronic. A current key issue today is that patients who undergo intensive medical care after sepsis or trauma have a high mortality rate after being discharged. This high mortality is thought to be associated with persistent immunosuppression. Knowledge about the pathophysiology leading to this state remains fragmented. Immunosuppressive cytokines play an essential role in mediating and upholding immunosuppression in these patients. Specifically, the cytokines Interleukin-10 (IL-10), Transforming Growth Factor-β (TGF-β) and Thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) are reported to have potent immunosuppressive capacities. Here, we review their ability to suppress inflammation, their dynamics in sepsis and trauma and what drives the pathologic release of these cytokines. They do exert paradoxical effects under certain conditions, which makes it necessary to evaluate their functions in the context of dynamic changes post-sepsis and trauma. Several drugs modulating their functions are currently in clinical trials in the treatment of other pathologies. We provide an overview of the current literature on the effects of IL-10, TGF-β and TSLP in sepsis and trauma and suggest therapeutic approaches for their modulation.Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are single-stranded, endogenous, non-coding RNA (ncRNA) molecules formed by the backsplicing of messenger RNA (mRNA) precursors and have covalently closed circular structures without 5'-end caps and 3'-end polyadenylation [poly(A)] tails. CircRNAs are characterized by abundant species, stable structures, conserved sequences, cell- or tissue-specific expression, and widespread and stable presence in many organisms. Therefore, circRNAs can be used as biomarkers for the prediction, diagnosis, and treatment of a variety of diseases. Autoimmune diseases (AIDs) are caused by defects in immune tolerance or abnormal immune regulation, which leads to damage to host organs. Due to the complexity of the pathophysiological processes of AIDs, clinical therapeutics have been suboptimal. The emergence of circRNAs sheds new light on the treatment of AIDs. In particular, circRNAs mainly participate in the occurrence and development of AIDs by sponging targets. This review systematically explains the formation, function, mechanism, and characteristics of circRNAs in the context of AIDs. With a deeper understanding of the pathophysiological functions of circRNAs in the pathogenesis of AIDs, circRNAs may become reasonable, accurate, and effective biomarkers for the diagnosis and treatment of AIDs in the future.Natural killer (NK) cells, the large granular lymphocytes differentiated from the common lymphoid progenitors, were discovered in early 1970's. They are members of innate immunity and were initially defined by their strong cytotoxicity against virus-infected cells and by their important effector functions in anti-tumoral immune responses. Nowadays, NK cells are classified among the recently discovered innate lymphoid cell subsets and have capacity to influence both innate and adaptive immune responses. Therefore, they can be considered as innate immune cells that stands between the innate and adaptive arms of immunity. NK cells don't express T or B cell receptors and are recognized by absence of CD3. There are two major subgroups of NK cells according to their differential expression of CD16 and CD56. While CD16+CD56dim subset is best-known by their cytotoxic functions, CD16-CD56bright NK cell subset produces a bunch of cytokines comparable to CD4+ T helper cell subsets. Another subset of NK cells with production of interleukin (IL)-10 was named as NK regulatory cells, which has suppressive properties and could take part in immune-regulatory responses.