The failure rate for bCPAP in NICU within 72 hours decreased from 45 to 24% as the maximum CPAP increased from 5.8 to 7.6 cmH2O. Pneumothorax rates did not change. CPAP pressure transmission decreased with all sizes of the RAM cannula. Conclusion When utilizing the RAM cannula for bCPAP, higher CPAP levels were associated with decreases in DR intubations and CPAP failure within the first 72 hours. If clinicians choose to use the RAM cannula for bCPAP, they will need higher set pressures to achieve lung inflation and the beneficial oscillatory effect will be diminished. Key points · The transmission of the pressure oscillations from bubble CPAP is diminished with the RAM cannula.. · Increasing set CPAP pressures was associated with a decreased delivery room intubation rate and a decreased CPAP failure rate within 72 hours.. · Clinicians using the RAM cannula for bCPAP will need to increase pressures to obtain adequate lung inflation or change to a nasal interface designed for bCPAP..Objective Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is a complex chronic lung disease that primarily affects premature or critically ill infants. This pilot study investigated early changes in gut microbiota composition in BPD patients and explored the potential risk factors associated with these changes. Study design Preterm infants admitted to our neonatal intensive care unit with a gestational age of 26 to 32 weeks were prospectively surveyed and eligible for stool collection on days 7 and 28 of postnatal age between February 2016 and June 2017. A 16S rRNA sequencing approach was applied to compare the gut microbiota composition between the BPD group and controls. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to identify the predictor variables. Results Eight subjects in the BPD group and 10 subjects in the preterm group were analyzed during the observation period. Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Firmicutes were the four dominant bacteria phyla of intestinal microflora. A significantly lower diversity of gut microbiota was observed in the BPD group compared with the preterm group on day 28 (number of observed operational taxonomic units, p = 0.034; abundance-based coverage estimator, p = 0.022; Shannon index, p = 0.028). Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that high Neonatal Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System score (≧19) at 24 hours was statistically significant in predicting the proportion of aerobic with facultative anaerobic bacteria on day 28 (p = 0.002). Conclusion Infants with BPD are prone to develop gut dysbiosis in early life. A higher severity of illness and treatment intensity may indicate a higher risk of disrupting an anaerobic environment in the gut during the first month of life. Key points · BPD patients are prone to develop gut dysbiosis.. · Lower diversity of gut microbiota.. · Higher risk of disrupting anaerobic environment..Objective Feeding intolerance (FI) is a common presentation of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) and sepsis. NEC and sepsis are associated with hematological changes, but these changes alone are not reliable biomarkers for early diagnosis. This study examined whether the combination of hematological indices and FI can be used as an early diagnostic tool for NEC or sepsis. Study design This retrospective cohort study included infants born at less then 1,500 g or less then 30 weeks who had symptoms of FI. The exclusion criteria were congenital or chromosomal disorders, thrombocytopenia or platelet transfusion before the onset of FI, and history of bowel resection. We compared the hematological indices from infants with pathologic FI (due to NEC or sepsis) to infants with benign FI. Results During the study period, 211 infants developed FI; 185 met the inclusion criteria. Infants with pathologic FI (n = 90, 37 cases with NEC and 53 with sepsis) had lower birth gestational age and weight compared with 95 infants I due to NEC or sepsis is associated with changes in platelets and I/T ratio.. · These changes could be useful as early markers for diagnosis..Objective Hemorrhage is a major cause of maternal morbidity and mortality prompting creation of innovative risk assessment tools to identify patients at highest risk. We aimed to investigate the association of hemorrhage risk assessment with maternal morbidity and to evaluate maternal outcomes after implementation of the risk assessment across hospital sites. Study design We conducted a retrospective cohort analysis of a multicenter database including women admitted to labor and delivery from January 2015 to June 2018. The Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses risk assessment tool was used to categorize patients as low, medium, or high risk for hemorrhage. Multivariate logistic regression was used to describe the association between hemorrhage risk score and markers of maternal morbidity and evaluate maternal outcomes before and after standardized implementations of the risk assessment tool. Results In this study, 14,861 women were categorized as low risk (26%), 26,080 (46%) moderate rihe utility of the AWOHNN hemorrhage risk assessment tool for predicting hemorrhage-related morbidity and to evaluate maternal outcomes before and after tool implementations.. · A high score using a hemorrhage risk assessment tool on admission is associated with five times higher risk for blood transfusion and/or estimated blood loss ≥ 1,000 mL, compared with a low score.. · Use of a hemorrhage risk assessment tool works moderately well to identify patients at highest risk for hemorrhage-related morbidity..Purpose In many individuals with pattern strabismus, the vertical misalignment varies with horizontal eye position. It has been proposed that these cross-axis effects result from abnormal cross-talk between brainstem structures that would normally encode horizontal and vertical eye position and velocity. The nucleus prepositus hypoglossi (NPH) is an ideal structure to test this overarching hypothesis. Neurons in the NPH are believed to mathematically integrate eye velocity signals to generate a tonic signal related to horizontal eye position. We hypothesized that, in monkeys with A-pattern exotropia and vertical inconcomitance, these neurons would show an abnormally large sensitivity to vertical eye position. Methods Three rhesus monkeys (1 normal and 2 with A-pattern exotropia) were trained to maintain fixation on a visual target as it stepped to various locations on a tangent screen. Extracellular neural activity was recorded from neurons in the NPH. Each neuron's sensitivity to horizontal and vertical eye position was estimated using multiple linear regression and preferred directions computed for each eye.