Since heat shock protein (HSP27) is a prognostic marker in cervical cancer, in the present study, the apoptotic mechanism of lambertianic acid (LA) was investigated in human cervical cancers in association with HSP27/STAT3/AKT signaling axis. LA exerted significant cytotoxicity, induced sub-G1 population, and increased the cleavage of Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) and cysteine aspartyl-specific protease 3 (caspase3) in HeLa and Caski cancer cells. Consistently, LA downregulated anti-apopotic genes such as B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2) and inhibitors of apoptosis proteins (c-IAP) in HeLa and Caski cells. Furthermore, LA-inhibited phosphorylation of HSP27, signal transducer, and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) and Protein kinase B (AKT) through disturbing the binding of HSP27 with STAT3 or AKT in HeLa cells. Notably, LA upregulated the level of miR216b in HeLa and Caski cells. Consistently, miR216b mimic suppressed phosphorylation of HSP27 and reduced the expression of pro-PARP, while miR216b inhibitor reversed the ability of LA to attenuate phosphorylation of AKT, HSP27, and STAT3 and to reduce the expression of pro-PARP in HeLa cells. Overall, our findings suggest that miRNA216b mediated inhibition of HSP27/STAT3/ AKT signaling axis is critically involved in LA-induced apoptosis in cervical cancers. To estimate associations between lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and phenotypic frailty in older men. Cross-sectional study. Community-dwelling men recruited from 2000 to 2002 from six U.S. academic centers for the Osteoporotic Fractures in Men Study. A total of 5,979 men aged 65 and older. The independent variable was LUTS severity (none/mild, moderate, or severe) assessed with the American Urologic Association Symptom Index. Participants were categorized as frail, intermediate stage, or robust using an adapted Cardiovascular Health Study index (components low lean mass, weakness, exhaustion, slowness, and low physical activity). Associations were estimated with odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) from multivariable multinomial logistic regression models adjusted for potential confounders of age, other demographics, health-related behaviors, and comorbidities. The prevalence of frailty was 7%, 11%, and 18% among men with none/mild, moderate, and severe LUTS, respectively. Moderate ly appropriate. The prevalence of phenotypic frailty is higher among older community-dwelling men with moderate or severe LUTS compared with those with mild or no LUTS. The positive association between LUTS severity and frailty among older men appears independent of age and known frailty risk factors. Although the temporal direction of this association and the utility of LUTS or frailty interventions in this population remain unclear, the high co-occurrence of these conditions could lead to earlier identification of frailty when clinically appropriate.Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is primarily a motor disorder, and its pathogenesis is multifactorial. As a consequence, treatment should be able to address the underlying pathophysiology. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are the mainstay of medical therapy for GERD, but these drugs only provide the control of symptoms and lesions without curing the disease. However, continuous acid suppression with PPIs is recommended for patients with Barrett's esophagus because of their potential chemopreventive effects. In addition to the antisecretory activity, these compounds display several pharmacological properties, often overlooked in clinical practice. PPIs can indeed affect gastric motility, exert a mucosal protective effect, and an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antineoplastic activity, also protecting cancer cells from developing chemo- or radiotherapeutic resistance. Even in the third millennium, current pharmacologic approaches to address GERD are limited. Reflux inhibitors represent a promise unfulfilled, effective and safe prokinetics are lacking, and antidepressants, despite being effective in selected patients, give rise to adverse events in a large proportion of them. While waiting for new drug classes (like potassium-competitive acid blockers), reassessing old drugs (namely alginate-containing formulations), and paving the new avenue of esophageal mucosal protection are, at the present time, the only reliable alternatives to acid suppression.Researches have proved that increasing level of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is an indicator for the progression of prostate cancer. The present study was focused to determine the PSA level by using anti-PSA antibody conjugated iron oxide nanoparticles, as the probe immobilized on the gap-fingered electrode sensing surface. The detection limit and sensitivity were found at the level of 1.9 pg/mL on the linear regression curve (y = 1.6939x - 0.5671; R² = 0.9878). A dose-dependent liner range was found from 1.9 until 60 pg/mL. Further, PSA was spiked in human serum and did not affect the interaction of PSA and its antibody. This method of detection quantifies the level of PSA, which helps to diagnose prostate cancer at its earlier stage.Behavioral and physiological traits of ectotherms are especially sensitive to fluctuations of environmental temperature. In particular, niche-specialist lizards are dependent on their physiological plasticity to adjust to changing environmental conditions. Lizards of the genus Phymaturus are viviparous, mainly herbivorous, and inhabit only rock promontories in the steppe environments of Patagonia and the Andes. Herein, we examine the vulnerability of the southernmost Phymaturus species to global warming the endemic Phymaturus calcogaster, which lives in a mesic environment in eastern Patagonia. We studied body temperatures in the field (Tb ), preferred body temperatures in a thermogradient (Tpref ), the operative (Te ) and environmental temperatures, and the dependence of running performance on body temperature. P. calcogaster had a mean Tb (27.04°C) and a mean Te (31.15°C) both lower than their preferred temperature (Tpref = 36.61°C) and the optimal temperature for running performance (To = 37.13°C). Lizard activity seems to be restraint during the early afternoon due high environmental temperatures.