Animal behaviour has been broadly studied for its social or functional aspects but less often for understanding the interactions between organisms and their ambient conditions. A pilot observational study was performed by means of underwater camera to investigate the correlation between environmental factors and the density of fish in the epipelagic habitat of a European temperate reservoir. Explored factors confirmed a positive correlation between water temperature and all observed categories nonpredatory, predatory, single nonpredatory and schooling fish, as well as freshwater bream and roach. On the other hand, de-trended solar irradiance was found to be negatively correlated with density of nonpredatory fish, freshwater bream and European perch. Sunshine duration was negatively correlated with the density of predatory fish. Precipitation a showed positive relationship with single nonpredatory fish and European perch, whereas wind strength had a negative relationship with density of schooling fish. Furthermore, density of predatory fish was positively correlated with density of single nonpredatory fish and counts of observed clusters. Altogether, findings indicate that fish density is correlated with abiotic factors and the occurrence of predators. This suggests that more ecologically complex studies should be encouraged for better understanding of ecological interactions that drive the structure of aquatic ecosystems. The aims were to describe and develop a measure of the concept of the active self as self-direction and to assess the extent to which clients in a mental healthcare setting were becoming self-directive instead of being directed by their therapist. A panel of experts was formed to discuss the concept self-direction and to formulate a tentative model of self-direction. An initial questionnaire was constructed. A cross-section of clients completed the questionnaire to evaluate its validity and reliability with exploratory factor analysis. A 31-item questionnaire was constructed that included six factors that measured actorship, commitment, demoralization, readiness, understanding, and monitoring progress and two broader underlying factors called gaining control and loss of control. The developed questionnaire measures the degree to which people are experiencing self-direction in their lives, and their capability of solving their problems. The developed questionnaire measures the degree to which people are experiencing self-direction in their lives, and their capability of solving their problems. The luminescence image of water during the irradiation of carbon ions showed higher intensity at shallow depths than dose distribution due to the contamination of Cerenkov light from secondary electrons. Since Cerenkov light is coherent and polarized for the light produced during the irradiation of carbon ions to water, the reduction of Cerenkov light may be possible with a polarizer. In addition, there is no information on the polarization of the luminescence of water. To clarify these points, we measured the optical images of water during the irradiation of carbon ions with a polarizer by changing the directions of the transmission axis. Imaging was conducted using a cooled charge-coupled device (CCD) camera during the irradiation of 241.5MeV/n energy carbon ions to a water phantom with a polarizer in front of the lens by changing the transmission axis parallel and perpendicular to the carbon-ion beam. With the polarizer parallel to the carbon-ion beam, the intensity at the shallow depth was ~26% higher than that measured with the polarizer perpendicular to the beam. We found no significant intensity difference between these two images at deeper depths where the Cerenkov light was not included. The difference image of the parallel and perpendicular directions showed almost the same image as the simulated Cerenkov light distribution. Using the measured difference image, correction of the Cerenkov component was possible from the measured luminescence image of water during the irradiation of carbon ions. We could measure the difference of the Cerenkov light component by changing the transmission axis of the polarizer. Also we clarified that there was no difference in the luminescence of water by changing the transmission axis of the polarizer. We could measure the difference of the Cerenkov light component by changing the transmission axis of the polarizer. Also we clarified that there was no difference in the luminescence of water by changing the transmission axis of the polarizer. Behavioural and lifestyle factors, as oral hygiene and diet, are well-established risk factors in the pathogenesis of dental caries, though displaying large differences in susceptibility across individuals. Since enamel formation already starts in utero, pregnancy course and outcome may eventually play a role in enamel strength and caries susceptibility. Therefore, we studied the association between history of pregnancy complications and the caries experience in their six-year-old children. The pregnancy complications included small for gestational age (SGA), spontaneous preterm birth (sPTB), gestational hypertension (GH), pre-eclampsia (PE), individually, and a combination of those, designated as placental syndrome. This study was embedded in Generation R, a prospective longitudinal Dutch multiethnic pregnancy cohort study. Information about pregnancy complications was obtained from questionnaires completed by midwives and obstetricians with cross-validation in medical records. These included SGA, sPTB, rauterine period of development. Although it is expected that prenatal stress can be a risk factor for caries development later in life, our findings do not support this hypothesis. Therefore, we believe disparities in caries experience between children are probably not explained by early life events during a critical intrauterine period of development.Acute gastroenteritis is a global public health concern. This study aimed to analyze the trend and characteristics of acute viral gastroenteritis through a national surveillance network. Enteric viruses were detected in 9510 of 31,750 (30.1%) cases assessed from 2013 to 2019 by EnterNet. The most prevalent pathogens were norovirus (15.2%) and group A rotavirus (9.7%); most infections were reported in 2017 (34.0%). Norovirus and rotavirus coinfections were the most common. Norovirus infections were prevalent among 1-year-old children (1835 out of 9510 cases) during winter, and group A rotavirus infections were common during spring. Seasonality was not observed among enteric adenovirus, astrovirus, and sapovirus. The prevalent viral genotypes detected included norovirus GII.4, enteric adenovirus F41, astrovirus genotype 1, and sapovirus GI.1. However, changes in enteric virus trends were noted during the study period. Norovirus prevalence extended into spring, and new genotypes of enteric adenovirus, astrovirus, and sapovirus were identified.