Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a prevalent gastrointestinal disorder, which impacts the quality of life, work productivity and social activities of patients. Diarrhea-predominant IBS (IBS-D) is one of several subtypes, and accounts for approximately one third of all cases. Currently available treatments are typically unable to alleviate the cardinal symptoms of IBS-D, including abdominal pain and diarrhea, and a clinical unmet need remains for an effective treatment which simultaneously relieves multiple symptoms. Patients may benefit from a multipronged, individualized approach, including dietary modifications, and psychological and pharmacological therapies. The aim of this review is to provide an update on the available and upcoming treatment options for IBS-D in Canada, with reference to the recently updated Canadian IBS consensus guidelines. Initial treatment approaches include lifestyle modifications, dietary modifications, and non-prescription therapies such as peppermint oil. While some medications such as tricyclic antidepressants are also used to treat IBS-D symptoms, eluxadoline and rifaximin are the only two pharmacological therapies approved for the treatment of IBS-D in Canada. Key clinical trial data for the currently available pharmacological options are presented to provide an overview of the efficacy and safety of these agents. To assess the performance of a fecal immunochemical test (FIT) among participants of a population-based colorectal cancer (CRC) screening program with one or more first-degree relatives (FDR) with CRC. Asymptomatic 50 to 74 years olds with a FDR diagnosed with CRC, enrolled in a colon screening program completed FIT (two samples, cut-off 20 µg Hemoglobin/gram feces) and underwent colonoscopy. FIT-interval CRCs were identified from the British Columbia cancer registry. Logistic regression analysis was used to identify variables associated with the detection of CRC and high-risk polyps (nonmalignant findings that required a 3-year surveillance colonoscopy) in those patients undergoing FIT and colonoscopy. Of the 1387 participants with a FDR with CRC, 1244 completed FIT with a positivity rate of 10.8%, 52 declined FIT but underwent colonoscopy and 90 declined screening. Seven CRCs were identified six in patients with a positive FIT, one in a patient who only had colonoscopy. No CRCs were found in patients with a negative FIT. The positive and negative predictive values of FIT in the detection of CRC were 4.8% and 100%, respectively. On multivariate logistic regression, positive FIT, and not type of family history, was the only variable associated with detection of CRC or high-risk polyps. At 2-year follow-up, there was no FIT interval cancer detected in the study cohort. FIT is more strongly associated with high-risk findings on colonoscopy than type of family history. FIT may be an alternative screening strategy to colonoscopy in individuals with a single FDR with CRC. FIT is more strongly associated with high-risk findings on colonoscopy than type of family history. FIT may be an alternative screening strategy to colonoscopy in individuals with a single FDR with CRC. Previous studies have shown a familial component in RA and in some other rheumatic autoimmune diseases (RAIDs), but because of the different study designs the risk estimates for familial risks differ extensively. The objective of this study is to identify familial components for RAIDs. We collected data on patients diagnosed in Swedish hospitals with RA, AS, PM/DM, SS, SLE and SSc (and scleroderma) and calculated familial standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) for each of these (concordant) and between them (discordant). The combined number of RAID patients in the offspring population (for whom SIRs were calculated) was 71544, and in the whole population the number was 152714, accounting for 19.8% of all autoimmune diseases in Sweden. AS showed the highest concordant familial risk of 18.42, followed by SLE (14.04), SS (8.63), SSc (4.50), PM/DM (4.03) and RA (3.03). There was no sex difference in SIRs. Risks for AS and SLE were 80.28 and 19.53 for persons whose parents and siblings were affected. Discordant risks were far lower than concordant risks, but they were significant for RA with all the other five RAIDs, for SLE and SSc with four RAIDs, for AS and SS with three RAIDs and for PM/DM with two RAIDs, attesting to extensive polyautoimmunity between RAIDs. The derived familial risks in this nationwide family study on medically diagnosed RAID are compatible with emerging evidence on the polygenic background of these complex diseases. Novel genetic pathways offer new therapeutic targets that alleviate disease onset optimally in high-risk familial patients and others. The derived familial risks in this nationwide family study on medically diagnosed RAID are compatible with emerging evidence on the polygenic background of these complex diseases. Novel genetic pathways offer new therapeutic targets that alleviate disease onset optimally in high-risk familial patients and others.Isoflavones and soyasaponins are major specialized metabolites accumulated in soybean roots and secreted into the rhizosphere. Unlike the biosynthetic pathway, the transporters involved in metabolite secretion remain unknown. The developmental regulation of isoflavone and soyasaponin secretions has been recently reported, but the diurnal regulation of their biosynthesis and secretion still needs to be further studied. To address these challenges, we conducted transcriptome and metabolite analysis using hydroponically grown soybean plants at 6-hr intervals for 48 hr in a 12-hr-light/12-hr-dark condition. Isoflavone and soyasaponin biosynthetic genes showed opposite patterns in the root tissues; that is, the former genes are highly expressed in the daytime, while the latter ones are strongly induced at nighttime. GmMYB176 encoding a transcription factor of isoflavone biosynthesis was upregulated from ZT0 (600 a.m.) to ZT6 (1200 a.m.), followed by the induction of isoflavone biosynthetic genes at ZT6. The isoflavone aglycone content in the roots accordingly increased from ZT6 to ZT18 (000 a.m.). The isoflavone aglycone content in root exudates was kept consistent throughout the day, whereas that of glucosides increased at ZT6, which reflected the decreased expression of the gene encoding beta-glucosidase involved in the hydrolysis of apoplast-localized isoflavone conjugates. Co-expression analysis revealed that those isoflavone and soyasaponin biosynthetic genes formed separate clusters, which exhibited a correlation to ABC and MATE transporter genes. In summary, the results in this study indicated the diurnal regulation of isoflavone biosynthesis in soybean roots and the putative transporter genes responsible for isoflavone and soyasaponin transport.