This microorganism has not been previously associated with an EVD. Ours may be the first documented report of EVD-related M. mucogenicum infection.SARS-CoV-2 is a recently emerged coronavirus that binds angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) for cell entry via its receptor-binding domain (RBD) on a surface-expressed spike glycoprotein. Studies show that despite its similarities to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus, there are critical differences in key RBD residues when compared to SARS-CoV-2. Here we present a short in silico study, showing that SARS-like bat coronavirus Rs3367 shares a high conservation with SARS-CoV-2 in important RBD residues for ACE2 binding SARS-CoV-2's Phe486, Thr500, Asn501 and Tyr505; implicated in receptor-binding strength and host-range determination. These features were not shared with other studied bat coronaviruses belonging to the betacoronavirus genus, including RaTG13, the closest reported bat coronavirus to SARS-CoV-2's spike protein. Sequence and phylogeny analyses were followed by the computation of a reliable model of the RBD of SARS-like bat coronavirus Rs3367, which allowed structural insight of the conserved residues. Superimposition of this model on the SARS-CoV-2 ACE2-RBD complex revealed critical ACE2 contacts are also maintained. In addition, residue Asn488Rs3367 interacted with a previously defined pocket on ACE2 composed of Tyr41, Lys353 and Asp355. When compared to available SARS-CoV-2 crystal structure data, Asn501SARS-CoV-2 showed a different interaction with the ACE2 pocket. Taken together, this study offers molecular insights on RBD-receptor interactions with implications for vaccine design.This case study is one of the first ever reported examples of infection in a patient with anti-IFN-3 autoimmunity and demonstrates how overwhelming infection can sometimes present with visual symptoms. We report the case of a previously fit middle-aged patient presenting with painless loss of vision and loss of appetite. Examination showed choroidal abscess and a pan-uveitis, leading to admission for vitreous biopsy. Klebsiella pneumoniae was isolated both in the vitreous and in blood cultures. Subsequent investigation discovered a liver abscess which was treated with percutaneous drainage. Despite the administration of intravitreal antibiotics from the time of presentation, intravenous antibiotics and vitrectomy on the same day, the patient proceeded to need enucleation 19 days later, and now has only light perception in the remaining eye. The strong association between K. pneumoniae endophthalmitis and underlying liver abscess leads to a significant mortality rate. Early diagnosis is essential, with prompt aggressive treatment with antibiotics, but sadly the visual prognosis remains poor. In cases of suspected choroidal abscess, initiation of sepsis screen and immediate empirical treatment is vital to improve this prognosis. This patient had no significant past medical history, no known immunocompromise, was not diabetic and had no recent significant foreign travel. However, further immunological analysis demonstrated the presence of anti-IFN-3 antibodies, a hitherto under-reported potential cause of increased susceptibility to infection, and so cases of sepsis in previously healthy individuals should be considered for further immunology assessment.Congenital heart disease (CHD) is one of the major debilitating birth defects resulting in significant impact on neonatal and child mortality globally. The etiology of CHD is complex and multifactorial. Many causative genes responsible for CHDs have been identified from the familial forms previously. Still, the non-Mendelian inheritance and predominant sporadic cases have stimulated research to understand the epigenetic basis and environmental impact on the incidence of CHD. The fetal epigenetic programming affecting cardiac development is susceptible to the availability of key dietary factors during the crucial periconceptional period. This article highlights the need and importance of in-depth research in the new emerging area of maternal nutritional epigenetics and CHD. It summarizes the current research and underlines the limitations in these types of studies. This review will benefit the future research on nutrition as a modifiable environmental factor to decrease the incidence of CHD.Tumor-induced hypoglycemia is a serious disorder most commonly caused by insulinoma or non-islet cell tumor hypoglycemia (NICTH). The hypoglycemia can be severe and refractory to conventional therapy, leading to significant morbidity and mortality. The objective of this work is to describe a series of challenging cases in which refractory, tumor-induced hypoglycemia was shown to respond to the use of pasireotide, a second-generation somatostatin receptor ligand. We describe the clinical and biochemical features of 3 patients with tumor-induced hypoglycemia due to an occult insulinoma, malignant insulinoma, and non-islet cell tumor hypoglycemia. In these 3 individuals, the hypoglycemia remained refractory to guideline-recommended medical therapy, such as diazoxide, nonpasireotide somatostatin analogues, and glucocorticoids. Pasireotide was substituted to attenuate the refractory hypoglycemia for each patient. The addition of pasireotide led to prompt improvement in the frequency and severity of hypoglycemic episodes for each tumor-induced hypoglycemia patient. We demonstrate the successful treatment of 3 individuals with refractory, tumor-induced hypoglycemia with pasireotide. We offer the first reported use of pasireotide for the successful treatment of nonmalignant insulinoma and non-islet cell tumor hypoglycemia.Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency, a form of primary adrenal insufficiency characterized by impaired cortisol secretion and elevated androgen production, is the leading cause of atypical genitalia in the female newborn. Females with classic CAH, either salt-wasting or simple-virilizing form, usually present at birth with atypical genitalia ranging from clitoromegaly to male-appearing genitalia, due to in utero to elevated androgens (androstenedione and testosterone). Females with mild nonclassic CAH usually present with typical genitalia. Proving the importance of always keeping an open mind for exceptions to the rule, we report on 3 female newborns who presented with the nonvirilized genitalia, salt-wasting CAH phenotype and genotype most consistent with simple-virilizing CAH. It is only through a positive newborn screen identifying the females with CAH that they were diagnosed before developing adrenal and/or salt-wasting crisis.