Adequate sedation is a prerequisite for quality endoscopic examination of the digestive tract. We aimed to evaluate the current practices and safety profile of sedation for gastrointestinal endoscopy in Romania and its impact on the technical success of the procedure and procedure-related adverse events. We conducted a prospective, multicentric, observational study including all patients undergoing digestive endoscopic procedures under various degrees of sedation. We collected data regarding the endoscopic procedure, type and degree of sedation, drug regimens, personnel in charge of sedation, and relevant patient related information. The main study outcome was the rate of sedation-related adverse events; secondary study outcomes included procedure-related adverse events and the impact of sedation on procedure success. 1043 consecutive endoscopic procedures from eight Romanian endoscopy units were included in our study. Sedation regimens were highly variable between participating centers, with 566 (54%) will ensure consistent and safe practice for these procedures.Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is the major life-threatening complication of diabetes, and oxidative stress takes part in its initiation and development. This study was performed to evaluate the effects of carotenoids from Sporidiobolus pararoseus (CSP) on the renal function and oxidative stress status of mice with streptozotocin (STZ)-induced DN. The results indicated that CSP significantly attenuated symptoms of STZ-induced DN shown by decreased fasting blood glucose, reduced urine volume, urine albumin, serum creatinine and serum urea nitrogen, and improved kidney histological morphology. Furthermore, biochemical analysis of serum and kidney revealed a marked increase in oxidative stress of DN mice as evidenced by reduced total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC), decreased activity of antioxidant enzyme -superoxide dismutase (SOD) and increased level of malondialdehyde (MDA). However, treatment with CSP improved oxidative stress status in DN mice as compared with the mice in model group. Exploration of the potential mechanism validated that CSP ameliorated the oxidative stress status in DN mice by activating the expressions of Nrf2, NQO-1, HO-1, GST and CAT in kidney. These data revealed that CSP may retard the progression of DN by ameliorating renal function, improving the oxidative stress status and activating the Nrf2/ARE pathway. Lead primarily affects male reproductive functions via hormonal imbalance and morphological damage to the testicular tissue with significant alteration in sperm profile and oxidative markers. Though, different studies have reported that . oil has a wide range of biological effects, this study aimed at investigating the effect of oil on lead acetate-induced reproductive toxicity in male Wistar rats. Twenty (20) sexually matured male Wistar rats (55-65days) were randomly distributed into four groups (n=5). Group I (negative control)-distilled water orally for56days, Group II (positive control)-5mg/kg bwt lead acetate intraperitoneally for 14days, Group III-6.7mL/kg bwt . oil orally for 56days and Group IV-lead acetate intraperitoneally for 14days and . oil for orally for 56days. Rats were sacrificed by diethyl ether, after which the serum, testis and epididymis were collected and used for semen analysis, biochemical and histological analysis. The lead acetate significantly increases (p<0.05) testicular and epididymal malondialdehyde (MDA) levels, while a significant reduction (p<0.05) in sperm parameters, organ weight, testosterone and luteinizing hormone was observed when compared with the negative control. The coadministration of oil with lead acetate significantly increases (p<0.05) testosterone, luteinizing hormone, sperm parameters and organ weight, with a significant decrease (p<0.05) in MDA levels compared with positive control. Histological analysis showed that lead acetate distorts testicular cytoarchitecture and germ cell integrity while this was normalized in the cotreated group. oil attenuates the deleterious effects of lead acetate in male Wistar rats, which could be attributed to its polyphenol content and antioxidant properties. Cocos nucifera oil attenuates the deleterious effects of lead acetate in male Wistar rats, which could be attributed to its polyphenol content and antioxidant properties. Management strategies based on airway inflammation phenotypes are increasingly used for adults with asthma. While sputum-based phenotypes are relatively stable in adults with asthma, there is little such data in childhood asthma. Hence, we aimed to evaluate the stability of sputum inflammatory phenotypes in children with asthma both in the stable and during exacerbation phases. Sputum cellularity data from two previous prospective studies involving children with asthma were re-evaluated and categorized into two inflammatory phenotypes eosinophilic (>2.5% eosinophils) and noneosinophilic (≤2.5% eosinophils). Baseline values and follow-up sputum inflammatory phenotype classification were compared in children with asthma during stable and exacerbation phases. Thirteen of 32 children (41%) with stable asthma demonstrated a change in sputum inflammatory phenotype 8 weeks later. In a different second cohort, both sputum eosinophils and neutrophils percentages increased and peaked on Day 1 of asthma exacerbation, but compared with baseline, 22% (2/9) and 13% (1/8) of these children had their sputum phenotype categorization changed on Day 1 and Day 3 of exacerbation, respectively. In children with asthma, sputum inflammatory phenotypes are variable in both stable and exacerbation phases, in contrast to data in adults. In children with asthma, sputum inflammatory phenotypes are variable in both stable and exacerbation phases, in contrast to data in adults. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is a common respiratory sequelae of preterm birth, for which longitudinal outpatient data are limited. Our objective was to describe a geographically diverse outpatient cohort of former preterm infants followed in BPD-disease specific clinics. Seven BPD specialty clinics contributed data using standardized instruments to this retrospective cohort study. Inclusion criteria included preterm birth (<37 weeks) and respiratory symptoms or needs requiring outpatient follow-up. A total of 413 preterm infants and children were recruited (mean age 2.4 ± 2.7 years) with a mean gestational age of 27.0 ± 2.8 weeks and a mean birthweight of 951 ± 429 grams of whom 63.7% had severe BPD. Total, 51.1% of subjects were nonwhite. Severe BPD was not associated with greater utilization of acute care/therapies compared to non-severe counterparts. Of children with severe BPD, differences in percentage of those on any home respiratory support (p = .001), home positive pressure ventilation (p = .