Age-related memory decline has been associated with changes in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) function. In order to explore the role of mPFC in taste recognition memory, we have assessed mPFC c-Fos immunoreactivity in adult (5-month-old) and aged (24-month-old) male Wistar rats during the first (Novel), second (Familiar I), and sixth (Familiar II) exposure to a cider vinegar solution. Adult brains showed higher c-Fos expression in the ventral but not the dorsal region of mPFC during the second taste exposure. Interestingly, old brains exhibited an altered activity pattern selectively in the dorsal peduncular cortex (DP) which can be associated with a delayed attenuation of vinegar neophobia in this group. These results support the involvement of this area in the formation of safe taste memory. Further research is needed for understanding the role of DP in taste recognition memory and the impact of aging on it.Numerous studies have investigated the role of agmatine in the central nervous system and indicated neuroprotective properties. In addition to its potent antioxidant effects, agmatine is an endogenous neuromodulator and has wide spectrum molecular actions on different receptor subtypes (NMDA, Imidazoline 1-2, alpha-2 adrenoreceptor, 5-HT2a, 5-HT3) and cellular signaling pathways (MAPK, PKA, NO, BDNF). Although the neuroprotective effects of agmatine demonstrated in experimental Parkinson's disease model, the effects of agmatine with the aspect of neuroplasticity and possible signaling mechanisms behind agmatine actions have not been investigated. Herein, in this study, we investigated the role of the of agmatine on rotenone-induced Parkinson's disease model. Agmatine at the dose of 100 mg/kg i.p., was mitigated oxidative damage and alleviated motor impairments which were the results of the rotenone insult. Additionally, agmatine decreased neuronal loss, tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity and increased cREB, BDNF and ERK1/2 expression in the striatum, which are crucial neuroplasticity elements of striatal integrity. Taken together, the present study expands the knowledge of molecular mechanisms behind neuroprotective actions of agmatine in Parkinson's disease, and as far as we have known, this is the first study to delineate agmatine treated activation of cellular pathways which are important elements in neuronal cell survival.The activation of behaviour in a daily rhythm governed by the light cycle is a universal phenomenon among humans, laboratory mammals and other vertebrates. For mice, the active period is during the dark. We have quantified the increase in activity when the lights shut off (Light to Dark, L to D) using a generalized CNS arousal assay with 20 ms resolution, rather than traditional running wheels. Data analysis yielded the rare demonstration of an equation which precisely tracks this behavioural transition and, surprisingly, its reverse during D to L. This behavioural dynamic survives in constant darkness (experiment 2) and is hormone-sensitive (experiment 3). Finally (experiment 4), mice on a light schedule analogous to one which proved troublesome for U.S. Navy sailors, had dysregulated activity bursts which did not conform to the transitions between D and L. These experiments show the lawfulness of a behavioural phase transition and the consequence of deviating from that dynamic pattern. And, in a new way, they bring mathematics to the realm of behavioural neuroscience.Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC), also known as Hypromellose, is a traditional pharmaceutical excipient widely exploited in oral sustained drug release matrix systems. The choice of numerous viscosity grades and molecular weights available from different manufacturers provides a great variability in its physical-chemical properties and is a basis for its broad successful application in pharmaceutical research, development, and manufacturing. The excellent mucoadhesive properties of HPMC predetermine its use in oromucosal delivery systems including mucoadhesive tablets and films. HPMC also possesses desirable properties for formulating amorphous solid dispersions increasing the oral bioavailability of poorly soluble drugs. Printability and electrospinnability of HPMC are promising features for its application in 3D printed drug products and nanofiber-based drug delivery systems. Nanoparticle-based formulations are extensively explored as antigen and protein carriers for the formulation of oral vaccines, andpinning.Background The need for protective masks greatly exceeds their global supply during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Methods We optimized the temperature used in the dry heat pasteurization method to destroy pathogens and decontaminate masks while retaining their filtering capacity. Results The current study showed that dry heat at both 60°C and 70°C for 1 hour could successfully kill 6 species of respiratory bacteria and one fungi species, and inactivate the H1N1 indicator virus. After being heated at 70°C for 1, 2, and 3 hours, the N95 respirators and surgical face masks showed no changes in their shape and components. The filtering efficiency of bacterial aerosol for N95 respirators were 98%, 98%, and 97% after being heated for 1, 2, and 3 hour, respectively, all of which were over the 95% efficiency required and similar to the value before being heated (99%). The filtering efficiency for surgical face masks was 97%, 97%, and 96% for 1, 2, and 3 hours of heating, respectively, all of which were also similar to the value before being heated (97%). Conclusions This method can be used at home and can significantly resolve the current shortage of masks.Oncolytic viruses, effectively replicate viruses within malignant cells to lyse them without affecting normal ones, have recently shown great promise in developing therapeutic options for cancer. Adenoviruses (Ads) are one of the candidates in oncolytic virotheraoy due to its easily manipulated genomic DNA and expression of wide rane of its receptors on the various cancers. Although systematic delivery of oncolytic adenoviruses can target both primary and metastatic tumors, there are some drawbacks in the effective systematic delivery of oncolytic adenoviruses, including pre-existing antibodies and liver tropism. To overcome these limitations, intratumural (IT) administration of oncolytic viruses have been proposed. However, IT injection of Ads leaves much of the tumor mass unaffected and Ads are not able to disperse more in the tumor microenvironment (TME). To this end, various strategies have been developed to enhance the IT spread of oncolytic adenoviruses, such as using extracellular matrix degradation enzymes, junction opening peptides, and fusogenic proteins.