We report a method to generate angularly polarized vector beams with a topological charge of one by rotating air holes to form two-dimensional photonic crystal (PC) cavities. The mode volume and resonance wavelength of these cavities are tuned from $0.33(\lambda /n)^3$0.33(λ/n)3 to $12(\lambda /n)^3$12(λ/n)3 and in a wide range of 400 nm, respectively, by controlling the range of fixed air holes near the center of the structure. As a benefit, the half-maximum divergence angles of the vector beam can be widely changed from 90° to $\sim60^\circ $∼60∘. By adjusting the shift direction of the air holes in the PC cavities, optical vector beams with different far-field morphology are obtained. The scheme provides not only an alternative method to generate optical vector beams, but also an effective strategy to control far-field morphology and polarizations, which holds promising applications such as optical microscopy and micro-manipulation.We demonstrated that ultrabroadband noise-like pulses (NLPs) spanning from below 1600 nm to beyond 2300 nm can be generated in Tm-doped fiber lasers enabled by an optical microfiber. Meanwhile, pronounced red light around 660 nm was also observed, which was attributed to the intracavity third harmonic generation (THG) of ultrashort pulses by harnessing the intermodal phase matching in the optical microfiber. As far as we know, it is the first time to simultaneously observe the ultrabroadband NLPs and the intracavity THG in ultrafast fiber lasers, and it is anticipated that these ultrabroadband NLPs can be adopted as a compact broadband source for optical spectroscopy around 2 µm and a wonderful potential seed for supercontinuum generation in the mid-infrared. Moreover, the THG of the intracavity high peak power NLPs in ultrafast fiber lasers provides a new kind of fiber-format visible light source.A nonlinear optical vortex coronagraph (n-OVC) based on sum-frequency generation (SFG) in a