In this paper, the development of a five-stage solid-state linear transformer driver (LTD) is described. Each stage consists of eight compact pulse generating modules and a magnetic core. The pulse generating modules contain a multilayer-ceramic-capacitor-based pulse-forming network (PFN) and an insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) switch array, as well as magnetic switches, which are used to speed up the pulse front. To prevent damage from the reverse voltage to the IGBT switch, a reverse voltage absorption circuit was added to the PFN. For this study, a larger cross-sectional core with improved output characteristics was adopted. The developed five-stage LTD has the advantages of long life, low jitter, fast rising edge, and so on. The device can provide a 35 kV, 119 ns, 4.3 kA square pulse train with a maximum frequency of 50 Hz. On this basis, a 50-stage LTD of output 500 kV, which would serve as a high-power microwave driver source, is under development.We report measurements of the temperature- and pressure-dependent resistance, R(T, p), of a manganin manometer in a 4He-gas pressure setup from room temperature down to the solidification temperature of 4He (Tsolid ∼ 50 K at 0.8 GPa) for pressures, p, between 0 GPa and ∼0.8 GPa. The same manganin wire manometer was also measured in a piston-cylinder cell (PCC) from 300 K down to 1.8 K and for pressures between 0 GPa and ∼2 GPa. From these data, we infer the temperature and pressure dependence of the pressure coefficient of manganin, α(T, p), defined by the equation Rp = (1 + αp)R0, where R0 and Rp are the resistances of manganin at ambient pressure and finite pressure, respectively. Our results indicate that upon cooling, α first decreases, then goes through a broad minimum at ∼120 K, and increases again toward lower temperatures. In addition, we find that α is almost pressure-independent at T ≳ 60 K up to p ∼ 2 GPa, but shows a pronounced p dependence at T ≲ 60 K. Using this manganin manometer, we demonstrate that p overall decreases with decreasing temperature in the PCC for the full pressure range and that the size of the pressure difference between room temperature and low temperatures (T = 1.8 K), Δp, decreases with increasing pressure. We also compare the pressure values inferred from the manganin manometer with the low-temperature pressure, determined from the superconducting transition temperature of elemental lead (Pb). As a result of these data and analysis, we propose a practical algorithm to infer the evolution of pressure with temperature in a PCC.Monolithic, millimeter-wave "system-on-chip" (SoC) technology has been employed in heterodyne receiver integrated circuit radiometers in a newly developed Electron Cyclotron Emission Imaging (ECEI) system on the DIII-D tokamak for 2D electron temperature profile and fluctuation evolution diagnostics. A prototype module operating in the E-band (72 GHz-80 GHz) was first employed in a 2 × 10 element array that demonstrated significant improvements over the previous quasi-optical Schottky diode mixer arrays during the 2018 operational campaign of the DIII-D tokamak. For compatibility with International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor relevant scenarios on DIII-D, the SoC ECEI system was upgraded with 20 horn-waveguide receiver modules. Each individual module contains a University of California Davis designed W-band (75 GHz-110 GHz) receiver die that integrates a broadband low noise amplifier, a double balanced down-converting mixer, and a ×4 multiplier on the local oscillator (LO) chain. A ×2 multiplier and two IF amplifiers are packaged and selected to further boost the signal strength and downconvert the signal frequency. The upgraded W-band array exhibits >30 dB additional gain and 20× improvement in noise temperature compared with the previous Schottky diode radio frequency mixer input systems; an internal 8 times multiplier chain is used to bring down the LO frequency below 12 GHz, thereby obviating the need for a large aperture for quasi-optical LO coupling and replacing it with coaxial connectors. Horn-waveguide shielding housing avoids out-of-band noise interference on each individual module. The upgraded ECEI system plays an important role for absolute electron temperature evolution and fluctuation measurements for edge and core region transport physics studies.We report on the frozen-spin polarized hydrogen-deuteride (HD) targets for photoproduction experiments at SPring-8/LEPS. Pure HD gas with a small amount of ortho-H2 (∼0.1%) and a very small amount of para-D2 (∼0.001%) was liquefied and solidified by liquid helium. The temperature of the produced solid HD was reduced to about 30 mK with a dilution refrigerator. A magnetic field (17 T) was applied to the HD to grow the polarization with the static method. After the aging of the HD at low temperatures in the presence of a high-magnetic field strength for three months, the polarization froze. Almost all ortho-H2 molecules were converted to para-H2 molecules. Most remaining para-D2 molecules were converted to ortho-D2 molecules. The para-H2 and ortho-D2 molecules exhibited weak spin interactions with the HD. If the concentrations of the ortho-H2 and para-D2 were reduced appropriately at the beginning of the aging process, the aging time can be shortened. We have developed a new nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) system to measure the relaxation times (T1) of the 1H and 2H nuclei with two frequency sweeps at the respective frequencies of 726 MHz and 111 MHz and succeeded in the monitoring of the polarization build-up at decreasing temperatures from 600 mK to 30 mK at 17 T. Automatic NMR measurements with the frequency sweeps enabled us to omit the use of a manual tuning circuit and to remove magnetic field sweeps with eddy current heat. This technique enables us to optimize the concentration of the ortho-H2 and to efficiently polarize the HD target within a shortened aging time.A gated oscillating power amplifier has been developed for high frequency biasing and real time turbulent feedback experiments in the Saskatchewan Torus-modified tokamak. This oscillator is capable of providing a peak to peak oscillating output voltage of around ±60 V with a current around 30 A within the frequency band 1 kHz-50 kHz without any distortions. The overall output power is amplified by a two-stage metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor power op-amp as well as nine identical push-pull amplifiers in the final stages. The power amplifier input signal, collected from the plasma floating potential during the tokamak discharge, is optically isolated from the tokamak vessel ground. The filtered floating potential fluctuations with a band width of 5 kHz-40 kHz were amplified and fed to an electrode inserted into the plasma edge to study the response of the plasma turbulence. We observe that magnetic fluctuations are suppressed due to real time feedback of the floating potential.