Naturally- and experimentally-infected rats showed no clinical signs of disease. Percentage of nucleotide similarities at the SSU, actin, HSP70 loci between C. ratti n. sp. and the rat derived C. occultus and Cryptosporidium rat genotype II, III, IV, and V ranged from 91.0 to 98.1%. These genetic variations were similar or greater than that observed between closely related species, i.e. C. parvum and C. erinacei (93.2-99.5%). Our morphological, genetic and biological data support the establishment of Cryptosporidium rat genotype I as a new species, Cryptosporidium ratti n. sp.Parental practices can affect children's weight and BMI and may even be related to a high prevalence of obesity. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between parents' practices related to feeding their children and excess weight in preschoolers in Bucaramanga, Colombia, using artificial intelligence. A cross-sectional study was carried out between September and December 2017. The sample included preschoolers who attended child development institutions belonging to the Colombian Institute for Family Wellbeing in Bucaramanga and the metropolitan area (n 384). The outcome variable was excess weight and the main independent variable was parental feeding practices. Confounding variables analysed included sociodemographic characteristics, food consumption, and children's physical activity. All equipment for the anthropometric measurements was calibrated. Logistic regression was used to predict the effect of parental practices on the excess weight of the children, and the AUC was used to measure performance. The parental practices with the greatest association with excess weight in the children involved using food to control their behaviour and restricting the amount of food they offered (use of food to control emotions (OR 1·77; 95 % CI 1·45, 1·83; P = 0·034) and encouraging children to eat less (OR 1·22; 95 % CI 1·14, 1·89; P = 0·045)). Childrearing practices related to feeding were found to be an important predictor of excess weight in children. The results of this study represent implications for public health considering this as a baseline for the design of nutrition education interventions focused on parents of preschoolers.In order to elucidate the infection pathways of third stage larvae (L3) of Angiostrongylus cantonensis, we performed experiments to assess (i) the shedding of L3 from two species of experimental veronicellid slugs drowned in water and the ratio of emerged larvae, (ii) the transmission of viable L3 from drowned terrestrial gastropods to aquatic snails, and (iii) the transmission of viable L3 between terrestrial snails. Molluscs were experimentally infected by first stage larvae (L1) of A. cantonensis. Significantly more L3 larvae were released from Veronicella cubensis than from Veronicella sloanei. Numerous L3 were observed in the muscular foot, and also in the connective tissue between internal organs. Experimental exposure of P. maculata to L3 of A. cantonensis liberated from other gastropod species led to their infection and the infectivity of larvae after intermediesis was demonstrated by infection of laboratory rats (Rattus norvegicus). The transmission of L3 was observed in three out of four experiment replications and L3 were retrieved from 6 out of 24 Subulina octona snails. The infected synanthropic molluscs represent a key component in the epidemiology of human infections by A. cantonensis. Escape of L3 larvae from bodies of dead snails or slugs and their ability to infect further gastropod hosts (intermediesis) represents a public health risk. Thus, control of molluscs living in peri-domestic environment is an essential part of prevention of human infections.The prevalence of malnutrition in patients with cancer is one of the highest of all patient groups. Weight loss (WL) is a frequent manifestation of malnutrition in cancer and several large-scale studies have reported that involuntary WL affects 50-80% of patients with cancer, with the degree of WL dependent on tumour site, type and stage of disease. The study of body composition in oncology using computed tomography has unearthed the importance of both low muscle mass (sarcopenia) and low muscle attenuation as important prognostic indications of unfavourable outcomes including poorer tolerance to chemotherapy; significant deterioration in performance status and quality of life (QoL), poorer post-operative outcomes and shortened survival. While often hidden by excess fat and high BMI, muscle abnormalities are highly prevalent in patients with cancer (ranging from 10 to 90%). Early screening to identify individuals with sarcopenia and decreased muscle quality would allow for earlier multimodal interventions to attenuate adverse body compositional changes. Multimodal therapies (combining nutritional counselling, exercise and anti-inflammatory drugs) are currently the focus of randomised trials to examine if this approach can provide a sufficient stimulus to prevent or slow the cascade of tissue wasting and if this then impacts on outcomes in a positive manner. This review will focus on the aetiology of musculoskeletal degradation in cancer; the impact of sarcopenia on chemotherapy tolerance, post-operative complications, QoL and survival; and outline current strategies for attenuation of muscle loss in clinical practice. The current circumstances of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic necessitate the use of personal protective equipment in hospitals. N95 masks and face shields are being used as personal protective equipment to protect from aerosol-related spread of infection. Personal protective equipment, however, hampers communication. This study aimed to assess the effect of using an N95 mask and face shield on speech perception among healthcare workers with normal hearing. Twenty healthcare workers were recruited for the study. Pure tone audiometry was conducted to ensure normal hearing. Speech reception threshold and speech discrimination score were obtained, first without using personal protective equipment and then repeated with the audiologist wearing an N95 mask and face shield. A statistically significant increase in speech reception threshold (mean of 12.4 dB) and decrease in speech discrimination score (mean of 7 per cent) was found while using the personal protective equipment. Use of personal protective equipment significantly impairs speech perception.