Students became aware of their deficiencies in knowledge and acknowledged room for development with regard to their mindset for future patient management. Threshold-concept-based clinical teaching is a feasible strategy. Students' reflections indicate that thresholds were crossed, which does not guarantee that students' mindsets are ready for future clinical practice. Threshold-concept-based clinical teaching is a feasible strategy. Students' reflections indicate that thresholds were crossed, which does not guarantee that students' mindsets are ready for future clinical practice. Depersonalization and derealization are currently considered diagnostically distinct from first-rank symptoms (FRS) seen in schizophrenia-spectrum psychoses. Nevertheless, the lived experiences of these symptoms can be very similar phenomenologically. To investigate the interrelationships between depersonalization, derealization and FRS in individuals with different types of psychotic and non-psychotic diagnoses. The Chicago Follow-up Study was a prospective longitudinal research program designed to study psychopathology and recovery in psychiatric disorders consisting of 555 participants, who were recruited at index hospitalization and studied over six follow-up timepoints at approximately 2, 4.5, 7.5, 10, 15, and 20years later. The primary clinical indices were depersonalization, derealization and Schneiderian FRS that were measured at index hospitalization and at each subsequent follow-up. 62.8% of participants had at least four follow-ups. There were significant differences in the course and chronre closely associated with schizophrenia-spectrum psychoses. To apply Screening Tool for Risk on Nutritional status and Growth (STRONGkids) and the subjective global nutritional assessment (SGNA) for evaluating nutritional status, to identify the disease-related and demographic-related factors of malnutrition, and to examine the relationship between nutritional status and quality of life (QOL) in children with cancer during chemotherapy in mainland China. Children, ages 2-18, with a leukemia, lymphoma, or solid tumor diagnosis were recruited from a top cancer center in Guangzhou, China. Socio-demographic information, clinical information were collected, while nutritional status using SGNA, malnutrition risk using STRONGkids, and QOL of these children were measured. Descriptive analyses, Chi -tests, ANOVA and logistic regression analysis were used to analyze data. Among included participants, 55.8% of them were malnourished, and 74.2% of them had moderate to high risk of malnutrition. The overall QOL and subscales were associated with nutritional status. In the logistic-regression model, high malnutrition risk, patients' mother having primary school education or less, worse physical functioning quality of life, and lower BMI level were strongly associated with malnutrition. The prevalence of malnutrition in children with cancer is high, which related to worse QOL. Patients' BMI, physical functioning QOL and mothers' educational level could help to predict their nutritional status. STRONGkids and SGNA could be widely used in mainland China. Health professionals should pay attention to patients with lower BMI and physical functioning scores, and patients' mother having primary school education or less. STRONGkids and SGNA could be widely used in mainland China. Health professionals should pay attention to patients with lower BMI and physical functioning scores, and patients' mother having primary school education or less. The present article analyzes the association of the functional anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) status and the overall varus deformity and coronal tibiofemoral subluxation (CTFS) in varus OA of the knee. One hundred consecutive knees with varus OA in 84 patients were prospectively included. Knees were divided into two groups, in accordance with the ACL status (functionally sufficient or insufficient). All included patients were potential candidates for unicompartmental knee arthroplasty with predominantly medial compartment OA. Knees with Kellgren/Lawrence ≥ grade 3 in the lateral compartment were excluded leaving 79 knees to be included in this study. Mechanical varus deformity and CTFS were evaluated on AP radiographs and valgus stress radiographs, and compared between the two groups. Knees with a functionally insufficient ACL had significantly more varus deformity on hip-to-ankle AP standing radiographs (P= .001) and on valgus stress radiographs (P= .017). CTFS on AP standing radiographs was significedial unicompartmental knee arthroplasty, functional ACL insufficiency is likely in knees with varus deformity of ≥10° and CTFS of ≥ 6mm. Shared decision making (SDM) requires an active role from patients, which might be difficult for some. We aimed to identify what patients need to be ready (i.e., well-equipped and enabled) to participate in SDM about treatment, and what patient- and decision-related characteristics may influence readiness. We conducted semi-structured interviews with patients and professionals (physicians, nurses, general practitioners, and researchers). Interviews were analyzed inductively. We identified five elements of patient readiness 1) understanding of and attitude towards SDM, 2) health literacy, 3) skills in communicating and claiming space, 4) self-awareness, and 5) consideration skills. We identified 10 characteristics that may influence elements of readiness 1) age, 2) cultural background, 3) educational background, 4) close relationships, 5) mental illness, 6) emotional distress, 7) acceptance of diagnosis, 8) clinician-patient relationship, 9) decision type, and 10) time. We identified a wide range of elements that may constitute patient readiness for SDM. Readiness might vary between and within patients. This variation may result from differences in patient- and decision-related characteristics. Clinicians should be aware that not all patients may be ready for SDM at a given moment and may need support to enhance their readiness. Clinicians should be aware that not all patients may be ready for SDM at a given moment and may need support to enhance their readiness.