-examination did not affect these findings. Apart from the most limited language ("cannot exclude the defendant's gun"), judicial intervention to limit firearms conclusion language is not likely to produce its intended effect. Moreover, cross-examination does not appear to affect perceptions or individual juror verdicts. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved). Apart from the most limited language ("cannot exclude the defendant's gun"), judicial intervention to limit firearms conclusion language is not likely to produce its intended effect. Moreover, cross-examination does not appear to affect perceptions or individual juror verdicts. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved). Drawing on recent work in policing and organizational psychology, we examined factors related to openness to organizational change and to adopting evidence-based interview techniques among law enforcement investigators. We hypothesized that a procedurally fair organizational climate would predict outcomes tied to organizational change, mediated by organizational identification and perceived legitimacy. We also predicted that procedural justice factors would be stronger predictors than outcome-oriented factors (i.e., rewards and sanctions). Study 1 surveyed law enforcement investigators (N = 711) about their attitudes toward and behaviors within their organization (i.e., perceived procedural fairness of one's organization, identification, legitimacy, compliance, empowerment, and extra-role behavior). Study 2 conceptually extended this survey to interviewers (N = 71) trained in a new, evidence-based interviewing approach adding likelihood of future use of the novel interviewing approach as an outcome. Irogators' propensity toward implementing new evidence-based interrogation techniques. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved). A large body of cross-sectional research has identified a p