Hemp seed protein has the potential to be used in food systems as an emulsifying agent; however, there are still some shortcomings associated with hemp seed protein, such as poor solubility and tendency to aggregate. This study aims to improve the dispersibility of hemp seed protein as an emulsifier by complexing with pectin, driven by electrostatic force. Three protein to pectin ratios were used for complexation, from 11, 21 to 41. The complexation improved the polydispersity of hemp seed protein when dispersed in the aqueous phase. The hemp seed protein displayed multimodal size distribution in water at pH = 3.0 due to aggregation, while the incorporation of pectin helped to diminish those aggregated proteins. When the hemp seed protein was used to stabilize the oil-in-water emulsion, its stabilized emulsion showed promising homogenous droplet size distribution after emulsification. However, during the accelerated storage conditions (55°C), the emulsion stabilized solely by hemp seed protein was subjected to extensive coalescence. From day 0 to 9, the droplet size (d4,3 ) increased by 50 folds from 3.215 to 161.6 µm. In contrast, the hemp seed protein-pectin complex exhibited extraordinary stability during the storage test, where size evolution in all three samples was negligible compared to the emulsion stabilized by hemp seed protein. Rheological characterization suggests that pectin provided physical strength, which may help the emulsion droplets to maintain structural integrity under environmental stress. The underlying mechanism could be associated with the formation of a three-dimensional structure by pectin through bridging adjacent emulsion droplets. PRACTICAL APPLICATION Hemp seed protein is gaining more and more attention as an emerging plant protein. Recently, hemp seed protein has been explored as an emulsifier, but its stabilized emulsion encounters instability issues during storage. Our study suggests pectin could be used as a co-stabilizer for hemp seed protein emulsions.The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends cutting down added sugar in processed foods and beverages. There is a growing concern for increased calorie intake from added sugar in flavored milk. To understand how to effectively reduce added sugar in flavored milk, the influence of other nutritional components such as percentage of fat, protein, and salt need to be accounted for as they are the determinants for color, flavor and mouthfeel attributes that ultimately influence consumer liking. Therefore, this study aims to identify the ideal product composition of commercial chocolate flavored milk samples and to link the existing variations to consumers' liking data using External Preference Mapping (EPM). Thirty-four commercial chocolate milk samples systematically varying in compositional profile (sugar, fat, protein, salt, stabilizer and sweetener) were analysed by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) with a subset of 10 chocolate milk samples varying in product composition (fat, protein, salt and sugar) sel In addition, the results provide an ideal product composition along with sugar concentration that can be used as a standard or control mark for sugar reduction target. Cognitive control processes are implicated in the behavioral treatment of Tourette's disorder (TD). However, the influence of these processes on treatment outcomes has received minimal attention. This study examined whether cognitive control processes and/or tic suppression predicted reductions in tic severity and treatment response to behavior therapy. Fifty-three youth with TD or a pervasive tic disorder participated in a randomized wait list-controlled trial of behavior therapy. Following a baseline assessment to evaluate psychiatric diagnoses, tic severity, and cognitive control processes (e.g., response selection, inhibition, and suppression), youth were randomly assigned to receive eight sessions of behavior therapy (n=23) or a wait list of equal duration (n=28). Youth receiving immediate treatment completed a post-treatment assessment to determine improvement in tic severity. Meanwhile, youth in the wait list condition completed another assessment to re-evaluate tic severity and cognitive control puctions in behavior therapy. Notably, even when other cognitive control processes are impaired and youth are initially unable to voluntarily suppress their tics, youth with TD can still benefit from behavior therapy. Findings offer implications for clinical practice and research for TD.Ciliopathies are a group of clinical and molecular heterogeneous conditions with pleiotropic manifestations affecting the central nervous system, renal, liver, skeletal, and ocular systems. Biallelic pathogenic variants in DCDC2 cause a ciliopathy primarily presenting with neonatal sclerosing cholangitis (NSC). Pathogenic variants in DCDC2 have further been reported in the context of nephronophthisis and non-syndromic recessive deafness. Polymorphisms in DCDC2 have also been associated with dyslexia and DCDC2 has a role in neuronal development. We report on two unrelated patients with DCDC2-related NSC with additional central nervous system impairment manifesting as microcephaly, global developmental delay, and axial hypotonia. Histological findings of our patients can mimic biliary atresia or congenital hepatic fibrosis. We further show that transmission electron microscopy in patients with NSC does not always show absence of primary cilia. Hence patients with DCDC2 pathogenic variants should also undergo an evaluation of neuromotor development. Review of all reported patients further reveals a risk for supra-aortic arterial aneurysms. Phosphatidylserine (PS) is essential for inflammation-associated thrombogenesis, but the exact effect of PS on the prothrombotic state in periodontitis is uncertain. This study aimed to determine the PS-related procoagulant state in patients with periodontitis. A total of 138 patients with periodontitis were examined compared with 42 healthy controls. PS-exposing cells and microvesicles in blood samples were detected by confocal microscopy and flow cytometry. The clotting time assay and prothrombinase complex formation assay were used to measure the procoagulant activity of microvesicles, blood cells and endothelial cells. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/asciminib-abl001.html Periodontal clinical parameters and laboratory characteristics of patients with severe periodontitis were recorded and analyzed at baseline and 6 months after non-surgical periodontal therapy. Total PS-positive (PS ) microvesicles and the percentage of PS blood cells increased in patients with severe periodontitis compared with patients with moderate/mild periodontitis or healthy controls.