Crabs of the family Camptandriidae are the most dominant burrowing crabs inhabiting arid mangrove forests of the Persian Gulf. They play important roles in the structuring and functioning of mangrove ecosystems by modulating biogeochemical processes and cycling of nutrients, serving as important ecosystem engineers. We analysed stable carbon (13C) and nitrogen (15N) isotope values of three camptandriid crabs (Opusia indica, Nasima dotilliformis, and Manningis arabicum) and their potential food sources in the Hara Biosphere Reserve, northern Persian Gulf. A Bayesian mixing model was used to estimate the contribution of potential food sources for consumers. The results showed that to some degree, all the four sources selected contributed to the camptandriid diets, but microphytobenthos made the most important contributions to the diet of the consumers. Mangroves do not appear to be a significant source of carbon in the diet of camptandriid crabs in the arid mangrove system of the Persian Gulf. Rather, they offer favourable growing conditions, thus boosting microphytobenthos production and availability for consumers which prefer a high nutritional and palatable source.These guidelines update the 2008 UK guideline for the management of sexually acquired reactive arthritis. The guideline is aimed at those over the age of 16 years, presenting to healthcare professionals working in sexual health services. The recommendations are primarily aimed at services offering level 3 care in sexually transmitted infection management within the United Kingdom. However, the principles will apply to those presenting to level 1 and 2 services, and appropriate local referral pathways will need to be developed.Introduction Despite advances in medical care, heart failure (HF)-associated morbidity and mortality remains high. Consequently, there is increased effort to find better ways for predicting, screening, and prognosticating HF in order to facilitate effective primary and secondary prevention.Areas covered In this review, we describe the various biomarkers associated with different etiologic pathways implicated in HF, and discuss their roles in screening, diagnosing, prognosticating and predicting HF. We explore the emerging role of multi-omic approaches. We performed electronic searches in databases (PubMed and Google Scholar) through December 2020, using the following key terms biomarker, novel, heart failure, risk, prediction, and estimation.Circulating BNP and troponin concentrations have been established in clinical care as key biomarkers for diagnosing and prognosticating HF. Emerging biomarkers (such as galectin-3 and ST-2) have gained further recognition for use in evaluating prognosis of HF patients. Promising biomarkers that are yet to be part of clinical recommendations include biomarkers of cardiorenal disease.Expert opinion Increasing recognition of the complex and interdependent nature of pathophysiological pathways of HF has led to the application of multi-marker approaches including multi-omic high throughput assays. These newer approaches have the potential for new therapeutic discoveries and improving precision medicine in HF. High-resolution magnetic resonance imaging has the potential of characterising arterial wall changes after endovascular mechanical thrombectomy. The purpose of this study is to evaluate high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging features of large intracranial arteries following mechanical thrombectomy. Patients who presented with acute ischaemic stroke due to large vessel occlusion and underwent mechanical thrombectomy were prospectively recruited. Subjects underwent high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging within 24 hours of the procedure. Magnetic resonance imaging sequences included whole brain T1 pre and post-contrast black-blood imaging, three-dimensional T2, contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography and susceptibility-weighted imaging. Arterial wall enhancement was objectively assessed after normalisation with the pituitary stalk. The contrast ratio of target vessels was compared with non-affected reference vessels. Twenty patients with 22 target vessels and 20 reference vessels were inclancement in determining arterial changes after mechanical thrombectomy. Preliminary data suggest that the use of stentrievers is associated with a higher enhancement as compared to reperfusion catheters. This prospective pilot study used the objective quantification of arterial wall enhancement in determining arterial changes after mechanical thrombectomy. Preliminary data suggest that the use of stentrievers is associated with a higher enhancement as compared to reperfusion catheters.Background Interventions for improving reporting and management of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) need regular evaluations of attitude and knowledge of health care professionals regarding pharmacovigilance.Research design and methods An exploratory survey among general practitioners in Germany was conducted.Results We interviewed 302 individuals (participation rate 34.3%; mean age 54 yrs; 37.1% female). Underreporting was prevalent in the sample (only 16.6% had reported an ADR in 2015; average total number of ADR-reports was 5). We found awareness of the importance of pharmacovigilance and ADRs, information deficits (43% were not aware of the obligation to report ADRs), and several uncertainties regarding the detection and reporting of ADRs. The participants rated the German ADR reporting system as satisfactory (mean grade 3.7 ± 1.2) and criticized the expenditure of time (63.6%) and the overall complexity (47.4%). To increase the motivation to report ADRs, the majority requested the possibility to report by telephone (61.3%), feedback after reporting (49.3%), telephone consultations (47.4%), and more education and training in pharmacovigilance (31.1%), also during medical school (25.8%).Conclusions We found evidence of objective and subjective need for further (mandatory) education and training in pharmacovigilance, already during medical school. Our results point to some shortcomings of the German pharmacovigilance system.Gene expression profiling makes it possible to conduct many biological studies in a variety of fields due to its thorough characterization of cellular states under various experimental conditions. Despite recent advances in high-throughput technology, profiling an entire set of genomes is still difficult and expensive. Due to the high correlation between expression patterns of different genes, the aforementioned problem can be solved with a cost-effective approach that collects only a small subset of genes, called landmark genes, representing the entire set of genes, and infer the remaining genes, called target genes, using a computational model. There are several shallow and deep regression models in literature to estimate the expressions of target genes from the landmark genes. However, the shallow mostly have limited capacity in learning the nonlinear and complex gene expression data and are prone to underfitting, and the deep models generally do not take advantage of correlation among target genes in the learning process and suffer from overfitting.