Conclusions Permutation-based approaches perform adequately and can be used within Imiomics. They can be improved by including information on image structure. We expect such method extensions to become even more relevant with new applications and larger datasets. © The Authors. Published by SPIE under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported License. Distribution or reproduction of this work in whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including its DOI.Purpose Radiomic features extracted from medical images acquired in different countries may demonstrate a batch effect. Thus, we investigated the effect of harmonization on a database of radiomic features extracted from dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance (DCE-MR) breast imaging studies of 3150 benign lesions and cancers collected from international datasets, as well as the potential of harmonization to improve classification of malignancy. Approach Eligible features were harmonized by category using the ComBat method. Harmonization effect on features was evaluated using the Davies-Bouldin index for degree of clustering between populations for both benign lesions and cancers. Performance in distinguishing between cancers and benign lesions was evaluated for each dataset using 10-fold cross validation with the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) determined on the pre- and postharmonization sets of radiomic features in each dataset and a combined one. Differences in AUCs were evaluated for statistical significance. Results The Davies-Bouldin index increased by 27% for benign lesions and by 43% for cancers, indicating that the postharmonization features were more similar. Classification performance using postharmonization features performed better than that using preharmonization features ( p less then 0.001 for all three). Conclusion Harmonization of radiomic features may enable combining databases from different populations for more comprehensive computer-aided diagnosis models of breast cancer. © 2020 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).The editorial introduces the Special Section on Evaluation Methodologies for Clinical AI. © 2020 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).Significance There are no label-free imaging descriptors related to physiological activity of inner retinal cells in the living human eye. A major reason is that inner retinal neurons are highly transparent and reflect little light, making them extremely difficult to visualize and quantify. Aim To measure physiologically-induced optical changes of inner retinal cells despite their challenging optical properties. Approach We developed an imaging method based on adaptive optics and optical coherence tomography (AO-OCT) and a suite of postprocessing algorithms, most notably a new temporal correlation method. Results We captured the temporal dynamics of entire inner retinal layers, of specific tissue types, and of individual cells across three different timescales from fast (seconds) to extremely slow (one year). Time correlation analysis revealed significant differences in time constant (up to 0.4 s) between the principal layers of the inner retina with the ganglion cell layer (GCL) being the most dynamic. At the cellular level, significant differences were found between individual GCL somas. The mean time constant of the GCL somas ( 0.69 ± 0.17    s ) was ∼ 30 % smaller than that of nerve fiber bundles and inner plexiform layer synapses and processes. Across longer durations, temporal speckle contrast and time-lapse imaging revealed motion of macrophage-like cells (over minutes) and GCL neuron loss and remodeling (over one year). Conclusions Physiological activity of inner retinal cells is now measurable in the living human eye. © The Authors. Published by SPIE under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported License. Distribution or reproduction of this work in whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including its DOI.Significance Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common psychological disease in childhood. Currently, widely used neuroimaging techniques require complete body confinement and motionlessness and thus are extremely hard for brain scanning of ADHD children. Aim We present resting-state functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) as an imaging technique to record spontaneous brain activity in children with ADHD. Approach The brain functional connectivity was calculated, and the graph theoretical analysis was further applied to investigate alterations in the global and regional properties of the brain network in the patients. In addition, the relationship between brain network features and core symptoms was examined. Results ADHD patients exhibited significant decreases in both functional connectivity and global network efficiency. Meanwhile, the nodal efficiency in children with ADHD was also found to be altered, e.g., increase in the visual and dorsal attention networks and decrease in somatomotor and default mode networks, compared to the healthy controls. More importantly, the disrupted functional connectivity and nodal efficiency significantly correlated with dimensional ADHD scores. Conclusions We clearly demonstrate the feasibility and potential of fNIRS-based connectome technique in ADHD or other neurological diseases in the future. © The Authors. Published by SPIE under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported License. Distribution or reproduction of this work in whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including its DOI.Optogenetics has become an integral tool for studying and dissecting the neural circuitries of the brain using optical control. Recently, it has also begun to be used in the investigation of the spinal cord and peripheral nervous system. However, information on these regions' optical properties is sparse. Moreover, there is a lack of data on the dependence of light propagation with respect to neural tissue organization and orientation. This information is important for effective simulations and optogenetic planning, particularly in the spinal cord where the myelinated axons are highly organized. To this end, we report experimental measurements for the scattering coefficient, validated with three different methods in both the longitudinal and radial directions of multiple mammalian spinal cords. In our analysis, we find that there is indeed a directional dependence of photon propagation when interacting with organized myelinated axons. Specifically, light propagating perpendicular to myelinated axons in the white matter of the spinal cord produced a measured reduced scattering coefficient ( μ s ' ) of 3.