Approximately 100 years ago, unregulated harvest nearly eliminated white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) from eastern North America, which subsequently served to catalyze wildlife management as a national priority. An extensive stock-replenishment effort soon followed, with deer broadly translocated among states as a means of re-establishment. However, an unintended consequence was that natural patterns of gene flow became obscured and pretranslocation signatures of population structure were replaced. We applied cutting-edge molecular and biogeographic tools to disentangle genetic signatures of historical management from those reflecting spatially heterogeneous dispersal by evaluating 35,099 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) derived via reduced-representation genomic sequencing from 1143 deer sampled statewide in Arkansas. We then employed Simpson's diversity index to summarize ancestry assignments and visualize spatial genetic transitions. Using sub-sampled transects across these transitions, we tested clinal patterns across loci against theoretical expectations of their response under scenarios of re-colonization and restricted dispersal. Two salient results emerged (A) Genetic signatures from historic translocations are demonstrably apparent; and (B) Geographic filters (major rivers; urban centers; highways) now act as inflection points for the distribution of this contemporary ancestry. These results yielded a statewide assessment of contemporary population structure in deer as driven by historic translocations as well as ongoing processes. In addition, the analytical framework employed herein to effectively decipher extant/historic drivers of deer distribution in Arkansas is also applicable for other biodiversity elements with similarly complex demographic histories.Road networks and human density are major factors contributing to habitat fragmentation and loss, isolation of wildlife populations, and reduced genetic diversity. Terrestrial mammals are particularly sensitive to road networks and encroachment by human populations. However, there are limited assessments of the impacts of road networks and human density on population-specific nuclear genetic diversity, and it remains unclear how these impacts are modulated by life-history traits. Using generalized linear mixed models and microsatellite data from 1444 North American terrestrial mammal populations, we show that taxa with large home range sizes, dense populations, and large body sizes had reduced nuclear genetic diversity with increasing road impacts and human density, but the overall influence of life-history traits was generally weak. Instead, we observed a high degree of genus-specific variation in genetic responses to road impacts and human density. Human density negatively affected allelic diversity or heterozygosity more than road networks (13 vs. 5-7 of 25 assessed genera, respectively); increased road networks and human density also positively affected allelic diversity and heterozygosity in 15 and 6-9 genera, respectively. Large-bodied, human-averse species were generally more negatively impacted than small, urban-adapted species. Genus-specific responses to habitat fragmentation by ongoing road development and human encroachment likely depend on the specific capability to (i) navigate roads as either barriers or movement corridors, and (ii) exploit resource-rich urban environments. The nonuniform genetic response to roads and human density highlights the need to implement efforts to mitigate the risk of vehicular collisions, while also facilitating gene flow between populations of particularly vulnerable taxa.Understanding how risk factors affect populations across their annual cycle is a major challenge for conserving migratory birds. For example, disease outbreaks may happen on the breeding grounds, the wintering grounds, or during migration and are expected to accelerate under climate change. The ability to identify the geographic origins of impacted individuals, especially outside of breeding areas, might make it possible to predict demographic trends and inform conservation decision-making. However, such an effort is made more challenging by the degraded state of carcasses and resulting low quality of DNA available. Here, we describe a rapid and low-cost approach for identifying the origins of birds sampled across their annual cycle that is robust even when DNA quality is poor. We illustrate the approach in the common loon (Gavia immer), an iconic migratory aquatic bird that is under increasing threat on both its breeding and wintering areas. Using 300 samples collected from across the breeding range, we develop a panel of 158 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) loci with divergent allele frequencies across six genetic subpopulations. We use this SNP panel to identify the breeding grounds for 142 live nonbreeding individuals and carcasses. For example, genetic assignment of loons sampled during botulism outbreaks in parts of the Great Lakes provides evidence for the significant role the lakes play as migratory stopover areas for loons that breed across wide swaths of Canada, and highlights the vulnerability of a large segment of the breeding population to botulism outbreaks that are occurring in the Great Lakes with increasing frequency. Our results illustrate that the use of SNP panels to identify breeding origins of carcasses collected during the nonbreeding season can improve our understanding of the population-specific impacts of mortality from disease and anthropogenic stressors, ultimately allowing more effective management.Concurrent natural evolution of glyphosate resistance single- and double-point EPSPS mutations in weed species provides an opportunity for the estimation of resistance fitness benefits and prediction of equilibrium resistance frequencies in environments under glyphosate selection. Assessment of glyphosate resistance benefit was conducted for the most commonly identified single Pro-106-Ser and less-frequent double TIPS mutations in the EPSPS gene evolved in the global damaging weed Eleusine indica. Under glyphosate selection at the field dose, plants with the single Pro-106-Ser mutation at homozygous state (P106S-rr) showed reduced survival and compromised vegetative growth and fecundity compared with TIPS plants. Whereas both homozygous (TIPS-RR) and compound heterozygous (TIPS-Rr) plants with the double TIPS resistance mutation displayed similar survival rates when exposed to glyphosate, a significantly higher fecundity in the currency of seed number was observed in TIPS-Rr than TIPS-RR plants. The highest plant fitness benefit was associated with the heterozygous TIPS-Rr mutation, whereas plants with the homozygous Pro-106-Ser and TIPS mutations exhibited, respectively, 31% and 39% of the fitness benefit revealed by the TIPS-Rr plants.