All patients developed stereopsis postoperatively ( < .05). There was no significant difference in modulation transfer function cut-off and Strehl ratio between the eyes with a multifocal IOL and the healthy eyes of patients with unilateral cataract ( > .05). Objective Scatter Index values were significantly better in the healthy eyes ( < .05). No posterior capsule opacification, posterior synechiae, secondary glaucoma, pigmentary IOL deposits, or IOL decentration was observed during the follow-up period. Short-term follow-up results suggest full-diffractive multifocal IOL optic capture may benefit appropriately selected patients with pediatric cataract. . Short-term follow-up results suggest full-diffractive multifocal IOL optic capture may benefit appropriately selected patients with pediatric cataract. [J Refract Surg. 202137(6)390-397.].Presbyopia is an age-related condition that affects approximately 1.8 billion people worldwide. Strategies to correct presbyopia include both nonsurgical and surgical approaches. Although eye care providers assume that multifocal spectacles and monovision have lower risks than surgical interventions, there is evidence to suggest that the use of these nonsurgical approaches in the older population increases the risk for trips and falls. Each year, fall-related injuries and deaths are reported in a substantial portion of the population, both globally and in the United States. Previous studies have shown a link between visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, stereoacuity, and visual field impairments and falls. More recent mechanistic and epidemiological studies have shown that multifocal spectacles and monovision can increase the risk for falls as well. Although evidence on the financial burden of falls related to multifocal spectacles or monovision is limited, total direct medical costs related to falls associated with multifocal spectacles are estimated to be approximately