The vasoconstriction of blood vessels in the DSWC model after V-PDT is directly quantified, which can avoid by the potential of generating new capillaries. The accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of the U-Net model for image segmentation are 90.64%, 80.12% and 92.83%, respectively. A significant difference in vasoconstriction between a control and a V-PDT group was observed. This new automatic protocol is well suitable for quantifying vasoconstriction in blood vessel image, which holds the potential application in V-PDT studies. © 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement.We demonstrate large scale polarization contrast optical diffraction tomography (ODT). In cross-polarized sample arm detection configuration we determine, from the amplitude of the optical wavefield, a relative measure of the birefringence projection. In parallel-polarized sample arm detection configuration we image the conventional phase projection. For off-axis sample placement we observe for polarization contrast ODT, similar as for phase contrast ODT, a strongly reduced noise contribution. In the limit of small birefringence phase shift δ we demonstrate tomographic reconstruction of polarization contrast images into a full 3D image of an optically cleared zebrafish. The polarization contrast ODT reconstruction shows muscular zebrafish tissue, which cannot be visualized in conventional phase contrast ODT. Polarization contrast ODT images of the zebrafish show a much higher signal to noise ratio (SNR) than the corresponding phase contrast images, SNR=73 and SNR=15, respectively. © 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement.Wide-field fluorescence microscopy, while much faster than confocal microscopy, suffers from a lack of optical sectioning and poor axial resolution. 3D structured illumination microscopy (SIM) has been demonstrated to provide optical sectioning and to double the resolution limit both laterally and axially, but even with this the axial resolution is still worse than the lateral resolution of unmodified wide-field microscopy. Interferometric schemes using two high numerical aperture objectives, such as 4Pi confocal and I5M microscopy, have improved the axial resolution beyond that of the lateral, but at the cost of a significantly more complex optical setup. Here, we theoretically and numerically investigate a simpler dual-objective scheme which we propose can be easily added to an existing 3D-SIM microscope, providing lateral and axial resolutions in excess of 125 nm with conventional fluorophores and without the need for interferometric detection. Published by The Optical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI.Diagnostic classification techniques used to diagnose cataracts, the world's leading cause of blindness, are currently based on subjective methods. Here, we present optical coherence tomography as a noninvasive tool for volumetric visualization of lesions formed in the crystalline lens. A custom-made swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) system was utilized to investigate the murine crystalline lens. In addition to imaging cataractous lesions in aged wildtype mice, we studied the structure and shape of cataracts in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Hyperscattering opacifications in the crystalline lens were observed in both groups. Post mortem histological analysis were performed to correlate findings in the anterior and posterior part of the lens to 3D OCT in vivo imaging. Our results showcase the capability of OCT to rapidly visualize cataractous lesions in the murine lens and suggest that OCT might be a valuable tool that provides additional insight for preclinical studies of cataract formation. © 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement.Terahertz technology has shown broad prospects for measuring corneal water content, which is an important parameter of ocular health. Based on terahertz time-domain spectroscopy, a new indicator named characteristic ratio (CR) of the sum of low (0.2-0.7 THz) and high (0.7-1.0 THz) frequency spectral intensities, for characterizing corneal hydration is introduced in this work. CR is calculated from the real-time reflection spectra after error elimination of ex vivo human corneal stroma samples which is collected during dehydration under natural conditions (temperature 22.4 ± 0.3°C; humidity 20.0 ± 3%). The corresponding relationships between CR and corneal water content are reported. Comparing the linear fitting results with the published similar study, the coefficients of variation of the fitting slope and intercept are 39.4% and 27.6% lower, respectively. This indicates that this approach has the potential to achieve corneal water content in-vivo detection in the future. © 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement.The development of a multimodal optical imaging system is presented that integrates endogenous fluorescence and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy with single-wavelength spatial frequency domain imaging (SFDI) and surface profilometry. The system images specimens at visible wavelengths with a spatial resolution of 70 µm, a field of view of 25 cm2 and a depth of field of ∼1.5 cm. The results of phantom experiments are presented demonstrating the system retrieves absorption and reduced scattering coefficient maps using SFDI with less then 6% reconstruction errors. A phase-shifting profilometry technique is implemented and the resulting 3-D surface used to compute a geometric correction ensuring optical properties reconstruction errors are maintained to less then 6% in curved media with height variations less then 20 mm. Combining SFDI-computed optical properties with data from diffuse reflectance spectra is shown to correct fluorescence using a model based on light transport in tissue theory. The system is used to image a human prostate, demonstrating its ability to distinguish prostatic tissue (anterior stroma, hyperplasia, peripheral zone) from extra-prostatic tissue (urethra, ejaculatory ducts, peri-prostatic tissue).