e delicate to manage than AIH.Extracellular vesicles (EVs) hold value as accessible biomarkers for understanding cellular differentiation and related pathologies. Herein, EV biomarkers in models of skeletal muscle dormancy and differentiation have been comparatively profiled using Raman spectroscopy (RS). Significant variations in the biochemical fingerprint of EVs were detected, with an elevation in peaks associated with lipid and protein signatures during early myogenic differentiation (day 2). Principal component analysis revealed a clear separation between the spectra of EVs derived from myogenic and senescent cell types, with non-overlapping interquartile ranges and population median. Observations aligned with nanoparticle tracking data, highlighting a significant early reduction in EV concentration in senescent myoblast cultures as well as notable variations in EV morphology and diameter. As differentiation progressed physical and biochemical differences in the properties of EVs became less pronounced. This study demonstrates the applicability of RS as a high-resolution analytical method for profiling biochemical changes in EVs during early myogenesis.Current gold standard to treat soft tissue injuries caused by trauma and pathological condition are autografts and off the shelf fillers, but they have inherent weaknesses like donor site morbidity, immuno-compatibility and graft failure. To overcome these limitations, tissue-engineered polymers are seeded with stem cells to improve the potential to restore tissue function. However, their interaction with native tissue is poorly understood so far. To study these interactions and improve outcomes, we have fabricated scaffolds from natural polymers (collagen, fibrin and elastin) by custom-designed processes and their material properties such as surface morphology, swelling, wettability and chemical cross-linking ability were characterised. By using 3D scaffolds, we comprehensive assessed survival, proliferation and phenotype of adipose-derived stem cells in vitro. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/alkbh5-inhibitor-2.html In vivo, scaffolds were seeded with adipose-derived stem cells and implanted in a rodent model, with X-ray microtomography, histology and immunohistochemistry as read-outs. Collagen-based materials showed higher cell adhesion and proliferation in vitro as well as higher adipogenic properties in vivo. In contrast, fibrin demonstrated poor cellular and adipogenesis properties but higher angiogenesis. Elastin formed the most porous scaffold, with cells displaying a non-aggregated morphology in vitro while in vivo elastin was the most degraded scaffold. These findings of how polymers present in the natural polymers mimicking ECM and seeded with stem cells affect adipogenesis in vitro and in vivo can open avenues to design 3D grafts for soft tissue repair.Extracellular vesicles (EVs), including exosomes, carry the genetic packages of RNA, DNA, and proteins and are heavily involved in cell-cell communications and intracellular signalings. Therefore, EVs are spotlighted as therapeutic mediators for the treatment of injured and dysfunctional tissues as well as biomarkers for the detection of disease status and progress. Several key issues in EVs, including payload content and bioactivity, targeting and bio-imaging ability, and mass-production, need to be improved to enable effective therapeutics and clinical translation. For this, significant efforts have been made recently, including genetic modification, biomolecular and chemical treatment, application of physical/mechanical cues, and 3D cultures. Here we communicate those recent technological advances made mainly in the biogenesis process of EVs or at post-collection stages, which ultimately aimed to improve the therapeutic efficacy in tissue healing and disease curing and the possibility of clinical translation. This communication will help tissue engineers and biomaterial scientists design and produce EVs optimally for tissue regenerative therapeutics.The intestinal epithelium, the fastest renewing tissue in human, is a complex tissue hosting multiple cell types with a dynamic and multiparametric microenvironment, making it particularly challenging to recreate in vitro. Convergence of recent advances in cellular biology and microfabrication technologies have led to the development of various bioengineered systems to model and study the intestinal epithelium. Theses microfabricated in vitro models may constitute an alternative to current approaches for studying the fundamental mechanisms governing intestinal homeostasis and pathologies, as well as for in vitro drug screening and testing. Herein, we review the recent advances in bioengineered in vitro intestinal models.Previous studies have demonstrated that exogenous attention decreases audiovisual integration (AVI); however, whether the AVI is different when exogenous attention is elicited by bimodal and unimodal cues and its aging effect remain unclear. To clarify this matter, 20 older adults and 20 younger adults were recruited to conduct an auditory/visual discrimination task following bimodal audiovisual cues or unimodal auditory/visual cues. The results showed that the response to all stimulus types was faster in younger adults compared with older adults, and the response was faster when responding to audiovisual stimuli compared with auditory or visual stimuli. Analysis using the race model revealed that the AVI was lower in the exogenous-cue conditions compared with the no-cue condition for both older and younger adults. The AVI was observed in all exogenous-cue conditions for the younger adults (visual cue > auditory cue > audiovisual cue); however, for older adults, the AVI was only found in the visual-cue condition. In addition, the AVI was lower in older adults compared to younger adults under no- and visual-cue conditions. These results suggested that exogenous attention decreased the AVI, and the AVI was lower in exogenous attention elicited by bimodal-cue than by unimodal-cue conditions. In addition, the AVI was reduced for older adults compared with younger adults under exogenous attention.When observers view a perceptually bistable stimulus, their perception changes stochastically. Various studies have shown across-observer correlations in the percept durations for different bistable stimuli including binocular rivalry stimuli and bistable moving plaids. Previous work on binocular rivalry posits that neural inhibition in the visual hierarchy is a factor involved in the perceptual fluctuations in that paradigm. Here, in order to investigate whether between-observer variability in cortical inhibition underlies correlated percept durations between binocular rivalry and bistable moving plaid perception, we used center-surround suppression as a behavioral measure of cortical inhibition. We recruited 217 participants in a test battery that included bistable perception paradigms as well as a center-surround suppression paradigm. While we were able to successfully replicate the correlations between binocular rivalry and bistable moving plaid perception, we did not find a correlation between center-surround suppression strength and percept durations for any form of bistable perception.