Post-translational covalent modifications of histones play important roles in modulating chromatin structure and are involved in the control of multiple developmental processes in plants. Here we provide insight into the contribution of the histone lysine methyltransferase SET DOMAIN GROUP 8 (SDG8), implicated in histone H3 lysine 36 trimethylation (H3K36me3), in connection with RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) to enhance Arabidopsis immunity. We showed that even if the sdg8-1 loss-of-function mutant, defective in H3K36 methylation, displayed a higher sensitivity to different strains of the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae, effector-triggered immunity (ETI) still operated, but less efficiently than in the wild-type (WT) plants. In sdg8-1, the level of the plant defense hormone salicylic acid (SA) was abnormally high under resting conditions and was accumulated similarly to WT at the early stage of pathogen infection but quickly dropped down at later stages. Concomitantly, the transcription of several defenseR2, to potentiate sustainable immunity during plant defense response to bacterial pathogen. Copyright © 2020 Zhang, Ménard, Li, Coruzzi, Heitz, Shen and Berr.The genome of Asian cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.) shows the presence of six organelle-specific and one plasma membrane (OsNHX1-7) NHX-type cation proton antiporters. Of these, vacuolar-localized OsNHX1 is extensively characterized. The genus Oryza consists of 27 species and 11 genome-types, with cultivated rice, diploid O. sativa, having an AA-type genome. Oryza NHX1 orthologous regions (gene organization, 5' upstream cis elements, amino acid residues/motifs) from closely related Oryza AA genomes cluster distinctly from NHX1 regions from more ancestral Oryza BB, FF and KKLL genomes. These sequence-specific distinctions also extend to two separate intron retention (IR) events involving Oryza NHX1 transcripts that occur at the 5' and 3' ends of the NHX1 transcripts. We demonstrate that the IR event involving the 5' UTR is present only in more recently evolved Oryza AA genomes while the IR event governing retention of the 13th intron of Oryza NHX1 (terminal intron) is more ancient in origin, also occurring in halophytic wild rice, Oryza coarctata (KKLL). We also report presence of a retro-copy of the OcNHX1 cDNA in the genome of O. coarctata (rOcNHX1). Preferential species and tissue specific up- or down-regulation of the correctly spliced NHX1 transcript/5' UTR/13th intron-retaining splice variants under salinity was observed. The implications of IR on NHX1 mRNA stability and ORF diversity in Oryza spp. is discussed. Copyright © 2020 Sellamuthu, Jegadeeson, Sajeevan, Rajakani, Parthasarathy, Raju, Shabala, Chen, Zhou, Sowdhamini, Shabala and Venkataraman.Chloroplast development and chlorophyll metabolism have been well described in model plants but not in perennial woody crops. Of particular interest is the interplay between light and hormones under shade conditions. We report that the shade induced accumulation of chlorophylls in Camellia sinensis cv. Shuchazao leaves is at least as a result of (a) positive changes in chloroplast development and (b) light/hormonal regulation of genes and transcription factors involved in the chlorophyll biosynthesis pathway. Under shade conditions, leaves developed an abundance of enlarged chloroplasts encapsulating more prominent thylakoid membranes. Four major metabolites in the chlorophyll biosynthesis pathway namely Chl a, Chl b, DPP, and Mg-Proto IX increased under shade conditions while PBG decreased significantly. Significant changes were found at the transcription level of regulators of chloroplast biogenesis (GLK1 and LHCB), the structural genes in the chlorophyll biosynthesis pathway (HEMA1, CLH1, PORA, and CAO) anhormones in a commercially important woody plant such as Camellia, which may facilitate the breeding of high-chlorophyll tea cultivars for the improvement of sensory features of the green tea product. Copyright © 2020 Liu, Lin, Liu, Yang, Wang and Wan.A primary focus of the rapidly growing field of plant synthetic biology is to develop technologies to precisely regulate gene expression and engineer complex genetic circuits into plant chassis. At present, there are few orthogonal tools available for effectively controlling gene expression in plants, with most researchers instead using a limited set of viral elements or truncated native promoters. A powerful repressible-and engineerable-binary system that has been repurposed in a variety of eukaryotic systems is the Q-system from Neurospora crassa. Here, we demonstrate the functionality of the Q-system in plants through transient expression in soybean (Glycine max) protoplasts and agroinfiltration in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves. Further, using functional variants of the QF transcriptional activator, it was possible to modulate the expression of reporter genes and to fully suppress the system through expression of the QS repressor. As a potential application for plant-based biosensors (phytosensors), we demonstrated the ability of the Q-system to amplify the signal from a weak promoter, enabling remote detection of a fluorescent reporter that was previously undetectable. In addition, we demonstrated that it was possible to coordinate the expression of multiple genes through the expression of a single QF activator. Based on the results from this study, the Q-system represents a powerful orthogonal tool for precise control of gene expression in plants, with envisioned applications in metabolic engineering, phytosensors, and biotic and abiotic stress tolerance. Copyright © 2020 Persad, Reuter, Dice, Nguyen, Rigoulot, Layton, Schmid, Poindexter, Occhialini, Stewart and Lenaghan.The majority of the wine grapes are grown in Mediterranean climates, where water is the determining factor for grapevine physiology and berry chemistry. At the vineyard scale, plant water status is variable due to the variability in many environmental factors. In this study, we investigated the ecophysiological variability of an irrigated Cabernet Sauvignon (Vitis vinifera L.) vineyard. We used equidistant grid sampling to assess the spatial variations of the plants and soil, including plant water status by stem water potential (Ψ stem ), leaf gas exchange, and on-site soil analysis. We also measured soil electrical conductivity (EC) by proximal sensing at two depths [0.75 - 1.5 m (sub soil); 0 - 0.75 m (top soil)]. Ψ stem integrals were calculated to represent the season-long plant water status. On the base of realized Ψ stem integrals, the vineyard was delineated into two functional homogeneous zones (fHZs) with one severely water stressed zone and one moderately water stressed zone. Sub soil EC was directly related to Ψ stem (r 2 = 0.