The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic caused an emergency transform from traditional to distance learning at all levels of education, which is called emergency remote teaching. To explore parents' views on students' experiences of remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic, and their experience and perspectives toward remote teaching during the lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic, a questionnaire was developed and distributed to parents who have at least one child who had attended a face-to-face learning environment prior to school closures and started remote teaching during the pandemic. 983 parents participated in the study. The parents' views on students' experiences of remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic, their experiences and perspectives toward remote teaching were discussed. The results suggested that the remote teaching process has been challenging for both students and parents. It is found that the remote teaching practices were mainly covered in core courses; remote teaching is considered as unsuitable for young children and students with special needs; the parents complain about social isolation, lack of interactivity, and increased screen time; and remote teaching has placed a heavy burden on parents. Lastly, the parents stated that their children acquired self-regulated learning skills and digital socialization during emergency remote teaching.Digitalisation is penetrating higher education (HE) in Russia. The study explores how three Russian universities have been integrating the Skyes digital learning platform to transform English as a foreign language (EFL) educational practices. The article outlines the main characteristics of the platform, recounts the steps in adopting the technology and addresses the emerging changes to learning and teaching. Students' and teachers' perceptions are examined to review the implementation process. The research is designed as a case study; the methods used are semi-structured interviews and online questionnaires. The study framework combines the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) model and the Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition (SAMR) model for a holistic approach to investigating innovation integration in a university setting. TPACK is used to analyse the changes associated with teachers' knowledge of technology, pedagogy and content. SAMR helps to reflect on the current use of the platform showcasing technology integration along substitution, augmentation and modification levels. Based on the findings, the paper discusses the factors influencing the implementation of the Skyes platform and proposes recommendations for its successful integration; they highlight the importance of motivation, feedback both from teachers and students, clear assessment of the learning outcomes, TPACK transformation plan and alignment between the innovation and educational regulations.Nanoemulsions (NEs) of essential oil (EO) have significant potential to target microorganisms, especially viruses. They act as a vehicle for delivering antiviral drugs and vaccines. Narrowing of drug discovery pipeline and the emergence of new viral diseases, especially, coronavirus disease, have created a niche to use NEs for augmenting currently available therapeutic options. Published literature demonstrated that EOs have an inherent broad spectrum of activity across bacterial, fungal, and viral pathogens. The emulsification process significantly improved the efficacy of the active ingredients in the EOs. This article highlights the research findings and patent developments in the last 2 years especially, in EO antiviral activity, antiviral drug delivery, vaccine delivery, viral resistance development, and repurposing EO compounds against SARS-CoV-2.Physospermopsis (Apiaceae) comprises about 10 species, but its taxonomy and phylogeny are disputed. The genus is mostly distributed in the Himalayas and Hengduan Mountains at high elevation. Earlier molecular studies involving six species of Physospermopsis indicated that this genus is not monophyletic and is nested in the East Asia Clade. Therefore, the aims of this study were to re-assess the phylogenetic position of, and interspecific relationships within, Physospermopsis based on two chloroplast loci (rpl16, rps16) and one nuclear region, the internal transcribed spacers of ribosomal DNA (ITS). Eight species involving 13 populations of Physospermopsis were collected. These were sequenced and analyzed with the sequences of 31 other Apiaceae species obtained from the NCBI to determine phylogenetic relationships using Bayesian inference (BI) and Maximum likelihood (ML). Our study found that Physospermopsis is monophyletic, nested in Pleurospermeae of Apiaceae, sister to Pleurospermum. And we propose that the Physospermopsis clade should be replaced by the East Asia Clade. However, the interspecific relationships within Physospermopsis were not well resolved and the positioning of species was unclear. Diagnostic characteristics to distinguish Physospermopsis species in the field and laboratory are provided for future Physospermopsis phylogenetic studies.Dolichos kongkandae is described as a new species from Asia and includes a line drawing, photographs and information on its distribution and ecology. The morphological differences between D. kongkandae and the morphologically similar D. tenuicaulis are highlighted and clarified. Additionally, a lectotype for D. fragrans is designated.A new species of Heteropterys belonging to the Parabanisteria informal group is described for the savannas grasslands of the Serra do Tombador Natural Reserve, municipality of Cavalcante, State of Goiás, Brazil. Heteropterys rosmarinifolia is easily distinguished from the remaining Brazilian species of the Parabanisteria informal group due to its stems unbranched, leaves associated with the inflorescence verticillate, blades linear to very narrowly oblong, strongly conduplicate, ascending to upright, and sparsely sericeous to glabrous at age. We present a complete morphological description for the new species, photographic plates, comments on its distribution, ecology, and taxonomy, besides an identification key to the species of Heteropterys from the Parabanisteria group from the State of Goiás, Brazil.