Good practice guidelines help clinicians to establish a suspected diagnosis of non-accidental head injury (NAHI) and help forensic experts to establish a level of certainty for the diagnosis. The objective of this study was to assess how the French Health Authority (HAS) guidelines contribute to the process of producing an expert assessment, on causation and certainty in cases of suspected NAHI. A retrospective study was conducted of the expert assessments that were conducted by a paediatric surgeon and forensic expert attached to our local court between 2002 and 2018, with the aim of determining the causal mechanism of the lesions and express a degree of certainty regarding the diagnosis. In our study, we found that, despite the HAS guidelines, a number of documents deemed essential for the forensic expert were sometimes missing, and that, by applying these guidelines, the decisions reached in some expert assessments could been reclassified and certain factors formerly described as risk factors for injury could be excluded. A precise dating of the traumatic event was proposed in half of cases. Our study highlights the vital role of the HAS guidelines, not only for patient management but also to ensure high-quality expert assessments. Unfortunately, guidelines were not yet being properly adhered to by medical teams. Our study highlights the vital role of the HAS guidelines, not only for patient management but also to ensure high-quality expert assessments. Unfortunately, guidelines were not yet being properly adhered to by medical teams.Trigonocephaly is a craniosynostosis characterized by a premature fusion of the metopic suture associating a characteristic triangular head shape, with a frontal medial crest and hypotelorism. Various techniques have been described for its surgical treatment which is usually performed during the first year of life. However, there might be cases with a late referral, after the age of one year. One of the technical issues with a fronto-orbital advancement surgery in a child over one year of age is that there is a significant risk of persistent residual bone defects. This article describes a surgical technique of crenellated fronto-orbital advancement for correcting trigonocephaly in children over one year of age, allowing to reduce residual bone defects.A plant can sire more seeds by increasing the number of pollen recipient flowers or the amount of pollen deposited on recipient flowers. We theoretically analyzed how pollen stickiness contributes to paternal fitness through changing the pattern of pollen dispersal including both the number of recipient flowers and overall pollen deposition (the overall amount of pollen deposited on recipient flowers) in animal-pollinated plants. We developed a numerical model in which pollen stickiness to pollinators increases with production of expensive materials on pollen surfaces, and a high level of stickiness diminishes the proportions of pollen lost from a pollinator body during a flight and pollen deposited on a stigma during a visit. We found that the number of recipient flowers monotonically increased with increasing pollen stickiness allocation while overall pollen deposition was maximized at a certain amount of stickiness allocation. We demonstrated that evolutionarily stable pollen stickiness attained many recipient flowers at the expense of overall pollen deposition in most cases while it merely favored maximization of overall pollen deposition in all other cases. Sticky pollen evolved if pollinators were highly likely to drop pollen during flights and did not diffuse well. In this situation, the evolutionarily stable pattern of pollen dispersal was acquisition of many pollen recipient flowers rather than maximization of overall pollen deposition. Sticky pollen also evolved if additional sticking elements were moderately effective in increasing the force of adhesion to pollinators. Pollen stickiness has a significant effect on the pattern of pollen dispersal via the extent of pollen carryover, and our results suggest that plants maximize paternal fitness by giving pollen the optimal stickiness, which varies with pollinating partners.Plant morphology emerges from cellular growth and structure. The turgor-driven diffuse growth of a cell can be highly anisotropic significant longitudinally and negligible radially. Such anisotropy is ensured by cellulose microfibrils (CMF) reinforcing the cell wall in the hoop direction. To maintain the cell's integrity during growth, new wall material including CMF must be continually deposited. We develop a mathematical model representing the cell as a cylindrical pressure vessel and the cell wall as a fibre-reinforced viscous sheet, explicitly including the mechano-sensitive angle of CMF deposition. The model incorporates interactions between turgor, external forces, CMF reorientation during wall extension, and matrix stiffening. Using the model, we reinterpret some recent experimental findings, and reexamine the popular hypothesis of CMF/microtubule alignment. We explore how the handedness of twisting cell growth depends on external torque and intrinsic wall properties, and find that cells twist left-handedly 'by default' in some suitable sense. Overall, this study provides a unified mechanical framework for understanding left- and right-handed twist-growth as seen in many plants.Although mortality increases with age in most organisms, senescence is missing from models of parasite evolution. Since virulence evolves according to the host's mortality, and since virulence influences the intensity of transmission, which determines the average age at infection and thus the mortality rate of a senescing host, we expected that epi-evolutionary feedbacks would underlie the evolution of virulence in a population of senescing hosts. We tested this idea by extending an age-structured model of epidemiological dynamics with the parasite's evolution. A straightforward prediction of our model is that stronger senescence forces the evolution of higher virulence. However, the model also reveals that the evolved virulence depends on the average age at infection, giving an evolutionary feedback with the epidemiological situation, a prediction not found when assuming a constant mortality rate with age. Additionally, and in contrast to most models of parasite evolution, we found that the virulence at the evolutionary equilibrium is influenced by whether the force of infection depends on the density or on the frequency of infected hosts, due to changes in the average age at infection.