Moreover, only one individual with three copies ofSMN1 carried the two polymorphisms of g.27134 T>G and g.27706_27707delAT. Therefore, we provided precise genetic counseling for these SMA families after confirming the (2+0) carriers. The association between the polymorphisms of g.27134T>G and g.27706_27707delAT and Chinese (2+0) carriers might be weak. Hence, it is necessary to find specific polymorphisms in the Chinese population to improve the detection rate of (2+0) carriers.Bacteria with the smallest genome contain genes necessary for self-sustaining replication only, giving the organisms advantages to serve as a potential industrial production platform. Many strains with reduced genomes have been constructed, owing to the development of high-throughput DNA sequencing and synthesis technology. This review first describes the concept of minimal genomes, summarizes the relevant research progress of bacterial essential genes, then systematically lists the work related to artificial reduction and synthesis of bacterial genomes, finally discusses the technical obstacles and limitations encountered in the process of designing and constructing reduced genomes, hoping to provide a theoretical basis for the experiment and application of artificially synthesized genomes.The mechanisms underlying the establishment of left-right (L-R) asymmetry in bilaterians is one of the central enigmas in developmental biology. Amphioxus is an important model in studying the mechanisms of animal asymmetry specification due to its particular phylogenetic position, vertebrate-like embryogenesis and body plan. Recently, with the establishments of artificial breeding technology, high-efficiency microinjection method and gene knockout technology, researchers have successfully dissected the mechanisms of amphioxus L-R asymmetry development. In this review, we summarize the major progress in understanding L-R asymmetry specification in amphioxus and propose a model of regulation of L-R asymmetry in this species. Hh protein is transported dominantly to the right side by cilia movement, leading to R>L Hh signaling andCerexpression. Cer inhibits expression of Nodal, leading to the asymmetric expression of Nodal-dependent genes. The L-R differences in the propagation of the Nodal pathway result in the correct morphological L-R asymmetry development in amphioxus embryo. BMP signaling probably does not provide the asymmetric cue, but is necessary for correct expression ofCer andNodal.The various coat colorations exhibited in different mammalian groups is an attractive biological phenomenon, and is also one of the excellent models for studying and understanding mammalian adaptive evolution. Coat color polymorphism in mammals plays an important role in avoiding predator, predation, courtship, and protection against UV radiation. The coloration of hair or coat in mammal is determined by the quantity, quality and distribution of melanin in the body. Pigmentation in cells is a complicated cell process, including the differentiation and maturation of melanocytes, the morphogenesis of melanosome, the anabolism of melanin and the transportation of melanin in melanocytes. Every stage or phase of pigmentation in cells can always proceed with the participation of some important functional genes. The complex regulatory network formed through interactions between these genes has greatly led to different coat colors. With the coat color polymorphisms, mammals can adapt to various environments. Revealing the genetic basis of different coat colors in mammals has been an important research focus in genetics and evolutionary biology. In this review, we summarize the main advance in molecular mechanisms of pigmentation in cells and the genetic basis of coloration-related adaptations in mammals. Our review is expected to provide new clues for molecular mechanism studies on coat color polymorphism and adaptive evolutions in mammals.The advent and development of single-cell whole-genome sequencing (scWGS) technology has shed lights on the genomic heterogeneities within biosamples at the single-cell resolution. The technology is particularly well-established in the recent decade and witnesses a variety of clinical applications, such as circulating tumor cell (CTC) detection and preimplantation genetic diagnosis/screening (PGD/PGS). In this review, we summarize the latest practical breakthroughs of scWGS in the field of biomedicine, with the hope of providing a guideline to apply single-cell genomic sequencing in clinical researches.To improve the transfection efficiency of chicken primordial germ cells (PGCs), the present study evaluated the plasmid dosage and cell number on the efficiencies of three transfection reagents (Lipofectamine 2000, 3000 and LTX & Plus Reagent). PGCs was isolated from embryonic gonads of Huiyang bearded chicken. After 60 days of culture in vitro, the cells were transfected by using Lipofectamine transfection reagents with piggyBac vectors coding for the green fluorescence protein (GFP). PGCs were passaged in culture and fluorescent cells were screened and selected by flow cytometry at three days after transfection. At three weeks post transfection, about 2000 cells were injected into the stage 16 Hamburger and Hamilton (HH) embryos and incubated until stage 30 HH. The results showed that Lipofectamine 3000 was the best for transfection of PGCs. The highest transfection efficiency of PGCs could be achieved with a combination of 3 μg plasmid, 4 μL Lipofectamine 3000 transfection reagent and 0.5×10 4PGCs cells. Flow cytometry analysis showed a 23.4% efficiency of stable transfection of PGCs using Lipofectamine 3000 with piggyBac vector, which was improved 2 times or more over current commonly used methods. After reinjecting PGCs into recipient chicken embryos, GFP-positive cells were observed in the gonads of the recipient chicken embryo by fluorescence microscopy. The study comprehensively evaluated the factors of transfection reagents, plasmid dosage and cell number to optimize the transfection of PGCs, thereby providing a foundation for the efficient preparation of transgenic and gene-edited chickens.