Listeriosis, caused by Listeria monocytogenes, is a severe food-borne infection. The nationwide surveillance in China concerning listeriosis is urgently needed. In the present study, 144 L. monocytogenes isolates were collected from the samples of blood, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and fetal membrane/placenta in China for 12 years from 2008 to 2019. We summarized these listeriosis patients' demographical and clinical features and outcomes. The susceptibility profile for 12 antibiotics was also determined by the broth microdilution method. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and serogroups of these listeria isolates were analyzed to designate epidemiological types. We enrolled 144 cases from 29 healthcare centers, including 96 maternal-neonatal infections, 33 cases of bacteremia, 13 cases of neurolisteriosis, and two cutaneous listeriosis. There were 31 (59.6%) fetal loss in 52 pregnant women and four (9.8%) neonatal death in 41 newborns. Among the 48 nonmaternal-neonatal cases, 12.5% (6/48) died, 41.7% (20/48) were female, and 64.6% (31/48) occurred in those with significant comorbidities. By MLST, the strains were distinguished into 23 individual sequence types (STs). The most prevalent ST was ST87 (49 isolates, 34.0%), followed by ST1 (18, 12.5%), ST8 (10, 6.9%), ST619 (9, 6.3%), ST7 (7, 4.9%) and ST3 (7, 4.9%). Furthermore, all L. monocytogenes isolates were uniformly susceptible to penicillin, ampicillin, and meropenem. In summary, our study highlights a high genotypic diversity of L. monocytogenes strains causing clinical listeriosis in China. Furthermore, a high prevalence of ST87 and ST1 in the listeriosis should be noted. Mounting evidence has suggested a link between gut microbiome characteristics and type 2 diabetes (T2D). To determine whether these alterations occur before the impairment of glucose regulation, we characterize gut microbiota in normoglycemic individuals who go on to develop T2D. We designed a nested case-control study, and enrolled individuals with a similar living environment. A total of 341 normoglycemic individuals were followed for 4 years, including 30 who developed T2D, 33 who developed prediabetes, and their matched controls. Fecal samples (developed T2D, developed prediabetes and controls n=30, 33, and 63, respectively) collected at baseline underwent metagenomics sequencing. Compared with matched controls, individuals who went on to develop T2D had lower abundances of , and and higher abundances of , and . The abundance of was negatively correlated with follow-up blood glucose levels. Moreover, the microbial Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathways of carbohydrate metabolism, methane metabolism, amino acid metabolism, fatty acid metabolism, and membrane transport were changed between the two groups. We found that fecal microbiota of healthy individuals who go on to develop T2D had already changed when they still were normoglycemic. These alterations of fecal microbiota might provide insights into the development of T2D and a new perspective for identifying individuals at risk of developing T2D. We found that fecal microbiota of healthy individuals who go on to develop T2D had already changed when they still were normoglycemic. These alterations of fecal microbiota might provide insights into the development of T2D and a new perspective for identifying individuals at risk of developing T2D.Influenza A virus (IAV) is a respiratory pathogen that infects millions of people each year. Both seasonal and pandemic strains of IAV are capable of causing severe respiratory disease with a high risk of respiratory failure and opportunistic secondary infection. A strong inflammatory cytokine response is a hallmark of severe IAV infection. The widespread tissue damage and edema in the lung during severe influenza is largely attributed to an overexuberant production of inflammatory cytokines and cell killing by resident and infiltrating leukocytes. Mast cells (MCs) are a sentinel hematopoietic cell type situated at mucosal sites, including the lung. Poised to react immediately upon detecting infection, MCs produce a vast array of immune modulating molecules, including inflammatory cytokines, chemokines, and proteases. As such, MCs have been implicated as a source of the immunopathology observed in severe influenza. However, a growing body of evidence indicates that MCs play an essential role not only in inducto minimizing immunopathology during influenza infection.Bacterial vaginosis (BV) and its recurrence are most commonly associated with the formation of Gardnerella species biofilm. Probiotics are typically used to treat BV; however, the optimal period of Lactobacillus probiotic application in BV treatment remains uncertain. The present study aimed to explore the effects of Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus casei on various stages of biofilm formation in Gardnerella species. The biofilm-forming ability of seven strains, including one Gardnerella vaginalis ATCC 14018 and six clinically isolated Gardnerella species, was determined via gentian violet staining assay. Moreover, the sensitivity of the planktonic and biofilm forms toward metronidazole and clindamycin was assessed via microdilution broth method. L. rhamnosus Xbb-LR-1 and L. casei Xbb-LC-1 were added during various stages of biofilm formation in Gardnerella species and were cocultured for 24 h. The biofilm thickness of each sample was determined via confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). The absod a vaginal microbiota dominated by Lactobacillus remarkably prevents the formation of Gardnerella species biofilm at the initial stage, which further has a significant impact on the treatment and prevention of biofilm-related infections.Early childhood caries, a virulent-form of dental caries, is painful, difficult, and costly to treat that has been associated with high levels of Streptococcus mutans (Sm) and Candida albicans (Ca) in plaque-biofilms on teeth. These microorganisms appear to develop a symbiotic cross-kingdom interaction that amplifies the virulence of plaque-biofilms. Although biofilm studies reveal synergistic bacterial-fungal association, how these organisms modulate cross-kingdom biofilm formation and enhance its virulence in the presence of saliva remain largely unknown. Here, we compared the properties of Sm and Sm-Ca biofilms cultured in saliva by examining the biofilm structural organization and capability to sustain an acidic pH environment conducive to enamel demineralization. Intriguingly, Sm-Ca biofilm is rapidly matured and maintained acidic pH-values (~4.3), while Sm biofilm development was retarded and failed to create an acidic environment when cultured in saliva. In turn, the human enamel slab surface was severely demineralized by Sm-Ca biofilms, while there was minimal damage to the enamel surface by Sm biofilm.