The aim of this study was to investigate the dissipation kinetics of fluxapyroxad in apples, the influence of biological treatment with yeast, and the estimation of dietary exposure for consumers, both adults and children. The gas chromatography technique with the electron capture detector was used to analyse the fluxapyroxad residues. Samples of apples were prepared by the quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged and safe (QuEChERS) method. The average fluxapyroxad recoveries in apple samples ranged from 107.9 to 118.4%, the relative standard deviations ranged from 4.2 to 4.7%, and the limit of quantification was 0.005 mg/kg. The dissipation half-lives in Gala and Idared varieties were 8.9 and 9.0 days, respectively. Degradation levels of the tested active substance after application of yeast included in a biological preparation Myco-Sin were 59.9% for Gala and 43.8% for Idared. The estimated dietary risk for fluxapyroxad in apples was on the acceptable safety level (below 9.8% for children and 1.9% for adults) and does not pose a danger to the health of consumers.The SIN3 repressor complex and the NAD-dependent deacetylase SIRT3 control cell growth, and development as well as malignant transformation. Even then, a little known about cross-talks between these two chromatin modifiers or whether their interaction explored therapeutically. Here we describe the identification of a C21-steroidal derivative compound, 3-O-chloroacetyl-gagamine, A671, which potently suppresses the growth of mouse and human T-cell lymphoma and erythroleukemia in vitro and preclinical models. A671 exerts its anti-neoplastic effects by direct interaction with Histone deacetylase complex subunit SAP18, a component of the SIN3 suppressor complex. This interaction stabilizes and activates SAP18, leading to transcriptional suppression of SIRT3, consequently to inhibition of proliferation and cell death. The resistance of cancer cells to A671 correlated with diminished SAP18 activation and sustained SIRT3 expression. These results uncover the SAP18-SIN3-SIRT3 axis that can be pharmacologically targeted by a C21-steroidal agent to suppress T-cell lymphoma and other malignancies.Nanoparticles and biological molecules high throughput robust separation is of significant interest in many healthcare and nanoscience industrial applications. In this work, we report an on-chip automatic efficient separation and preconcentration method of dissimilar sized particles within a microfluidic platform using integrated membrane valves controlled microfiltration. Micro-sized E. coli bacteria are sorted from nanoparticles and preconcentrated on a microfluidic chip with six integrated pneumatic valves (sub-100 nL dead volume) using hydrophilic PVDF filter with 0.45 μm pore diameter. The proposed on-chip automatic sorting sequence includes a sample filtration, dead volume washout and retentate backflush in reverse flow. We showed that pulse backflush mode and volume control can dramatically increase microparticles sorting and preconcentration efficiency. We demonstrate that at the optimal pulse backflush regime a separation efficiency of E. coli cells up to 81.33% at a separation throughput of 120.45 μL/min can be achieved. A trimmed mode when the backflush volume is twice smaller than the initial sample results in a preconcentration efficiency of E. coli cells up to 121.96% at a throughput of 80.93 μL/min. Finally, we propose a cyclic on-chip preconcentration method which demonstrates E. coli cells preconcentration efficiency of 536% at a throughput of 1.98 μL/min and 294% preconcentration efficiency at a 10.9 μL/min throughput.Fear is an adaptive emotion that elicits defensive behavioural responses against aversive threats in animals. In mammals, serotonin receptors (5-HTRs) have been shown to modulate fear-related neural circuits in the basolateral amygdala complex (BLA). To understand the phylogenetic continuity of the neural basis for fear, it is important to identify the neural circuit that processes fear in other animals. In birds, fear-related behaviours were suggested to be processed in the arcopallium/amygdala complex and modulated by the serotonin (5-HT) system. However, details about the distribution of 5-HTRs in the avian brain are very sparsely reported, and the 5-HTR that is potentially involved in fear-related behaviour has not been elucidated. In this study, we showed that orthologs of mammalian 5-HTR genes that are expressed in the BLA, namely 5-HTR1A, 5-HTR1B, 5-HTR2A, 5-HTR2C, 5-HTR3A, and 5-HTR4, are expressed in a part of the chick arcopallium/amygdala complex called the dorsal arcopallium. This suggests that serotonergic regulation in the dorsal arcopallium may play an important role in regulating fear-related behaviour in birds. Our findings can be used as a basis for comparing the processing of fear and its serotonergic modulation in the mammalian amygdala complex and avian arcopallium/amygdala complex.The development of hemolytic erythrocyte alloantibodies and autoantibodies complicates transfusion therapy in thalassemia patients. These antibodies ultimately increase the need for blood and intensify transfusion complications. There is a scanty data on the frequency of RBC alloimmunization and autoimmunization in Egyptian β thalassemia patients as pretransfusion antibody screening is not routinely performed. We studied the frequency of alloimmunization and autoimmunization among 200 multiply transfused β thalassemia patients and investigated the factors that possibly affect antibody formation. Of the 200 patients in our study, 94 were males and 106 females, with the age range of 2-37 years. Alloantibodies were detected in 36 (18%) of the patients, while autoantibodies were detected in 33 (16.5%). The dominant alloantibodies were directed against Kell (33%) and Rh (24.4%) groups. Alloimmunization had a significant relationship with treatment duration and the frequency of transfusion (P = 0.007, 0.001, respectively). The presence of autoantibodies was significantly related to age (P = 0.001), total number of transfused units (P = 0.000) and splenectomy (P = 0.000). The high prevalence of alloimmunization in the study population disclosed the need for providing phenotypically matched cells for selective antigens especially for Kell and Rh subgroups to reduce risk of alloimmunization and increase the efficiency of blood transfusion.