BACKGROUND Housing is essential to human well-being but neglected in global health. Today, housing in Africa is rapidly improving alongside economic development, creating an urgent need to understand how these changes can benefit health. We hypothesised that improved housing is associated with better health in children living in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). We conducted a cross-sectional analysis of housing conditions relative to a range of child health outcomes in SSA. METHODS AND FINDINGS Cross-sectional data were analysed for 824,694 children surveyed in 54 Demographic and Health Surveys, 21 Malaria Indicator Surveys, and two AIDS Indicator Surveys conducted in 33 countries between 2001 and 2017 that measured malaria infection by microscopy or rapid diagnostic test (RDT), diarrhoea, acute respiratory infections (ARIs), stunting, wasting, underweight, or anaemia in children aged 0-5 years. The mean age of children was 2.5 years, and 49.7% were female. Housing was categorised into a binary variable based on a Uoutcomes, with major potential to improve children's health and survival across SSA.Non-typhoidal Salmonella enterica strains, including serovar Typhimurium (STm), are an emerging cause of invasive disease among children and the immunocompromised, especially in regions of sub-Saharan Africa. STm invades the intestinal mucosa through Peyer's patch tissues before disseminating systemically. While vaccine development efforts are ongoing, the emergence of multidrug resistant strains of STm affirms the need to seek alternative strategies to protect high-risk individuals from infection. In this report, we investigated the potential of an orally administered O5 serotype-specific IgA monoclonal antibody (mAb), called Sal4, to prevent infection of invasive Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (STm) in mice. Sal4 IgA was delivered to mice prior to or concurrently with STm challenge. Infectivity was measured as bacterial burden in Peyer's patch tissues one day after challenge. Using this model, we defined the minimal amount of Sal4 IgA required to significantly reduce STm uptake into Peyer's patches. The relative efficacy of Sal4 in dimeric and secretory IgA (SIgA) forms was compared. To assess the role of isotype in oral passive immunization, we engineered a recombinant IgG1 mAb carrying the Sal4 variable regions and evaluated its ability to block invasion of STm into epithelial cells in vitro and Peyer's patch tissues. Our results demonstrate the potential of orally administered monoclonal IgA and SIgA, but not IgG, to passively immunize against invasive Salmonella. Nonetheless, the prophylactic window of IgA/SIgA in the mouse was on the order of minutes, underscoring the need to develop formulations to protect mAbs in the gastric environment and to permit sustained release in the small intestine.Understanding the prevalence of M. leprae infection in armadillos is important because of evidence from Brazil and other countries of an association between contact with armadillos and the development of Hansen's Disease (leprosy). Our aim was to characterize studies which have investigated natural M. leprae infection in wild armadillos in Brazil, and to quantify and explore variability in the reported prevalence of infection. We conducted a systematic review (PROSPERO CRD42019155277) of publications in MEDLINE, EMBASE, Global Health, Scopus, LILACS, Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações, Catálogo de Teses e Dissertações de CAPES, and Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde up to 10/2019 using Mesh and text search terms (in English, Portuguese, Spanish, and French). The 10 included studies represented a total sample of 302 armadillos comprising 207 (69%) Dasypus novemcinctus, 67 (22%) Euphractus sexcinctus, 16 (5%) Priodontes maximus, 10 (3%) Cabassous unicinctus, and 2 (1%) Cabassous tatouay from 7 different states. Methods used included histopathology (4 studies), PGL-1 and LID-1 antigen detection (4 studies) and examination for clinical signs of disease (4 studies). Eight studies used PCR of which 7 targeted the RLEP repetitive element and 3 tested for inhibitory substances. M. leprae prevalence by PCR ranged from 0% (in 3 studies) to 100% in one study, with a summary estimate of 9.4% (95% CI 0.4% to 73.1%) and a predictive interval of 0-100%. The average prevalence is equivalent to 1 in 10 armadillos in Brazil being infected with M. leprae, but wide variation in sample estimates means that the prevalence in any similar study would be entirely unpredictable. We propose instead that future studies aim to investigate transmission and persistence of M. leprae within and between armadillo populations, meanwhile adopting the precautionary principle to protect human health and an endangered species in Brazil.Many bacterial species are capable of forming long-lived dormant cells. The best characterized are heat and desiccation resistant spores produced by many Gram-positive species. Less characterized are dormant cysts produced by several Gram-negative species that are somewhat tolerant to increased temperature and very resistant to desiccation. While there is progress in understanding regulatory circuits that control spore germination, there is scarce information on how Gram-negative organisms emerges from dormancy. In this study, we show that R. centenum cysts germinate by emerging a pair of motile vegetative cells from a thick cyst cell wall coat ~ 6 hrs post induction of germination. Time-lapse transcriptomic analysis reveals that there is a defined temporal pattern of gene expression changes during R. centenum cyst germination. The first observable changes are increases in expression of genes for protein synthesis, an increase in expression of genes involved in the generation of a membrane potential and the use of this potential for ATP synthesis via ATPase expression. These early events are followed by expression changes that affect the cell wall and membrane composition, followed by expression changes that promote chromosome replication. Midway through germination, expression changes occur that promote the flow of carbon through the TCA cycle to generate reducing power and parallel synthesis of electron transfer components involved in oxidative phosphorylation. Finally, late expression changes promote the synthesis of a photosystem as well as flagellar and chemotaxis components for motility.