Patient backgrounds such as obesity and past history of rib fractures should be noted carefully as risk factors for intraoperative contralateral pneumothorax during one-lung ventilation. We present the clinical course and discuss the mechanism of development of this potentially life-threatening complication in the present case with a review of the literature. Patient backgrounds such as obesity and past history of rib fractures should be noted carefully as risk factors for intraoperative contralateral pneumothorax during one-lung ventilation. We present the clinical course and discuss the mechanism of development of this potentially life-threatening complication in the present case with a review of the literature. Primary coenzyme Q10 deficiency is a rare disease that results in diverse and variable clinical manifestations. Nephropathy, myopathy and neurologic involvement are commonly associated, however retinopathy has also been observed with certain pathogenic variants of genes in the coenzyme Q biosynthesis pathway. In this report, we describe a novel presentation of the disease that includes nephropathy and retinopathy without neurological involvement, and which is the result of a compound heterozygous state arising from the inheritance of two recessive potentially pathogenic variants, previously not described. Retrospective report, with complete ophthalmic examination, multimodal imaging, electroretinography, and whole exome sequencing performed on a family with three affected siblings. We show that affected individuals in the described family inherited two heterozygous variants of the COQ2 gene, resulting in a frameshift variant in one allele, and a predicted deleterious missense variant in the second allel). Cancer-related fatigue (CRF) is a debilitating condition which commonly affects cancer survivors. The management of CRF remains a challenge due to the lack of effective pharmacological interventions. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) could be a potential therapeutic option for CRF. The modified Xiang Bei Yang Rong Tang (XBYRT) is a TCM herbal decoction, formulated to improve fatigue symptoms in cancer survivors. This clinical trial aims to evaluate the efficacy and safety of XBYRT in improving CRF and quality of life (QOL) of cancer survivors. This is a single centre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel trial. Eighty cancer survivors will be recruited and randomized to receive the XBYRT or placebo decoction, in a ratio of 11. Participants will consume the XBYRT/placebo decoction daily for 8 weeks and undergo assessments at baseline and 4, 8 and 10 weeks after baseline. The participants will be assessed for patient-reported outcomes (PRO), blood biomarkers and adverse events at each time point. The primary outcome is the overall health and QOL status, at 8 weeks follow-up. The secondary outcomes are the effects of XBYRT on fatigue levels, cancer-related cognitive impairment and QOL, as assessed by PRO. The incidence of adverse events and the effects of the XBYRT decoction on blood biomarkers associated with CRF will also be evaluated. Efficacy and safety outcomes from this trial will provide important clinical data to guide future large-scale randomized controlled trials, and the evaluation of the objective blood biomarkers can help to delineate the biological mechanisms of CRF. NCT04104113 . Registered on 26 September 2019. NCT04104113 . Registered on 26 September 2019. Patients who present to emergency departments after intentional self-harm are at an increased risk of dying by suicide. This applies particularly to men, who represent nearly two-thirds of those who die by suicide in Ontario. One way of potentially addressing this gap is to offer a course of blended problem-solving therapy, comprised of a brief course of evidence-based psychotherapy for individuals at risk for suicide, facilitated by the use of a patient-facing smartphone application and a clinician-facing "dashboard." This approach has the potential to combine the benefits of face-to-face therapy and technology to create a novel intervention. This is a cohort study nested within a larger pragmatic multicentre pre- and post-design cluster randomised trial. Suicidal ideation assessed by the Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation is the primary outcome variable. Secondary outcome measures include depression (Patient Health Questionnaire-9), anxiety (Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item scale), post-traumatic stressals in Ontario. , NCT03473535 . Registered on March 22, 2018. , NCT03473535 . Registered on March 22, 2018. To adapt the CEQ into Sri Lankan Sinhala cultural context and to determine the psychometric properties of CEQ. This would yield an opportunity to evaluate childbirth experience among Lankan population. Out of 390, 226 (57.9%) postnatal mothers completed the CEQ after 1month postpartum. Face validity and content validity were demonstrated with all participants stating that CEQ was easy to understand and complete. For reliability, internal consistency was acceptable for the overall score (0.85) and for all four domains in CEQ (0.65, 0.80, 0.70, 0.83 for "own capacity", "professional support", "perceived safety" and "participation", respectively). A weighted kappa of 0.61-0.80 for all 22 items in CEQ demonstrated a good test-retest reliability. This Sri Lankan version showed fit statistics in line with standard recommendations in exploratory factor analysis. Women with spontaneous onset of labour (except for "professional support" in women with spontaneous onset of labour) and women with a normal birth showein CEQ scores. CRIPTO is a multi-functional signaling protein that promotes stemness and oncogenesis. We previously developed a CRIPTO antagonist, ALK4 -Fc, and showed that it causes loss of the stem cell phenotype in normal mammary epithelia suggesting it may similarly inhibit CRIPTO-dependent plasticity in breast cancer cells. We focused on two triple negative breast cancer cell lines (MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-468) to measure the effects of ALK4 -Fc on cancer cell behavior under nutrient deprivation and endoplasmic reticulum stress. We characterized the proliferation and migration of these cells in vitro using time-lapse microscopy and characterized stress-dependent changes in the levels and distribution of CRIPTO signaling mediators and cancer stem cell markers. We also assessed the effects of ALK4 -Fc on proliferation, EMT, and stem cell markers in vivo as well as on tumor growth and metastasis using inducible lentiviral delivery or systemic administration of purified ALK4 -Fc, which represents a candidate therapeutic approach.