Life is filled with puzzles and mysteries, and we often fail to recognize the difference. As described by Gregory Treverton and Malcolm Gladwell, puzzles are solved by gathering and assimilating all relevant data in a logical, linear fashion, as in deciding which antibiotic to prescribe for an infection. In contrast, mysteries remain unsolved until all relevant data are analyzed and interpreted in a way that appreciates their depth and complexity, as in determining how to best modulate the host immune response to infection. When investigating mysteries, we often fail to appreciate their depth and complexity. Instead, we gather and assimilate more data, treating the mystery like a puzzle. This strategy is often unsuccessful. Traditional approaches to predictive analytics and phenotyping in surgery use this strategy.Since humans have two copies of each gene, multiple mutations in different loci may or may not be found on the same strand of DNA (i.e., inherited from one parent). When a person is heterozygous at more than one position, the placement of these mutations, also called the haplotype phase, (i.e., cis for the same strand and trans for different strands) can result in the expression of different amount and type of proteins. In this work, we described an enzyme-free method to phase two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) using two fluorophore/quencher-labelled probes, where one of which was biotinylated. The fluorescence signal was obtained twice first, after the addition of the labelled probes and second, after the addition of the magnetic beads. The first signal was shown to be proportional to the total number of SNP A and SNP B present in the target analyte, while the second signal showed a marked decrease of the fluorescence signal from the non-biotinylated probe when the SNPs were in trans, showing that the probe immobilized on the magnetic bead selectively captures targets with SNPs in a cis configurat