Foundry is a province-wide network of integrated health and social service centres for young people aged 12-24 in British Columbia (BC), Canada. Online resources and virtual care broaden Foundry's reach. Its online platform - - offers information and resources on topics such as mental health, sexual wellness, life skills, and other content suggested by youth and young adults. The COVID-19 pandemic has presented significant and unique challenges to the youth and their families/caregivers served by Foundry. Disruptions to school, access to essential healthcare services such as counselling, familial financial security and related consequences has left young people with heightened anxiety. The Foundry team mobilized to respond to these extenuating circumstances and support BC youth and their families/caregivers during this hard time through three goals (1) to amplify (and translate for young people and their families/caregivers) key messages released by government to support public health responses the pandemic. Following measurement and reflection, our team offers recommendations to health promotion organizations for future preparedness.Background Many assessments have been reported and used in evaluating lymphedema. The aim of this study was to investigate the diagnostic contribution of ultrasonography in unilateral breast cancer-related lymphedema. Methods and Results Upper extremity circumferences were measured with a measuring tape from ulnar styloid at the wrist to the axilla at 4 cm intervals. The point with the highest difference between the upper extremities and the control point with no difference between the lower extremities were marked. Skin and subcutaneous thicknesses were measured from four quadrants (volar medial-lateral and dorsal medial-lateral) at the marked points and also subcutaneous tissue changes were graded according to the subcutaneous echogenicity grade (SEG) scale ultrasonographi