For newborns carrying single heterozygous variants of the GJB2 or SLC26A4 gene by genechip analysis, the detection rate for other variants is quite high. Sanger sequencing can significantly improve the detection rate of high-risk newborns and enrich the variant spectrum of deafness genes. For newborns carrying single heterozygous variants of the GJB2 or SLC26A4 gene by genechip analysis, the detection rate for other variants is quite high. Sanger sequencing can significantly improve the detection rate of high-risk newborns and enrich the variant spectrum of deafness genes.With the rapid development and adaptation of high-throughput sequencing in clinical settings, application of exome sequencing (ES) has been gradually expanded from pediatric to prenatal diagnosis in recent years. There is an urgent need to establish criteria for clinical grade ES in order to facilitate such a complex testing. The standardization of pre- and post-test consultation, quality control for sample processing process and validation of bioinformatics data analysis, and more importantly data interpretation and reporting, as well as appropriate reporting scope, is of great importance for health care stakeholders. To achieve this, a committee composed of a wide range of healthcare professionals has proposed an ES standard for prenatal diagnosis. This has provided expert opinion on the genetic counseling and reporting standards of prenatal ES for the purpose of applying ES technology in prenatal setting. To assess the capacity of support vector machine (SVM) algorithms that are developed based on platelet RNA-seq data in identifying thyroid neoplasm patients and differentiating patients with thyroid adenomas, papillary thyroid cancer and metastasized papillary thyroid cancer. Platelets were collected and isolated from 109 patients and 63 healthy controls. RNA-seq was performed to find transcripts with differential levels. Genes corresponding to