Make sure you are getting plenty of sleep each night. You need around 8 hours. Getting the right amount of sleep will help you to feel good, and it will also help your fetus to grow. During pregnancy many people feel very tired, and it is important to give your body what it needs. Before you get pregnant, it is wise to visit your doctor. You can make sure you are in excellent health, and they will also give you some advice that can help you out. They can tell you when you should be ovulating, and some vitamins that you should be taking. Hit up or library and get books about pregnancy. Being armed with knowledge will help you deal with all the changes that your body will go through and teach you how to keep yourself healthy. Pregnancy is natural, but the more information you have about the process, the better it will go. Make to protect your skin from the sun while pregnant. In addition, do not visit a tanning bed. During pregnancy, your skin will become more sensitive, and you could end up with some sunspots or sunburns if you do not protect it. Be sure that your sunscreen is safe to use while pregnant. Try to use prenatal vitamins even before you get pregnant. Throughout the first three months of pregnancy, the baby's spinal cord and brain begin to form. Facilitate healthy development of these structures by including adequate amounts of calcium, folic acid and iron. Exercise and being active are important to a healthy pregnancy and an easier birth and recovery. Light to moderate exercise, that does not overly stress your body, can help you have a shorter labor and lose your baby weight quickly after delivery. Incorporate safe exercise activities into your daily routine. Exercise is crucial to helping pregnant women feel better, sleep better, and control their weight. Consider engaging in exercises like yoga, swimming, and w