To address how genetic variation alters gene expression in complex cell mixtures, we developed direct nuclear tagmentation and RNA sequencing (DNTR-seq), which enables whole-genome and mRNA sequencing jointly in single cells. DNTR-seq readily identified minor subclones within leukemia patients. In a large-scale DNA damage screen, DNTR-seq was used to detect regions under purifying selection and identified genes where mRNA abundance was resistant to copy-number alteration, suggesting strong genetic compensation. mRNA sequencing (mRNA-seq) quality equals RNA-only methods, and the low positional bias of genomic libraries allowed detection of sub-megabase aberrations at ultra-low coverage. is individually addressable and can be re-sequenced at increased depth, allowing multi-tiered study designs. Additionally, the direct tagmentation protocol enables coverage-independent estimation of ploidy, which can be used to identify cell singlets. Thus, DNTR-seq directly links each cell's state to its corresponding genome at scale, enabling routine analysis of heterogeneous tumors and other complex tissues.Well-balanced and timed metabolism is essential for making a high-quality egg. However, the metabolic framework that supports oocyte development remains poorly understood. Here, we obtained the temporal metabolome profiles of mouse oocytes during in vivo maturation by isolating large number of cells at key stages. In parallel, quantitative proteomic analyses were conducted to bolster the metabolomic data, synergistically depicting the global metabolic patterns in oocytes. In particular, we discovered the metabolic features during meiotic maturation, such as the fall in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) level and the active serine-glycine-one-carbon (SGOC) pathway. Using functional approaches, we further identified the key targets mediating the action of PUFA arachidonic acid (ARA) on meiotic maturation and demonstrated the contr