The circadian clock couples physiological processes and behaviors to environmental light cycles. This coupling ensures the synchronization of energetically expensive processes to the time of day at which an organism is most active, thus improving overall fitness. Host immunity is an energetically intensive process that requires the coordination of multiple immune cell types to sense, communicate, and respond to a variety of microorganisms. Interestingly the circadian clock entrains immune cell development, function, and trafficking to environmental light cycles. This entrainment results in the variation of host susceptibility to microbial pathogens across the day-night cycle. In addition, the circadian clock engages in bi-directional communication with the microbiota, resident microorganisms that reside in proximity to the epithelial surfaces of animals. This bi-directional interchange plays an essential role in regulating host immunity and is also pivotal for the circadian control of metabolism. Here, we review the role of the circadian clock in directing host immune programs and consider how commensal and pathogenic microbes impact circadian physiological processes. Youths with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) often experience pain, which reduces their quality of life. A diversity of pain management options exists for these patients, but few discussions happen in clinical settings. Our team is developing a web-based patient decision aid (PDA) to help youths with JIA, parents, and their health care providers (HCPs) make informed and preference-based decisions about pain management options. The objective of this study was to develop a paper-based prototype of the web-based PDA and to assess its acceptability. We developed a paper-based prototype of the PDA, called the JIA Option Map, using an iterative process following the International Patient Decision Aid Standards and based on the Ottawa Decision Support Framework. We held three consensus meetings and a follow-up online survey followed by discussions among team members to agree on the format and content of the PDA. We then evaluated acceptability through interviews with 12 youth with JIA (aged 8-18 years), 12 t with their preferences, followed by a discussion with HCPs. The PDA was deemed acceptable to all participants, with a few modifications. This feedback was used to improve the PDA by simplifying and clarifying the information and adjusting the number of treatment options presented. Work is underway to develop an interactive web-based version with an algorithm to present options tailored to each user. The PDA was deemed acceptable to all participants, with a few modifications. This feedback was used to improve the PDA by simplifying and clarifying the information and adjusting the number of treatment options presented. Work is underway to develop an interactive web-based version with an algorithm to present options tailored to each user. The dead husk is a vital component of the dispersal unit whose biochemical properties can be modified following exposure to drought. This might affect seed performance and fate, soil properties and consequently plant biodiversity. We investigated the effects of extreme drought on the dispersal unit (DU) properties of winter wild oat (Avena sterilis L.) in the Mediterranean ecosystems focusing on a commonly ignored component of the DU, namely the dead floral bracts (husk). DUs were collected from a climate change experimental research station in the Judean Hills, Israel, simulating extreme drought and from two additional sites differing in the rainfall amounts. Our results showed that drought conditions significantly affected A. sterilis reproductive traits displaying reduced DUs and caryopses weights. The husk contributes profoundly to seed performance showing that germination from the intact DUs or the intact florets 1 was higher, faster and more homogenous compared to naked caryopses; no effect of droughtes including phytohormones. Changes in rainfall amounts affected the composition and levels of proteins and other metabolites accumulated in the husk, with a notable effect on abscisic acid (ABA). The husk of both control and drought plants released upon hydration substances that selectively inhibited other species seed germination as well as substances that promoted microbial growth. Our data showed that the dead husk represents a functional component of the DU that have been evolved to nurture the embryo and to ensure its success in its unique habitat. Furthermore, drought conditions can modify husk biochemical properties, which in turn might affect seed performance and fate, soil microbiota and soil fertility and consequently plant species diversity. Proteins are the central layer of information transfer from genome to phenome and represent the largest class of drug targets. We review recent advances in high-throughput technologies that provide comprehensive, scalable profiling of the plasma proteome with the potential to improve prediction and mechanistic understanding of type 2 diabetes (T2D). Technological and analytical advancements have enabled identification of novel protein biomarkers and signatures that help to address challenges of existing approaches to predict and screen for T2D. Genetic studies have so far revealed putative causal roles for only few of the proteins that have been linked to T2D, but ongoing large-scale genetic studies of the plasma proteome will help to address this and increase our understanding of aetiological pathways and mechanisms leading to diabetes. Studies of the human plasma proteome have started to elucidate its potential for T2D prediction and biomarker discovery. Future studies integrating genomic and proteomic data will provide opportunities to prioritise drug targets and identify pathways linking genetic predisposition to T2D development. Technological and analytical advancements have enabled identification of novel protein biomarkers and signatures that help to address challenges of existing approaches to predict and screen for T2D. Genetic studies have so far revealed putative causal roles for only few of the proteins that have been linked to T2D, but ongoing large-scale genetic studies of the plasma proteome will help to address this and increase our understanding of aetiological pathways and mechanisms leading to diabetes. Studies of the human plasma proteome have started to elucidate its potential for T2D prediction and biomarker discovery. Future studies integrating genomic and proteomic data will provide opportunities to prioritise drug targets and identify pathways linking genetic predisposition to T2D development.