Finite Element (FE) modelling revealed that the reinforcement of IPN hydrogels with specific PCL networks limited radial expansion and increased the hydrostatic pressure generated within the IPN upon the application of compressive loading. Next, multiple-tool biofabrication techniques were used to 3D bioprint PCL reinforced IPN hydrogels laden with a co-culture of bone marrow-derived stromal cells (BMSCs) and chondrocytes (CCs). The bioprinted biomimetic composites were found to support robust chondrogenesis, with encapsulated cells producing hyaline-like cartilage that stained strongly for sGAG and type II collagen deposition, and negatively for type X collagen and calcium deposition. Taken together, these results demonstrate how 3D bioprinting can be used to engineer constructs that are both pro-chondrogenic and biomimetic of the mechanical properties of articular cartilage. © 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd.In the study a local approach to setting reference tolerance values for distance to agreement (DTA) component of gamma index is proposed. The reference tolerance values are calculated in simulations, following a dose delivery model presented in a previous work. An analytical model for determining the quantiles of DTA distribution is also proposed and verified. It is shown that the distributions of DTA values normalized with either quantiles or standard deviation of DTA distributions are universal over analyzed plans and points within a single plan. This enables statistically sound inference about quality of dose delivery. In particular, based on the normalized distributions the comparison of planned and delivered doses can be formulated within the framework of statistical inference as a problem of multiple statistical testing. For every evaluated point P of a plan, one may formulate and test a null hypothesis that there is no delivery error against an alternative hypothesis that there is a delivery error in P. It is a