Variation of glass transition temperature (Tg) was monitored to explain the molecular interaction in the system, where Tg increased from 73.2 °C for neat epoxy to just 79.5 °C for the system containing 0.1 wt.% AlPO2. Moreover, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) showed that nanocomposites were thermally stable.People's accessibility to nutrition information is now near universal due to internet access, and the information available varies in its scientific integrity and provider expertise. Understanding the information-seeking behaviours of the public is paramount for providing sound nutrition advice. This research aims to identify who learners in a nutrition-focused Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) turn to for nutrition information, and how they discuss the information they find. A multi-methods approach explored the information-seeking and sharing behaviours of MOOC learners. Summative content analysis, and an exploratory, inductive, qualitative approach analysed learners' posts in MOOC discussion forums. From 476 posts, the majority (58.6%) of nutrition information sources learners reported were from websites. Providers of nutrition information were most commonly (34%) tertiary educated individuals lacking identifiable nutrition qualifications; 19% had no identifiable author information, and only 5% were from nutrition professionals. Qualitative themes identified that learners used nutrition information to learn, teach and share nutrition information. Consistent with connectivist learning theory, learners contributed their own sources of nutrition information to discussions, using their own knowledge networks to teach and share information. Nutrition professionals need to understand the principles of connectivist learning behaviours in order to effectively engage the public.Multifunctional protein YBX1 upregulation promotes castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). However, YBX1 protein abundance, but not its DNA status or mRNA levels, predicts CRPC recurrence, although the mechanism remains unknown. Similarly, the mechanism by which YBX1 regulates androgen receptor (AR) signaling remains unclear. We uncovered the first molecular mechanism of YBX1 upregulation at a post-translational level. YBX1 was identified as an Aurora Kinase-A (AURKA) substrate using a chemical screen. AURKA phosphorylates YBX1 at two key residues, which stabilizes it and promotes its nuclear translocation. YBX1 reciprocates and stabilizes AURKA, thereby initiating a synergistic loop. Notably, phospho-resistant YBX1 is dominant-negative and fully inhibits epithelial to mesenchymal transition, chemoresistance, drug-resistance and tumorigenesis in vivo. Unexpectedly, we further observed that YBX1 upregulates AR post-translationally by preventing its ubiquitylation, but not by increasing its transcription as reported before. Uncovering YBX1-mediated AR stabilization is highly significant due to AR's critical role in both androgen-sensitive prostate cancer and CRPC. As YBX1 inhibitors are unknown, AURKA inhibitors provide a potent tool to degrade both YBX1 and AR simultaneously. Finally, this is the first study to show a reciprocal loop between YBX1 and its kinase, indicating that their concomitant inhibition will be act synergistically for CRPC therapy.In pedestrian inertial navigation, multi-sensor fusion is often used to obtain accurate heading estimates. As a widely distributed signal source, the geomagnetic field is convenient to provide sufficiently accurate heading angles. Unfortunately, there is a broad presence of artificial magnetic perturbations in indoor environments, leading to difficulties in geomagnetic correction. In this paper, by analyzing the spatial distribution model of the magnetic interference field on the geomagnetic field, two quantitative features have been found to be crucial in distinguishing normal magnetic data from anomalies. By leveraging these two features and the classification and regression tree (CART) algorithm, we trained a decision tree that is capable of extracting magnetic data from distorted measurements. Furthermore, this well-trained decision tree can be used as a reject gate in a Kalman filter. By combining the decision tree and Kalman filter, a high-precision indoor pedestrian navigation system based on a magnetically assisted inertial system is proposed. This system is then validated in a real indoor environment, and the results show that our system delivers state-of-the-art positioning performance. Compared to other baseline algorithms, an improvement of over 70% in the positioning accuracy is achieved.The safety and feasibility of dendritic cell (DC)-based immunotherapies in cancer management have been well documented after more than twenty-five years of experimentation, and, by now, undeniably accepted. On the other hand, it is equally evident that DC-based vaccination as monotherapy did not achieve the clinical benefits that were predicted in a number of promising preclinical studies. The current availability of several immune modulatory and targeting approaches opens the way to many potential therapeutic combinations. In particular, the evidence that the immune-related effects that are elicited by immunogenic cell death (ICD)-inducing therapies are strictly associated with DC engagement and activation strongly support the combination of ICD-inducing and DC-based immunotherapies. In this review, we examine the data in recent studies employing tumor cells, killed through ICD induction, in the formulation of anticancer DC-based vaccines. In addition, we discuss the opportunity to combine pharmacologic or physical therapeutic approaches that can promote ICD in vivo with in situ DC vaccination.Hereditary defects in platelet function are responsible for sometimes severe mucocutaneous hemorrhages. They are a heterogeneous group of abnormalities whose first-line diagnosis typically involves interpreting the results of in vitro light transmission aggregometry (LTA) traces. Interpretation of LTA is challenging. LTA is usually performed in specialized laboratories with expertise in platelet pathophysiology. This review updates knowledge on LTA, describing the various platelet aggregation profiles typical of hereditary platelet disorders to guide the physician in the diagnosis of functional platelet disorders.