Furthermore, the analysis of frequency resolved photon correlations can signal the presence of coherent dynamics even in the absence of steady state coherence, providing direct spectroscopic access to the much sought-after site energies in molecular aggregates.Quantum transport in magnetic topological insulators reveals a strong interplay between magnetism and topology of electronic band structures. A recent experiment on magnetically doped topological insulator Bi_2Se_3 thin films showed the anomalous temperature dependence of the magnetoconductivity while their field dependence presents a clear signature of weak antilocalization [Tkac et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 036406 (2019)PRLTAO0031-900710.1103/PhysRevLett.123.036406]. Here, we demonstrate that the tiny mass of the surface electrons induced by the bulk magnetization leads to a temperature-dependent correction to the π Berry phase and generates a decoherence mechanism to the phase coherence length of the surface electrons. As a consequence, the quantum correction to conductivity can exhibit nonmonotonic behavior by decreasing the temperature. This effect is attributed to the close relation of the Berry phase and quantum interference of the topological surface electrons in quantum topological materials.In contrast to molecular gases, granular gases are characterized by inelastic collisions and require therefore permanent driving to maintain a constant kinetic energy. The kinetic theory of granular gases describes how the average velocity of the particles decreases after the driving is shut off. Moreover, it predicts that the rescaled particle velocity distribution will approach a stationary state with overpopulated high-velocity tails as compared to the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. While this fundamental theoretical result was reproduced by numerical simulations, an experimental confirmation is still missing. Using a microgravity experiment that allows the spatially homogeneous excitation of spheres via magnetic fields, we confirm the theoretically predicted exponential decay of the tails of the velocity distribution.Shock initiation and detonation of high explosives is considered to be controlled through hot spots, which are local regions of elevated temperature that accelerate chemical reactions. Using classical molecular dynamics, we predict the formation of nanoscale shear bands through plastic failure in shocked 1,3,5-triamino-2,4,6-trinitrobenzene high explosive crystal. By scale bridging with quantum-based molecular dynamics, we show that shear bands exhibit lower reaction barriers. While shear bands quickly cool, they remain chemically activated and support increased reaction rates without the local heating typically evoked by the hot spot paradigm. We describe this phenomenon as chemical activation through shear banding.We revisited the phase diagram of the second layer of ^4He on top of graphite using quantum Monte Carlo methods. Our aim was to explore the existence of the novel phases suggested recently in experimental works, and determine their properties and stability limits. We found evidence of a superfluid quantum phase with hexatic correlations, induced by the corrugation of the first Helium layer, and a quasi-two-dimensional supersolid corresponding to a 7/12 registered phase. The 4/7 commensurate solid was found to be unstable, while the triangular incommensurate crystals, stable at large densities, were normal.We introduce a new model to study the effect of surface roughness on the jamming transition. By performing numerical simulations, we show that for a smooth surface, the jamming transition density and the contact number at the transition point both increase upon increasing asphericity, as for ellipsoids and spherocylinders. Conversely, for a rough surface, both quantities decrease, in quantitative agreement with the behavior of frictional particles. Furthermore, in the limit corresponding to the Coulomb friction law, the model satisfies a generalized isostaticity criterion proposed in previous studies. We introduce a counting argument that justifies this criterion and interprets it geometrically. Finally, we propose a simple theory to predict the contact number at finite friction from the knowledge of the force distribution in the infinite friction limit.Superconductivity with T_c≈15 K was recently found in doped NdNiO_2. The Ni^1+O_2 layers are expected to be Mott insulators, so hole doping should produce Ni^2+ with S=1, incompatible with robust superconductivity. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/Erlotinib-Hydrochloride.html We show that the NiO_2 layers fall inside a critical region where the large pd hybridization favors a singlet ^1A_1 hole-doped state like in CuO_2. However, we find that the superexchange is about one order smaller than in cuprates, thus a magnon "glue" is very unlikely and another mechanism needs to be found.Do electrons become ferromagnetic just because of their repulsive Coulomb interaction? Our calculations on the three-dimensional electron gas imply that itinerant ferromagnetism of delocalized electrons without lattice and band structure, the most basic model considered by Stoner, is suppressed due to many-body correlations as speculated already by Wigner, and a possible ferromagnetic transition lowering the density is precluded by the formation of the Wigner crystal.Excitation of ionic solids with extreme ultraviolet pulses creates localized core-level excitons, which in some cases couple strongly to the lattice. Here, core-level-exciton states of magnesium oxide are studied in the time domain at the Mg L_2,3 edge with attosecond transient reflectivity spectroscopy. Attosecond pulses trigger the excitation of these short-lived quasiparticles, whose decay is perturbed by time-delayed near-infrared pulses. Combined with a few-state theoretical model, this reveals that the infrared pulse shifts the energy of bright (dipole-allowed) core-level-exciton states as well as induces features arising from dark core-level excitons. We report coherence lifetimes for the two lowest core-level excitons of 2.3±0.2 and 1.6±0.5 fs and show that these are primarily a consequence of strong exciton-phonon coupling, disclosing the drastic influence of structural effects in this ultrafast relaxation process.