Comparative data analyses were performed. It was shown that keratoplastic substances significantly promote diffusion of the glucocorticoid. Keratoemulsifying substance mixtures exert no relevant effects in this regard, while keratodiluting substance mixtures inhibit penetration. The targeted selection of a keratolytic can optimize the therapeutic effect and influence the bioavailability of sequentially applied topicals. The targeted selection of a keratolytic can optimize the therapeutic effect and influence the bioavailability of sequentially applied topicals.Bioresorbable metals and metal alloys are of growing interest for myriad uses in temporary biomedical implants. Examples range from structural elements as stents, screws, and scaffolds to electronic components as sensors, electrical stimulators, and programmable fluidics. The associated physical forms span mechanically machined bulk parts to lithographically patterned conductive traces, across a diversity of metals and alloys based on magnesium, zinc, iron, tungsten, and others. The result is a rich set of opportunities in healthcare materials science and engineering. This review article summarizes recent advances in this area, starting with an historical perspective followed by a discussion of materials options, considerations in biocompatibility, and device applications. Highlights are in system level bioresorbable electronic platforms that support functions as diagnostics and therapeutics in the context of specific, temporary clinical needs. A concluding section highlights challenges and emerging research directions. Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) causes severe disability of children and death of young men, with an incidence of approximately 1/5000 male births. Symptoms appear in early childhood, with a diagnosis made mostly around 4years old, a time where the amount of muscle damage is already significant, preventing early therapeutic interventions t