Finally, a suite of dynamic problems is numerically studied to corroborate the stability and conservation properties.In this study, liquid droplets of 1-allyl-3-methylimidazolium dicyanamide have been processed by initiated chemical vapor deposition (iCVD) with a cross-linked polymer film consisting of (hydroxyethyl)methacrylate and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate to develop free-standing, ion-conductive membranes. We found that the obtained films are solids and have a conductivity of up to 18 ± 6 mS/cm, associated with the negatively charged counterion, indicating no loss of conductivity, compared to the ionic liquid in the liquid state. The membranes were conductive within a large process window and in air, thanks to the fact that the iCVD process does not affect the mobility of the anion in the ionic liquid. Furthermore, we demonstrate that varying the deposition conditions can influence the homogeneity and conductivity of the resulting membranes. The promising results of this study represent an important stepping stone on the way to novel ion-conductive membranes.Immobilized Candida antarctica lipase B (CALB)-catalyzed polycondensation of glycerol and sebacic acid at mild reaction conditions resulted in branched poly(glycerol sebacate) (PGS). To understand how PGS chains grow and branch, the kinetics of the CALB-catalyzed polycondensation were studied. The influence of the reaction temperature, solvent, CALB amount, and sebacic acid/glycerol feed ratio on the poly(glycerol sebacate) (PGS) molecular weight, degree of branching, and glyceridic repetitive unit distribution was also investigated. PGS architecture changes from linear to branched with the progression of the reaction, and the branching results from the simultaneous CALB-catalyzed esterification and acyl migration. For reactions performed in acetone at the temperature range from 30 to 50 °C, the apparent rate constant increases from 0.7 to 1.5 h-1, and the apparent energy of activation of 32 kJ mol-1 was estimated. The higher mass average molecular weight (16 kDa) and degree of branching (41%) were achieved using the equimolar sebacic acid/glycerol feed ratio in acetone at 40 °C with a CALB amount of 13.6 wt % and in the presence of the molecular sieves.Two asymmetric thiophene (T)/pyridine (Py) flanked diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) polymers with a regiorandom and regioregular conjugated backbone are synthesized via a Stille polycondensation to investigate the effect of regioregularity on their optoelectronic properties and photovoltaic performance in fullerene-based polymer solar cells. Surprisingly, both polymers possess very similar optical bandgap, energy levels, and photovoltaic performance. These findings, combined with a factor of 19 reactivity difference between the two end groups of the asymmetric DPP monomer, intuitively suggest the formation of regular chain segments in the random polymer. However, by modeling the random polymerization reaction with a kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) simulation, evidence is obtained for exclusive formation of a fully random polymer structure. UV-vis-NIR absorption spectra of three extended DPP chromophores, containing the donor segments (T-T-T, Py-T-Py, and Py-T-T) present in the regiorandom polymer, confirm that regioregularity of the backbone has a negligible influence on the optical properties. To determine whether the association between changes in life satisfaction and becoming a mother (or not) depends on fertility problem identification status. Evidence and symbolic interactionist theory suggest that, for women who initially perceive a fertility barrier, gaining the valued identity "mother" should be associated with increases, and continuing to face a blocked goal (i.e. not becoming a mother) should be associated with decreases in life satisfaction. This study used the nationally representative two-wave National Survey of Fertility Barriers to conduct a change-score analysis with chained multiple imputation (MICE). The focal dependent variable was change in life satisfaction. Focal independent variables were Wave 1 life satisfaction, fertility problem identification status, and birth between waves, controlling for stability and change in relationship status, talking to a doctor about how to get pregnant, religiosity, social support, importance of parenthood, importance of leisure, importance of work success, and economic hardship. Among women who perceived a fertility problem at both waves, becoming a mother was associated with increased life satisfaction and not becoming a mother was associated with decreased life satisfaction. Women who gained or lost a fertility problem perception between waves but did not have a live birth experienced a gain in life satisfaction between waves, suggesting the relevance of the duration of fertility problem perception for change in life satisfaction. Among women who perceived a fertility problem at both waves, becoming a mother was associated with increased life satisfaction and not becoming a mother was associated with decreased life satisfaction. Women who gained or lost a fertility problem perception between waves but did not have a live birth experienced a gain in life satisfaction between waves, suggesting the relevance of the duration of fertility problem perception for change in life satisfaction.There is limited understanding of parents' role in positive youth/adolescent development through leisure in developing countries. Using a sample of 6626 8th grade students in South Africa, this study examined the interrelationships among parenting practice, adolescents' leisure experience, and substance use. Results of structural equation modeling showed that parental leisure involvement was associated with less substance use, while parental leisure over-control was associated with greater substance use. The relationship of parental leisure involvement to substance use was mediated by healthy leisure engagement. The relationship of parental leisure over-control to substance use, on the other hand, was mediated by leisure boredom and healthy leisure engagement. The model path coefficients had little variation between genders and socioeconomic groups except that parental leisure over-control had a stronger positive relationship with leisure boredom for males than females. Theoretical and practical implications were discussed.