A detailed summary of relevant metallic ions with specific scaffold material and design, cell type, animal model and defect type, the implantation period, measured parameters and obtained qualitative and quantitative results is presented. No ideal material or fabrication method suited to deliver MITAs can yet be agreed upon, but an investigation into various systems and their drawbacks or potential advantages can lead the future research. A tendency to enhance NBF with MITAs can be observed in the studies. However, this needs to be validated with further studies comparing various ions with each other in the same animal model using critical-sized defects.Depleted uranium (DU) is an important by product in uranium enrichment process. Due to its applications in civilian and also military activity, DU emerged as environmental pollutant. The exposure to DU can occur via external or internal pathways. In external exposure, mainly beta radiation from the decay products contributes to DU toxicity. Internal exposure to DU is more important and can occur through ingestion of DU-contaminated water and food and inhalation of DU aerosols. There is limited information about health effects and mechanism of DU after environmental exposure. Kidney is reported as the main target organ for the chemical toxicity of this metal that was reported in Persian Gulf syndrome. Alterations in behavior, some neurologic adverse effects, immunotoxicity, embryo-toxicity and hepatotoxicity were observed in chronic exposure to DU. Also, the increased risk of cancer was revealed in epidemiological and experimental studies. Several mechanisms were suggested for DU toxicity such as oxidative stress, mitochondrial toxicity and inflammation. In fact, uranium like other toxic heavy metals can induce oxidative damage and apoptosis via mitochondrial pathway and inflammatory response. In this review, we have discussed the kinetic of DU including source and exposure pathway. In addition, the health effects of DU and also its toxic mechanism have been highlighted.Dioscorea species, known as "Yams," belong to family Dioscoreaceae. This genus consists of more than 600 species distributed from Africa, Asia, the Caribbean's South America, and the South Pacific islands. Their organoleptic properties make them the most widely used carbohydrate food and dietary supplements. The underground and/or aerial tubers represent valuable sources of proteins, fats, and vitamins for millions of people in West Africa. This review gives a shot of secondary metabolites of Dioscorea plants, including steroids, clerodane diterpenes, quinones, cyanidins, phenolics, diarylheptanoids, and nitrogen-containing compounds. This review collected the evidence on biological properties of description Dioscorea, including in-vitro and in-vivo studies. Dioscorea species contain promising bioactive molecules i.e. diosgenin that support their different biological properties, including antioxidant, hypoglycaemic, hypolipidemic, anti- antimicrobial, inflammatory, antiproliferative, androgenic, estrogenic, and contraceptive drugs. Indeed, besides its nutrient values, Dioscorea is a potential source of bioactive substances of interest in the prevention/treatment of several diseases, and thus represents a great challenge in developing countries. However, ethnomedicinal potential should be validated and further researches on pharmacological properties and phytochemical composition should be carried out. Particularly, doing some studies to convert the preclinical results to clinical efficacy should be guaranteed. Dioscorea, Food plant, Traditional use, Phytochemistry, Pharmacological activities.Proteomics enables understanding the composition, structure, function and interactions of the entire protein complement of a cell, a tissue, or an organism under exactly defined conditions. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/hc-7366.html Some factors such as stress or drug effects will change the protein pattern and cause the present or absence of a protein or gradual variation in abundances. The aim of this study is to explore relationship between proteomics application and drug discovery. "proteomics", "Application", and "pharmacology were the main keywords that were searched in PubMed (PubMed Central), Web of Science, and Google Scholar. The titles that were stablished by 2019, were studied and after study of the appreciated abstracts, the full texts of the 118 favor documents were extracted. Changes in the proteome provide a snapshot of the cell activities and physiological processes. Proteomics shows the observed protein changes to the causal effects and generate a complete three-dimensional map of the cell indicating their exact location. Proteomics is used in different biological fields and is applied in medicine, agriculture, food microbiology, industry, and pharmacy and drug discovery. Biomarker discovery, follow up of drug effect on the patients, and in vitro and in vivo proteomic investigation about the drug treated subjects implies close relationship between proteomics advances and application and drug discovery and development. This review overviews and summarizes the applications of proteomics especially in pharmacology and drug discovery.Probiotics are viable and useful microorganisms, which are beneficial factors for human and animal health by altering their microbial flora. Most of the probiotics belong to a large group of bacteria in the human gastrointestinal tract. There are several clinical shreds of evidence that show anti-carcinogenic effects of probiotics through altering digestive enzymes, inhibition of carcinogenic agents, and modulating the immune responses in experimental animals. Many studies have been performed to evaluate the potential effectiveness of probiotics in treating or preventing neurological diseases such as MS and novel treatment modality for T1D. The purpose of this study is to have an overview on probiotic microorganisms and to review the previous researches on the effects of probiotics on health through currently available literatures. The study was performed using following keywords; Probiotics, Cancer, Immune system, Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Diabetes mellitus. PubMed/Medline, Clinicaltrials.gov, Ovid, Google Scholar, and Reaxcys databases used to find the full text of related articles.