These include the mechanisms by which these critical enzymes promote adaptation or disease by 1) coordinating communication by diverse cell types within a tissue and 2) directing cellular differentiation/activation decisions processes.Whilst it is widely accepted that the ability to critique, interpret and integrate research is an integral part of the evidence-based practice of nursing and midwifery, teaching such skills to undergraduate students is equally recognised as challenging. From a student's perspective the theoretical aspects, concepts and language of research design may seem far removed from the imperative of developing skills and gaining clinical experience. Simulation has been widely demonstrated as an effective pedagogical approach to engage students in learning and developing practical skills. The 'hands-on' approach provides a cognitive link between theory and practice that is immediately relevant to the student. Simulation training has also been used in other areas of healthcare such as communication and ethics. However, the use of simulation to demonstrate the theoretical and practical aspects of research design to midwifery and nursing students has not been explored. This paper describes a novel approach to teaching undergraduate students fundamental concepts of randomised controlled trial design through their participation in a simulated research trial. Students experienced aspects such as consent, randomisation, intervention, data collection, analysis and interpretation. Post workshop evaluations suggest that students found the approach engaging, increased their knowledge and understanding of research and evidenced-based practice.Circular RNAs (circRNAs), a novel family of non-coding RNAs, play crucial roles in cancer progression. While the existing research focuses on nuclear genome-derived (nu)-circRNAs, the biological and clinical characteristics of mitochondrial genome-derived (mt)-circRNAs remain largely unknown, especially in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). In this study, we attempted to identify the novel characteristics of mc-COX2 (mitochondrial genome-derived circRNAs [mc]), one of the mt-circRNAs that can be involved in CLL progression. mt-circRNAs were found to be highly expressed in the plasma exosomes of CLL patients. The endogenous reduction of mc-COX2 can affect mitochondrial functions, suppress cell proliferation, and induce cell apoptosis. The upregulation of mc-COX2 was positively associated with leukemogenesis and worsening survival of CLL patients. Notably, functional analysis revealed that mc-COX2, as differing from conventional nu-circRNAs, was less stable and may function through novel mechanisms other than acting as the competing endogenous RNA. We also screened and tested several chemical compounds and small-molecule inhibitors that can decrease the generation of mc-COX2. It was found that the silencing of mc-COX2 in CLL cells strengthened the anti-tumor effects of drugs used in coordination. Our findings prove that mc-COX2, a critical mt-circRNA highly expressed in plasma, derived from CLL cells and delivered by exosomes, is associated with the progression and prognosis of CLL.Spermatogenesis depends on precise epigenetic and genetic regulation of spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs). However, it remains largely unknown about the roles and mechanisms of small noncoding RNA in regulating the self-renewal and apoptosis of human SSCs. Notably, we have found that Homo sapiens-microRNA (hsa-miR)-1908-3p is expressed at a higher level in human spermatogonia than pachytene spermatocytes. MiR-1908-3p stimulated cell proliferation and DNA synthesis of the human SSC line. Allophycocyanin (APC) Annexin V and propidium iodide staining, determined by flow cytometric analysis and TUNEL assays, showed that miR-1908-3p inhibited early and late apoptosis of the human SSC line. Furthermore, Kruppel-like factor 2 (KLF2) was predicted and verified as the target of miR-1908-3p, and, significantly, KLF2 silencing resulted in the increase of proliferation and DNA synthesis, as well as reduction of apoptosis of the human SSC line. Moreover, KLF2 silencing ameliorated the decrease in the proliferation and DNA synthesis and the enhancement in the apoptosis of the human SSC line caused by miR-1908-3p inhibition. Collectively, these results implicate that miR-1908-3p stimulates the self-renewal and suppresses the apoptosis of human SSCs by targeting KLF2. This study thus provides a novel epigenetic regulatory mechanism underlying the fate determinations of human SSCs, and it offers new endogenous targets for treating male infertility.To date, mRNA-based biologics have mainly been developed for prophylactic and therapeutic vaccination to combat infectious diseases or cancer. In the past years, optimization of the characteristics of in vitro transcribed mRNA has led to significant reduction of the inflammatory responses. Thanks to this, mRNA therapeutics have entered the field of passive immunization. Here, we established an mRNA treatment that is based on mRNA that codes for a bispecific single-domain antibody construct that can selectively recruit innate immune cells to cells infected with influenza A virus. The constructs consist of a single-domain antibody that binds to the ectodomain of the conserved influenza A matrix protein 2, while the other single-domain antibody binds to the activating mouse Fcγ receptor IV. Formulating the mRNA into DOTAP (1,2-dioleoyl-3-trimethylammonium-propane)/cholesterol nanoparticles and delivering these intratracheally to mice allowed the production of the bispecific single-domain antibody in the lungs, and administration of these mRNA-particles prior to influenza A virus infection was associated with a significant reduction in viral titers and a reduced morbidity in mice. Overall, our data provide evidence that the local delivery of mRNA encoding a bispecific single-domain antibody format in the lungs could be a promising pulmonary antiviral prophylactic treatment.T2-T2 exchange NMR is a unique method to investigate the pore space and fluid dynamics in porous media. While two-site relaxation exchange is well understood, three-site exchange is not. We analyze the solutions for three-site T2-T2 exchange NMR analytically and by computer simulation. Three main results are obtained. First, the exchange map can be asymmetric in the case of microscale vortex motion in violation of the principle of detailed balance. Second, the apparent longitudinal relaxation times and/or apparent transverse relaxation times can be complex valued. In the case of complex apparent transverse relaxation times, the three-site exchange map coalesces to a two-site exchange map with characteristic oscillations in the time domain. As a result of the oscillations, the shorter relaxation time is less than expected. Third, there can be negative cross-peaks in the exchange map for certain combinations of longitudinal and transverse relaxation times or if the mixing period is shorter than the evolution and detection periods.