issues in sufferers of depression and HTN, which will facilitate an early holistic management. The present study aimed to compare the social cognition (SC) deficits in patients with first-episode psychosis (FEP) and healthy controls and evaluate the association of SC deficits with socio-occupational functioning, insight, quality of life, and stigma. This study included 30 patients with FEP in remission phase and 26 healthy controls matched for age, gender, education, and intelligent quotient. SC was assessed on the domains of theory of mind (ToM), social perception, and attributional bias. Compared to healthy controls, patients with FEP had significantly higher deficits in the domains of second-order ToM (unpaired = 4.447, < 0.001) and Faux Pas Composite Index (unpaired = 2.824, = 0.007). In the correlation analysis, higher age of patients with FEP was significantly associated with more externalizing bias (Pearson's correlation coefficient = 0.38, = 0.039) and those with lower level of education had more social cognitive deficits in the domains of Faux Pas Composite Index (Pearsat compared to healthy controls, patients with FEP have impairment in the domains of second-order ToM and Faux Pas Composite Index. However, social cognitive deficits have only a few correlations with various psychosocial outcomes of FEP. The present study suggests that compared to healthy controls, patients with FEP have impairment in the domains of second-order ToM and Faux Pas Composite Index. However, social cognitive deficits have only a few correlations with various psychosocial outcomes of FEP. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a relatively common neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impairments in social interaction and communication, associated with restrictive and repetitive behaviors, interests, and activities. However, there are various positive character traits among individuals suffering from ASD - they are generally honest, decisive, and nonjudgmental. They are also reported to have excellent attention to details, which have been ascribed to their enhanced visual search skills. Our study was undertaken to assess these visuospatial perception skills among children with autism and compare the results with that of typically developing (TD) children in the Indian population. A total of 47 children with ASD and 47 age-, gender-, and education-matched TD children were assessed using tests for disjunctive and conjunction search, real-world visual search, and visual working memory. Children with ASD performed significantly better than the TD children in tests for visual search and were comparable in the test for visual working memory. Our study showed that children with autism have enhanced visual skills, and this quality can be honed further and be utilized in jobs that require good observation skills and attention to details. Our study showed that children with autism have enhanced visual skills, and this quality can be honed further and be utilized in jobs that require good observation skills and attention to details. Bullying among adolescents is one of the important but neglected health concerns, especially in low- and middle-income countries. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence and correlates of bullying among Indian adolescents. This was a cross-sectional study. The prevalence of self-reported involvement in any kind of bullying was assessed among sixth to tenth class students ( = 667, mean age 13 years), across government ( = 359) and private ( = 308) schools using Olweus Bully-Victim Questionnaire in Chandigarh, a North Indian union territory. Self-esteem and emotional and behavioral difficulties of the participants were measured by using standard Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale and Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, respectively. Multinomial logistic regression was done to determine the predictors of bullying. Prevalence of any kind of bullying was 25.6% (16% victimization, 5.2% perpetration, and 4.3% being bully-victim). Verbal bullying was the most common (55.1%), followed by physical (32.7%) and relational (25.2%) bullying. The prevalence of cyberbullying was 2.7%. Around 44% of students reported that adults in school never did anything to stop bullying. Bully-victims had the highest mean difficulty score (16.07). Significant predictors of bullying were being male (odds ratio [OR] = 2.5 [1.5-4.2], < 0.001); studying in government school (OR = 0.63 [0.41-0.99], = 0.048); having abnormal emotions (OR = 2.24 [1.1-4.7], = 0.035); and poor peer relations (OR = 2.77 [1.44-5.35], = 0.002). One in four adolescents experience some form of bullying in schools in a North Indian city. Bullying perpetration and victimization is associated with gender, type of school, and abnormal difficulties (emotional and behavioral problems). One in four adolescents experience some form of bullying in schools in a North Indian city. Bullying perpetration and victimization is associated with gender, type of school, and abnormal difficulties (emotional and behavioral problems). Compared to adults, adolescents tend to prefer evening times developmentally. The orientation toward evening times is associated with behavioral and emotional problems. Thus, this study examined the association of circadian preference with sleep-related variables, depression, anxiety, and Internet addiction in Korean adolescents. Participants completed the questionnaires measuring sleep pattern, sleep problem, depression, anxiety, and Internet addiction. Among 765 students (age range 13-17 years), 211 students ( = 134) were allocated into morning types (MT) and 258 adolescents ( = 147) were allocated into evening types (ET) based on scores of the Morningness-Eveningness Scale. Adolescents without circadian preference ( = 296) were defined as neither type (NT). ET, compared to MT and NT, woke up later in the weekend, showed delays in bedtimes, and spent shorter time sleeping. They also reported a higher level of daytime sleepiness, insomnia, and depression than NT. However, the group difference in wake time on school days was not significant, and adolescents showed mild insomnia regardless of their circadian preference.