An overview is given of how beetles are utilised, perceived, and experienced in daily life across sub-Saharan Africa. More than 300 people from 27 countries were interviewed and the results were compared with literature findings. Both the adults and larvae of many beetle species are eaten, mainly from the families Curculionidae, Buprestidae, Cerambycidae, Dytiscidae and Scarabaeidae. Some beetle species are used for medicinal purposes. The use of breast-shaped water beetles by adolescent girls to stimulate breast growth could be due to superstition or the effect of the defensive secretion containing steroid hormones. Blister beetles contain cantharidin, which influences the urinary tract, and is therefore used as an aphrodisiac and for treating venereal disease. Throughout Africa children play with beetles by letting them fly on a string. In the Sahel, the hard work of dung beetles is an inspiration for stories. Fireflies are generally associated with ghosts and witches, likely because the glowing of the beetles is interpreted as magical. Many beetle groups are brightly and attractively coloured and are therefore used in ceremonies and commerce. This type of indigenous knowledge, revealed in stories provided by older people, is rapidly disappearing due to urbanisation.This paper presents a water intake monitoring system for animal agriculture that tracks individual animal watering behavior, water quality, and water consumption. The system is deployed in an outdoor environment to reach remote areas. The proposed system integrates motion detectors, cameras, water level sensors, flow meters, Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) systems, and water temperature sensors. The data collection and control are performed using Arduino microcontrollers with custom-designed circuit boards. The data associated with each drinking event are water consumption, water temperature, drinking duration, animal identification, and pictures. The data and pictures are automatically stored on Secure Digital (SD) cards. The prototypes are deployed in a remote grazing site located in Tucumcari, New Mexico, USA. The system can be used to perform water consumption and watering behavior studies of both domestic animals and wild animals. The current system automatically records the drinking behavior of 29 cows in a two-week duration in the remote ranch.The advent of molecular diagnostics and the rising number of targeted therapies have facilitated development of precision oncology for cancer patients. In order to demonstrate its impact for patients with metastatic breast cancer (mBC), we initiated a Molecular Tumor Board (MTB) to provide treatment recommendations for mBC patients who had disease progression under standard treatment. NGS (next generation sequencing) was carried out using the Oncomine multi-gene panel testing system (Ion Torrent). The MTB reviewed molecular diagnostics' results, relevant tumor characteristics, patient's course of disease and made personalized treatment and/or diagnostic recommendations for each patient. From May 2017 to December 2019, 100 mBC patients were discussed by the local MTB. A total 72% of the mBC tumors had at least one molecular alteration (median 2 per case, range 1 to 6). The most frequent genetic changes were found in the following genes PIK3CA (19%) and TP53 (17%). The MTB rated 53% of these alterations as actionable and treatment recommendations were made accordingly for 49 (49%) patients. Sixteen patients (16%) underwent the suggested therapy. Nine out of sixteen patients (56%; 9% of all) experienced a clinical benefit with a progression-free survival ratio ≥ 1.3. Personalized targeted therapy recommendations resulting from MTB case discussions could provide substantial benefits for patients with mBC and should be implemented for all suitable patients.This study aims to explore the psychological impact of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19)-related lockdown in university workers, and to analyse the factors related to their levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. A cross-sectional study was conducted between 8-22 April 2020, 3.5 weeks after the COVID-19-related lockdown in Spain. We collected sociodemographic and occupational data, in addition to housing, work and health conditions. Coping strategies (Brief COPE-28); level of anxiety, stress, and depression (Depression Anxiety Stress Scales DASS-21); perception of the disease (COVID-19) (Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire BIPQ); and perceived level of social support (Escala Multidimensional de Apoyo Social EMAS) were measured. Multiple linear regression models were fitted to explore the factors related to the level of anxiety, depression, and stress. The sample included 677 subjects. Higher scores in depression, anxiety, and stress occurred among females, younger subjects, administration and service workers; and subjects with a smaller home, as well as those with worse health status, worse quality of sleep, and dysfunctional coping strategies. The COVID-19-related lockdown had a great impact on the mental health of university workers. The participants with specific sociodemographic and occupational characteristics, clinical disorders, and dysfunctional coping strategies were more at risk.Immuno-electron microscopy (Immuno-EM) is a powerful tool for identifying molecular targets with ultrastructural details in biological specimens. However, technical barriers, such as the loss of ultrastructural integrity, the decrease in antigenicity, or artifacts in the handling process, hinder the widespread use of the technique by biomedical researchers. We developed a method to overcome such challenges by combining light and electron microscopy with immunolabeling based on Tokuyasu's method. Using cryo-sectioned biological specimens, target proteins with excellent antigenicity were first immunolabeled for confocal analysis, and then the same tissue sections were further processed for electron microscopy, which provided a well-preserved ultrastructure comparable to that obtained using conventional electron microscopy. Moreover, this method does not require specifically designed correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) devices but rather employs conventional confocal and electron microscopes; therefore, it can be easily applied in many biomedical studies.