Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a progressive and irreversible interstitial pulmonary disease that has a poor prognosis. Scutellarein, which is extracted from the traditional Chinese medicine , is used to treat a variety of diseases; however, the use of scutellarein for the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis and the related mechanisms of action have not been fully explored. This study was conducted using a well-established mouse model of pulmonary fibrosis induced by bleomycin (BLM). The antifibrotic effects of scutellarein on histopathologic manifestations and fibrotic marker expression levels were examined. The effects of scutellarein on fibroblast differentiation, proliferation, and apoptosis and on related signaling pathways were next investigated to demonstrate the underlying mechanisms. In the present study, we found that scutellarein alleviated BLM-induced pulmonary fibrosis, as indicated by histopathologic manifestations and the expression levels of fibrotic markers. Further data demonstraatients with IPF. Previous clinical trials showed a significant difference in efficacy and safety among antiplatelets in acute ischemic stroke (IS). The present study wished to compare the efficacy and safety head-to-head between cilostazol and clopidogrel in chronic IS. This open prospective cohort study recruited chronic IS patients with an index hospitalization between 2001 and 2013 from Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database. In the 504,191 hospitalized patients, patients who had missing information and history of atrial fibrillation or rheumatic heart disease, received mechanical valve replacement or anticoagulants, expired during the index hospitalization, received follow-up ⩽6 months, or had recurrent stroke within 6 months after index stroke were excluded. Among the 15,968 eligible patients, 502 patients who consistently received either cilostazol or clopidogrel from the 7th month after the index stroke were included for analysis after propensity score matching. The 3-year primary outcomes showed similar frequency of recurrent IS, all-cause mortality, and acute myocardial infarction (AMI), and similar frequency of intracerebral hemorrhage, gastrointestinal bleeding, and major bleeding between the cilostazol and clopidogrel groups. Subgroup analysis revealed that patients with a history of hypertension or gastrointestinal bleeding had a trend of having lower frequency of recurrent IS or major bleeding, respectively, in the cilostazol group. The present real-world study demonstrated no significant difference in efficacy and safety between cilostazol and clopidogrel in chronic IS. However, cilostazol might be better than clopidogrel in patients with a history of hypertension or gastrointestinal bleeding. The present real-world study demonstrated no significant difference in efficacy and safety between cilostazol and clopidogrel in chronic IS. However, cilostazol might be better than clopidogrel in patients with a history of hypertension or gastrointestinal bleeding. Ectopic banking includes techniques and indications used to bank amputated body parts for later replantation when a body part is amputated in its entirety. Immediate replantation is sometimes impossible due to hemodynamic instability, soft tissue loss, and extensive contamination of the amputated part. The first case of temporary ectopic banking of hand implantation was reported in 2015 by Xu Zhang in China which was not completely successful. The first replantation was reported almost 54 years ago, followed by a limited number of similar cases that were not successful. Xu could not restore the useful function of the replanted hand. In this study, we reported a case of hand replantation by the banking technique. We carried out a hand replantation by the banking technique using the right ankle as the recipient site. We restored the useful function of the amputated part and evaluated the function with standard tests. Using right ankle as recipient site in ectopic banking can be a useful approach which helps and ensures the researchers and surgeons to decide if they intend to use this method. Using right ankle as recipient site in ectopic banking can be a useful approach which helps and ensures the researchers and surgeons to decide if they intend to use this method. Correct sizing is challenging in radial head replacement and no consensus exists on the implant's optimal height and width to avoid elbow stiffness and instability. Studies exists, suggesting how to appropriately choose the implant size, but the manner by which the fracture pattern influences the surgeons' operative choices was not investigated. The radial heads of four fresh-frozen cadaveric specimens were excised, measured, and fractured to simulate four patterns three fragments (A); four fragments (B); comminuted (C); comminuted with bone loss (D). Nine examiners were asked to indicate first the maximum diameter of the radial heads with the help of dedicated sizing dishes and then the appropriate implant size with trial implants. Accuracy and precision were determined. A coefficient of variation was calculated and agreement was evaluated with the Bland-Altman method. Accuracy and precision of radial head diameter estimation with dedicated sizing dish were 96.73% and 93.64%, (best pattern, D; worst, Cd oversizing during this procedure.Cytogenetic features of the hangingfly Bittacus sinicus Issiki, 1931 were investigated for the first time using C-banding and DAPI (4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) staining. The karyotype analyses show that the male B. sinicus possesses the lowest chromosome number (2n = 15) ever observed in Mecoptera, and an almost symmetric karyotype with MCA (Mean Centromeric Asymmetry) of 12.55 and CVCL (Coefficient of Variation of Chromosome Length) of 19.78. The chromosomes are either metacentric or submetacentric with their sizes decreasing gradually. Both the C-banding and DAPI+ patterns detect intermediate heterochromatin on the pachytene bivalents of B. sinicus, definitely different from the heterochromatic segment at one bivalent terminal of other bittacids studied previously. The male meiosis of B. sinicus is chiasmate with two chiasmata in metacentric bivalents and one in the submetacentric bivalent. The sex determination mechanism is X0(♂), which is likely plesiomorphic in Bittacidae. Two alternative scenarios of karyotype origin and evolution in Bittacus Latreille, 1805 are discussed.