Then, we review and evaluate the recent development and progress of each part.The aim of this study was to investigate the longitudinal change in muscle mass over 10 years according to serum calcium levels and calcium intake. A total of 1497 men and 1845 women aged 50 years and older were included. Significant muscle loss (SML) was defined as a 5% or greater loss from baseline, while time-dependent development of SML was assessed according to quartiles for corrected calcium level and daily calcium intake using Cox regression models. The incidence of SML was 6.7 and 7.7 per 100-person-years among men and women, respectively. Groups with the lowest corrected calcium levels had more prominent SML than those with higher calcium levels, regardless of sex. The relationship between SML and calcium intake was significant only among women. The hazard ratio for SML per 1 mmol/L increase in corrected calcium level was 0.236 and 0.237 for men and women, respectively. In conclusion, low serum calcium levels may predict SML among adults aged ≥ 50 years, while low calcium intake may be a predictor for muscle loss among women. Therefore, encouraging dietary calcium intake among middle-aged and older adults for preservation of muscle mass should be considered.The key optical components of X-ray grating interferometry are gratings, whose profile requirements play the most critical role in acquiring high quality images. The difficulty of etching grating lines with high aspect ratios when the pitch is in the range of a few micrometers has greatly limited imaging applications based on X-ray grating interferometry. A high etching rate with low aspect ratio dependence is crucial for higher X-ray energy applications and good profile control by deep reactive ion etching of grating patterns. To achieve this goal, a modified Coburn-Winters model was applied in order to study the influence of key etching parameters, such as chamber pressure and etching power. The recipe for deep reactive ion etching was carefully fine-tuned based on the experimental results. Silicon gratings with an area of 70 × 70 mm2, pitch size of 1.2 and 2 μm were fabricated using the optimized process with aspect ratio α of ~67 and 77, respectively.Some wild, morphologically diverse taxa of the genus Iris in the broad Alpine-Dinaric area have never been explored molecularly, and/or have ambiguous systematic status. The main aims of our research were to perform a molecular study of critical Iris taxa from that area (especially a narrow endemic accepted species I. adriatica, for which we also analysed genome size) and to explore the contribution of eight microsatellites and highly variable chloroplast DNA (ndhJ, rpoC1) markers to the understanding of the Iris taxa taxonomy and phylogeny. Both the microsatellite-based UPGMA and plastid markers-based maximum likelihood analysis discriminated three main clusters in the set of 32 analysed samples, which correspond well to the lower taxonomic categories of the genus, and support separate status of ambiguous regional taxa (e.g., I. sibirica subsp. erirrhiza, I. x croatica and I. x rotschildii). The first molecular data on I. adriatica revealed its genome size (2C = 12.639 ± 0.202 pg) and indicated the existence of ecotypes. For future molecular characterisation of the genus we recommend the utilisation of microsatellite markers supplemented with a combination of plastid markers.Animal fats are considered to be unhealthy, in contrast to vegetable fats, which are rich in unsaturated fatty acids. However, the use of some fats, such as coconut oil, is still controversial. In our experiment, we divided experimental animals (domestic pigs) into three groups differing only in the type of fat used in the diet group R rapeseed oil (n = 5); group B beef tallow (n = 5); group C coconut oil (n = 6). After transcriptomic analysis of liver samples, we identified 188, 93, and 53 DEGs (differentially expressed genes) in R vs. B, R vs. C, and B vs. C comparisons, respectively. Next, we performed a functional analysis of identified DEGs with String and IPA software. We observed the enrichment of genes engaged in the unfolded protein response (UPR) and the acute phase response among genes upregulated in B compared to R. In contrast, cholesterol biosynthesis and cholesterol efflux enrichments were observed among genes downregulated in B when compared to R. Moreover, activation of the UPR and inhibition of the sirtuin signaling pathway were noted in C when compared to R. The most striking difference in liver transcriptomic response between C and B was the activation of the acute phase response and inhibition of bile acid synthesis in the latest group. Our results suggest that excessive consumption of animal fats leads to the activation of a cascade of mutually propelling processes harmful to the liver inflammation, UPR, and imbalances in the biosynthesis of cholesterol and bile acids via altered organelle membrane composition. Nevertheless, these studies should be extended with analysis at the level of proteins and their function.Some coronaviruses are zoonotic viruses of human and veterinary medical importance. The novel coronavirus, severe acute respiratory symptoms coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), associated with the current global pandemic, is characterized by pneumonia, lymphopenia, and a cytokine storm in humans that has caused catastrophic impacts on public health worldwide. Coronaviruses are known for their ability to evade innate immune surveillance exerted by the host during the early phase of infection. It is important to comprehensively investigate the interaction between highly pathogenic coronaviruses and their hosts. In this review, we summarize the existing knowledge about coronaviruses with a focus on antiviral immune responses in the respiratory and intestinal tracts to infection with severe coronaviruses that have caused epidemic diseases in humans and domestic animals. We emphasize, in particular, the strategies used by these coronaviruses to circumvent host immune surveillance, mainly including the hijack of antigen-presenting cells, shielding RNA intermediates in replication organelles, 2'-O-methylation modification for the evasion of RNA sensors, and blocking of interferon signaling cascades. We also provide information about the potential development of coronavirus vaccines and antiviral drugs.